mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 23:19:11 +00:00
292 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File
292 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__ __ _ _ ___ __ __
\ \ / / (_) | | |__ \ \ \ / /
\ \ / / _ __| | ___ ___ ) | \ V /
\ \/ / | | / _` | / _ \ / _ \ / / > <
\ / | | | (_| | | __/ | (_) | / /_ / . \
\/ |_| \__,_| \___| \___/ |____| /_/ \_\
Name: Video2x Controller
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: Feb 24, 2018
Last Modified: October 22, 2018
Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GNU GPL v3),
available at: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
(C) 2018 K4YT3X
Description: Video2X is an automation software based on
waifu2x image enlarging engine. It extracts frames from a
video, enlarge it by a number of times without losing any
details or quality, keeping lines smooth and edges sharp.
from avalon_framework import Avalon
from ffmpeg import Ffmpeg
from fractions import Fraction
from waifu2x import Waifu2x
import argparse
import inspect
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import threading
import time
import traceback
VERSION = '2.1.1'
EXEC_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
FRAMES = '{}\\frames'.format(EXEC_PATH) # Folder containing extracted frames
UPSCALED = '{}\\upscaled'.format(EXEC_PATH) # Folder containing enlarges frames
# FFMPEG bin folder. Mind that '/' at the end
FFMPEG_PATH = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/ffmpeg/bin/'
# waifu2x executable path. Mind all the forward slashes
WAIFU2X_PATH = '\"C:/Program Files (x86)/waifu2x-caffe/waifu2x-caffe-cui.exe\"'
def process_arguments():
"""Processes CLI arguments
This function parses all arguments
This allows users to customize options
for the output video.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Video options
options_group = parser.add_argument_group('Options')
options_group.add_argument('--width', help='Output video width', action='store', type=int, default=False)
options_group.add_argument('--height', help='Output video height', action='store', type=int, default=False)
options_group.add_argument('-v', '--video', help='Specify source video file', action='store', default=False)
options_group.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Specify output file', action='store', default=False)
options_group.add_argument('-y', '--model_type', help='Specify model to use', action='store', default='anime_style_art_rgb')
options_group.add_argument('-t', '--threads', help='Specify model to use', action='store', type=int, default=5)
# Render drivers, at least one option must be specified
driver_group = parser.add_argument_group('Render Drivers')
driver_group.add_argument('--cpu', help='Use CPU for enlarging', action='store_true', default=False)
driver_group.add_argument('--gpu', help='Use GPU for enlarging', action='store_true', default=False)
driver_group.add_argument('--cudnn', help='Use CUDNN for enlarging', action='store_true', default=False)
return parser.parse_args()
def print_logo():
print('__ __ _ _ ___ __ __')
print('\\ \\ / / (_) | | |__ \\ \\ \\ / /')
print(' \\ \\ / / _ __| | ___ ___ ) | \\ V /')
print(' \\ \\/ / | | / _` | / _ \\ / _ \\ / / > <')
print(' \\ / | | | (_| | | __/ | (_) | / /_ / . \\')
print(' \\/ |_| \\__,_| \\___| \\___/ |____| /_/ \\_\\')
print('\n Video2X Video Enlarger')
spaces = ((44 - len("Version " + VERSION)) // 2) * " "
print('{}\n{} Version {}\n{}'.format(Avalon.FM.BD, spaces, VERSION, Avalon.FM.RST))
def get_video_info():
"""Gets original video information
Retrieves original video information using
ffprobe, then export it into json file.
Finally it reads, parses the json file and
returns a dictionary
dictionary -- original video information
json_str = subprocess.check_output(
'{} -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams \"{}\"'.format('\"' + FFMPEG_PATH + 'ffprobe.exe\"', args.video))
return json.loads(json_str.decode('utf-8'))
def check_model_type(args):
Check if the model demanded from cli
argument is legal.
models_available = ['upconv_7_anime_style_art_rgb', 'upconv_7_photo',
'anime_style_art_rgb', 'photo', 'anime_style_art_y']
if args.model_type not in models_available:
Avalon.error('Specified model type not found!')
Avalon.info('Available models:')
for model in models_available:
def upscale_frames(w2):
""" Upscale video frames with waifu2x-caffe
This function upscales all the frames extracted
by ffmpeg using the waifu2x-caffe binary.
w2 {Waifu2x Object} -- initialized waifu2x object
# Create a container for all upscaler threads
upscaler_threads = []
# List all images in the extracted frames
frames = [os.path.join(FRAMES, f) for f in os.listdir(FRAMES) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(FRAMES, f))]
# If we have less images than threads,
# create only the threads necessary
if len(frames) < args.threads:
args.threads = len(frames)
# Move an equal amount of images into separate
# folders for each thread
images_per_thread = len(frames) // args.threads
for thread_id in range(args.threads):
thread_folder = '{}\\{}'.format(FRAMES, str(thread_id))
# Delete old folders and create new folders
if os.path.isdir(thread_folder):
# Begin moving images into corresponding folders
for _ in range(images_per_thread):
shutil.move(frames.pop(0), thread_folder)
except IndexError:
# Create thread
thread = threading.Thread(target=w2.upscale, args=(thread_folder, UPSCALED, args.width, args.height))
thread.name = str(thread_id)
# Add threads into the pool
# Start all threads
for thread in upscaler_threads:
# Wait for threads to finish
for thread in upscaler_threads:
def video2x():
"""Main controller for Video2X
This function controls the flow of video conversion
and handles all necessary functions.
# Parse arguments for waifu2x
if args.cpu:
method = 'cpu'
elif args.gpu:
method = 'gpu'
elif args.cudnn:
method = 'cudnn'
# Initialize objects for ffmpeg and waifu2x-caffe
fm = Ffmpeg('\"' + FFMPEG_PATH + 'ffmpeg.exe\"', args.output)
w2 = Waifu2x(WAIFU2X_PATH, method, args.model_type)
# Clear and create directories
if os.path.isdir(FRAMES):
if os.path.isdir(UPSCALED):
# Extract frames from video
fm.extract_frames(args.video, FRAMES)
Avalon.info('Reading video information')
info = get_video_info()
# Analyze original video with ffprobe and retrieve framerate
# width, height = info['streams'][0]['width'], info['streams'][0]['height']
# Find index of video stream
video_stream_index = None
for stream in info['streams']:
if stream['codec_type'] == 'video':
video_stream_index = stream['index']
# Exit if no video stream found
if video_stream_index is None:
Avalon.error('Aborting: No video stream found')
# Get average frame rate of video stream
framerate = float(Fraction(info['streams'][video_stream_index]['avg_frame_rate']))
Avalon.info('Framerate: {}'.format(framerate))
# Upscale images one by one using waifu2x
Avalon.info('Starting to upscale extracted images')
Avalon.info('Upscaling completed')
# Frames to Video
Avalon.info('Converting extracted frames into video')
fm.convert_video(framerate, '{}x{}'.format(args.width, args.height), UPSCALED)
Avalon.info('Conversion completed')
# Extract and press audio in
Avalon.info('Stripping audio track from original video')
fm.extract_audio(args.video, UPSCALED)
Avalon.info('Inserting audio track into new video')
# /////////////////// Execution /////////////////// #
args = process_arguments()
# Convert paths to absolute paths
args.video = os.path.abspath(args.video)
args.output = os.path.abspath(args.output)
# Check if FFMPEG and waifu2x are present
if not os.path.isdir(FFMPEG_PATH):
Avalon.error('FFMPEG binaries not found')
Avalon.error('Please specify FFMPEG binaries location in source code')
print('Current value: {}\n'.format(FFMPEG_PATH))
raise FileNotFoundError('FFMPEG binaries not found')
if not os.path.isfile(WAIFU2X_PATH.strip('\"')):
Avalon.error('Waifu2x CUI executable not found')
Avalon.error('Please specify Waifu2x CUI location in source code')
print('Current value: {}\n'.format(WAIFU2X_PATH))
raise FileNotFoundError('Waifu2x CUI executable not found')
# Check if arguments are valid / all necessary argument
# values are specified
if not args.video:
Avalon.error('You need to specify the video to process')
elif not args.width or not args.height:
Avalon.error('You must specify output video width and height')
elif not args.output:
Avalon.error('You need to specify the output video name')
elif not args.cpu and not args.gpu and not args.cudnn:
Avalon.error('You need to specify the enlarging processing unit')
if __name__ == '__main__':
begin_time = time.time()
Avalon.info('Program completed, taking {} seconds'.format(round((time.time() - begin_time), 5)))
except Exception:
Avalon.error('An exception occurred')