#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Name: Video2X Upscaler Author: K4YT3X Date Created: December 10, 2018 Last Modified: August 21, 2019 Dev: SAT3LL Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GNU GPL v3), available at: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt (C) 2018-2019 K4YT3X """ # local imports from anime4k import Anime4k from exceptions import * from ffmpeg import Ffmpeg from image_cleaner import ImageCleaner from waifu2x_caffe import Waifu2xCaffe from waifu2x_converter import Waifu2xConverter from waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan import Waifu2xNcnnVulkan # built-in imports from fractions import Fraction import contextlib import copy import pathlib import re import shutil import tempfile import threading import time import traceback # third-party imports from avalon_framework import Avalon from tqdm import tqdm AVAILABLE_DRIVERS = ['waifu2x_caffe', 'waifu2x_converter', 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan', 'anime4k'] class Upscaler: """ An instance of this class is a upscaler that will upscale all images in the given directory. Raises: Exception -- all exceptions ArgumentError -- if argument is not valid """ def __init__(self, input_video, output_video, method, waifu2x_settings, ffmpeg_settings): # mandatory arguments self.input_video = input_video self.output_video = output_video self.method = method self.waifu2x_settings = waifu2x_settings self.ffmpeg_settings = ffmpeg_settings # optional arguments self.waifu2x_driver = 'waifu2x_caffe' self.scale_width = None self.scale_height = None self.scale_ratio = None self.model_dir = None self.threads = 5 self.video2x_cache_directory = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / 'video2x' self.image_format = 'png' self.preserve_frames = False def create_temp_directories(self): """create temporary directory """ self.extracted_frames = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.video2x_cache_directory)) Avalon.debug_info(f'Extracted frames are being saved to: {self.extracted_frames}') self.upscaled_frames = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.video2x_cache_directory)) Avalon.debug_info(f'Upscaled frames are being saved to: {self.upscaled_frames}') def cleanup_temp_directories(self): """delete temp directories when done """ if not self.preserve_frames: for directory in [self.extracted_frames, self.upscaled_frames]: try: # avalon framework cannot be used if python is shutting down # therefore, plain print is used print(f'Cleaning up cache directory: {directory}') shutil.rmtree(directory) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError): print(f'Unable to delete: {directory}') traceback.print_exc() def _check_arguments(self): # check if arguments are valid / all necessary argument # values are specified if not self.input_video: raise ArgumentError('You need to specify the video to process') elif (not self.scale_width or not self.scale_height) and not self.scale_ratio: raise ArgumentError('You must specify output video width and height or upscale factor') elif not self.output_video: raise ArgumentError('You need to specify the output video name') elif not self.method: raise ArgumentError('You need to specify the enlarging processing unit') def _progress_bar(self, extracted_frames_directories): """ This method prints a progress bar This method prints a progress bar by keeping track of the amount of frames in the input directory and the output directory. This is originally suggested by @ArmandBernard. """ # get number of extracted frames self.total_frames = 0 for directory in extracted_frames_directories: self.total_frames += len([f for f in directory.iterdir() if str(f)[-4:] == f'.{self.image_format}']) with tqdm(total=self.total_frames, ascii=True, desc='Upscaling Progress') as progress_bar: # tqdm update method adds the value to the progress # bar instead of setting the value. Therefore, a delta # needs to be calculated. previous_cycle_frames = 0 while not self.progress_bar_exit_signal: with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): self.total_frames_upscaled = len([f for f in self.upscaled_frames.iterdir() if str(f)[-4:] == f'.{self.image_format}']) delta = self.total_frames_upscaled - previous_cycle_frames previous_cycle_frames = self.total_frames_upscaled # if upscaling is finished if self.total_frames_upscaled >= self.total_frames: return # adds the delta into the progress bar progress_bar.update(delta) time.sleep(1) def _upscale_frames(self): """ Upscale video frames with waifu2x-caffe This function upscales all the frames extracted by ffmpeg using the waifu2x-caffe binary. Arguments: w2 {Waifu2x Object} -- initialized waifu2x object """ # progress bar thread exit signal self.progress_bar_exit_signal = False # create a container for exceptions in threads # if this thread is not empty, then an exception has occured self.upscaler_exceptions = [] # initialize waifu2x driver drivers = AVAILABLE_DRIVERS if self.waifu2x_driver not in drivers: raise UnrecognizedDriverError(f'Unrecognized waifu2x driver: {self.waifu2x_driver}') # it's easier to do multi-threading with waifu2x_converter # the number of threads can be passed directly to waifu2x_converter if self.waifu2x_driver == 'waifu2x_converter': w2 = Waifu2xConverter(self.waifu2x_settings, self.model_dir) progress_bar = threading.Thread(target=self._progress_bar, args=([self.extracted_frames],)) progress_bar.start() w2.upscale(self.extracted_frames, self.upscaled_frames, self.scale_ratio, self.threads, self.image_format, self.upscaler_exceptions) for image in [f for f in self.upscaled_frames.iterdir() if f.is_file()]: renamed = re.sub(f'_\[.*-.*\]\[x(\d+(\.\d+)?)\]\.{self.image_format}', f'.{self.image_format}', str(image)) (self.upscaled_frames / image).rename(self.upscaled_frames / renamed) self.progress_bar_exit_signal = True progress_bar.join() return # drivers that are to be multi-threaded by video2x else: # create a container for all upscaler threads upscaler_threads = [] # list all images in the extracted frames frames = [(self.extracted_frames / f) for f in self.extracted_frames.iterdir() if f.is_file] # if we have less images than threads, # create only the threads necessary if len(frames) < self.threads: self.threads = len(frames) # create a directory for each thread and append directory # name into a list thread_pool = [] thread_directories = [] for thread_id in range(self.threads): thread_directory = self.extracted_frames / str(thread_id) thread_directories.append(thread_directory) # delete old directories and create new directories if thread_directory.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(thread_directory) thread_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # append directory path into list thread_pool.append((thread_directory, thread_id)) # evenly distribute images into each directory # until there is none left in the directory for image in frames: # move image image.rename(thread_pool[0][0] / image.name) # rotate list thread_pool = thread_pool[-1:] + thread_pool[:-1] # create threads and start them for thread_info in thread_pool: # create a separate w2 instance for each thread if self.waifu2x_driver == 'waifu2x_caffe': w2 = Waifu2xCaffe(copy.deepcopy(self.waifu2x_settings), self.method, self.model_dir, self.bit_depth) if self.scale_ratio: thread = threading.Thread(target=w2.upscale, args=(thread_info[0], self.upscaled_frames, self.scale_ratio, False, False, self.image_format, self.upscaler_exceptions)) else: thread = threading.Thread(target=w2.upscale, args=(thread_info[0], self.upscaled_frames, False, self.scale_width, self.scale_height, self.image_format, self.upscaler_exceptions)) # if the driver being used is waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan elif self.waifu2x_driver == 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan': w2 = Waifu2xNcnnVulkan(copy.deepcopy(self.waifu2x_settings)) thread = threading.Thread(target=w2.upscale, args=(thread_info[0], self.upscaled_frames, self.scale_ratio, self.upscaler_exceptions)) # if the driver being used is anime4k elif self.waifu2x_driver == 'anime4k': w2 = Anime4k(copy.deepcopy(self.waifu2x_settings)) thread = threading.Thread(target=w2.upscale, args=(thread_info[0], self.upscaled_frames, self.scale_ratio, self.upscaler_exceptions)) # create thread thread.name = thread_info[1] # add threads into the pool upscaler_threads.append(thread) # start progress bar in a different thread progress_bar = threading.Thread(target=self._progress_bar, args=(thread_directories,)) progress_bar.start() # create the clearer and start it Avalon.debug_info('Starting upscaled image cleaner') image_cleaner = ImageCleaner(self.extracted_frames, self.upscaled_frames, len(upscaler_threads)) image_cleaner.start() # start all threads for thread in upscaler_threads: thread.start() # wait for threads to finish for thread in upscaler_threads: thread.join() # upscaling done, kill the clearer Avalon.debug_info('Killing upscaled image cleaner') image_cleaner.stop() self.progress_bar_exit_signal = True if len(self.upscaler_exceptions) != 0: raise(self.upscaler_exceptions[0]) def run(self): """Main controller for Video2X This function controls the flow of video conversion and handles all necessary functions. """ # parse arguments for waifu2x # check argument sanity self._check_arguments() # convert paths to absolute paths self.input_video = self.input_video.absolute() self.output_video = self.output_video.absolute() # initialize objects for ffmpeg and waifu2x-caffe fm = Ffmpeg(self.ffmpeg_settings, self.image_format) # extract frames from video fm.extract_frames(self.input_video, self.extracted_frames) Avalon.info('Reading video information') video_info = fm.get_video_info(self.input_video) # analyze original video with ffprobe and retrieve framerate # width, height = info['streams'][0]['width'], info['streams'][0]['height'] # find index of video stream video_stream_index = None for stream in video_info['streams']: if stream['codec_type'] == 'video': video_stream_index = stream['index'] break # exit if no video stream found if video_stream_index is None: Avalon.error('Aborting: No video stream found') raise StreamNotFoundError('no video stream found') # get average frame rate of video stream framerate = float(Fraction(video_info['streams'][video_stream_index]['avg_frame_rate'])) fm.pixel_format = video_info['streams'][video_stream_index]['pix_fmt'] # get a dict of all pixel formats and corresponding bit depth pixel_formats = fm.get_pixel_formats() try: self.bit_depth = pixel_formats[fm.pixel_format] except KeyError: Avalon.error(f'Unsupported pixel format: {fm.pixel_format}') raise UnsupportedPixelError(f'unsupported pixel format {fm.pixel_format}') Avalon.info(f'Framerate: {framerate}') # width/height will be coded width/height x upscale factor if self.scale_ratio: original_width = video_info['streams'][video_stream_index]['width'] original_height = video_info['streams'][video_stream_index]['height'] self.scale_width = int(self.scale_ratio * original_width) self.scale_height = int(self.scale_ratio * original_height) # upscale images one by one using waifu2x Avalon.info('Starting to upscale extracted images') self._upscale_frames() Avalon.info('Upscaling completed') # frames to Video Avalon.info('Converting extracted frames into video') # use user defined output size fm.convert_video(framerate, f'{self.scale_width}x{self.scale_height}', self.upscaled_frames) Avalon.info('Conversion completed') # migrate audio tracks and subtitles Avalon.info('Migrating audio tracks and subtitles to upscaled video') fm.migrate_audio_tracks_subtitles(self.input_video, self.output_video, self.upscaled_frames)