#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ __ __ _ _ ___ __ __ \ \ / / (_) | | |__ \ \ \ / / \ \ / / _ __| | ___ ___ ) | \ V / \ \/ / | | / _` | / _ \ / _ \ / / > < \ / | | | (_| | | __/ | (_) | / /_ / . \ \/ |_| \__,_| \___| \___/ |____| /_/ \_\ Name: Video2X Controller Author: K4YT3X Date Created: Feb 24, 2018 Last Modified: December 19, 2018 Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GNU GPL v3), available at: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt (C) 2018 K4YT3X Description: Video2X is an automation software based on waifu2x image enlarging engine. It extracts frames from a video, enlarge it by a number of times without losing any details or quality, keeping lines smooth and edges sharp. """ from avalon_framework import Avalon from upscaler import Upscaler from upscaler import MODELS_AVAILABLE import argparse import json import os import psutil import time import traceback VERSION = '2.2.0' # Each thread might take up to 2.5 GB during initialization. # (system memory, not to be confused with GPU memory) MEM_PER_THREAD = 2.5 def process_arguments(): """Processes CLI arguments This function parses all arguments This allows users to customize options for the output video. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Video options basic_options = parser.add_argument_group('Basic Options') basic_options.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='Specify source video file/directory', action='store', default=False, required=True) basic_options.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Specify output video file/directory', action='store', default=False, required=True) basic_options.add_argument('-m', '--method', help='Specify upscaling method', action='store', default='gpu', choices=['cpu', 'gpu', 'cudnn'], required=True) basic_options.add_argument('-y', '--model_type', help='Specify model to use', action='store', default='anime_style_art_rgb', choices=MODELS_AVAILABLE) basic_options.add_argument('-t', '--threads', help='Specify number of threads to use for upscaling', action='store', type=int, default=5) basic_options.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='Manually specify config file', action='store', default='video2x.json') # Scaling options # scaling_options = parser.add_argument_group('Scaling Options', required=True) # TODO: (width & height) || (factor) scaling_options = parser.add_argument_group('Scaling Options') # TODO: (width & height) || (factor) scaling_options.add_argument('--width', help='Output video width', action='store', type=int, default=False) scaling_options.add_argument('--height', help='Output video height', action='store', type=int, default=False) scaling_options.add_argument('-f', '--factor', help='Factor to upscale the videos by', action='store', type=int, default=False) # Parse arguments return parser.parse_args() def print_logo(): print('__ __ _ _ ___ __ __') print('\\ \\ / / (_) | | |__ \\ \\ \\ / /') print(' \\ \\ / / _ __| | ___ ___ ) | \\ V /') print(' \\ \\/ / | | / _` | / _ \\ / _ \\ / / > <') print(' \\ / | | | (_| | | __/ | (_) | / /_ / . \\') print(' \\/ |_| \\__,_| \\___| \\___/ |____| /_/ \\_\\') print('\n Video2X Video Enlarger') spaces = ((44 - len("Version {}".format(VERSION))) // 2) * " " print('{}\n{} Version {}\n{}'.format(Avalon.FM.BD, spaces, VERSION, Avalon.FM.RST)) def check_system_memory(): """ Check usable system memory Warn the user if insufficient memory is available for the number of threads that the user have chosen. """ memory_available = psutil.virtual_memory().available / (1024 ** 3) # If user doesn't even have enough memory to run even one thread if memory_available < MEM_PER_THREAD: Avalon.warning('You might have an insufficient amount of memory available to run this program ({} GB)'.format(memory_available)) Avalon.warning('Proceed with caution') # If memory available is less than needed, warn the user elif memory_available < (MEM_PER_THREAD * args.threads): Avalon.warning('Each waifu2x-caffe thread will require up to 2.5 GB during initialization') Avalon.warning('You demanded {} threads to be created, but you only have {} GB memory available'.format(args.threads, round(memory_available, 4))) Avalon.warning('{} GB of memory is recommended for {} threads'.format(MEM_PER_THREAD * args.threads, args.threads)) Avalon.warning('With your current amount of memory available, {} threads is recommended'.format(int(memory_available // MEM_PER_THREAD))) # Ask the user if he / she wants to change to the recommended # number of threads if Avalon.ask('Change to the recommended value?', True): args.threads = int(memory_available // MEM_PER_THREAD) else: Avalon.warning('Proceed with caution') def read_config(config_file): """ Reads configuration file Returns a dictionary read by JSON. """ with open(config_file, 'r') as raw_config: config = json.load(raw_config) return config # /////////////////// Execution /////////////////// # # This is not a library if __name__ != '__main__': Avalon.error('This file cannot be imported') raise ImportError('{} cannot be imported'.format(__file__)) print_logo() # Process CLI arguments args = process_arguments() # Check system available memory check_system_memory() # Read configurations from JSON config = read_config(args.config) waifu2x_path = config['waifu2x_path'] ffmpeg_path = config['ffmpeg_path'] ffmpeg_arguments = config['ffmpeg_arguments'] ffmpeg_hwaccel = config['ffmpeg_hwaccel'] # Start execution try: # Start timer begin_time = time.time() if os.path.isfile(args.input): """ Upscale single video file """ Avalon.info('Upscaling single video file: {}'.format(args.input)) upscaler = Upscaler(input_video=args.input, output_video=args.output, method=args.method, waifu2x_path=waifu2x_path, ffmpeg_path=ffmpeg_path, ffmpeg_arguments=ffmpeg_arguments, ffmpeg_hwaccel=ffmpeg_hwaccel, output_width=args.width, output_height=args.height, factor=args.factor, model_type=args.model_type, threads=args.threads) upscaler.run() elif os.path.isdir(args.input): """ Upscale videos in a folder/directory """ Avalon.info('Upscaling videos in folder: {}'.format(args.input)) for input_video in [f for f in os.listdir(args.input) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(args.input, f))]: output_video = '{}\\{}'.format(args.output, input_video) upscaler = Upscaler(input_video=os.path.join(args.input, input_video), output_video=output_video, method=args.method, waifu2x_path=waifu2x_path, ffmpeg_path=ffmpeg_path, ffmpeg_arguments=ffmpeg_arguments, ffmpeg_hwaccel=ffmpeg_hwaccel, output_width=args.width, output_height=args.height, factor=args.factor, model_type=args.model_type, threads=args.threads) upscaler.run() else: Avalon.error('Input path is neither a file nor a folder/directory') raise FileNotFoundError('{} is neither file nor folder/directory'.format(args.input)) Avalon.info('Program completed, taking {} seconds'.format(round((time.time() - begin_time), 5))) except Exception: Avalon.error('An exception occurred') traceback.print_exc()