#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Name: Video2X Upscaler Author: K4YT3X Date Created: December 10, 2018 Last Modified: May 6, 2020 Description: This file contains the Upscaler class. Each instance of the Upscaler class is an upscaler on an image or a folder. """ # local imports from exceptions import * from image_cleaner import ImageCleaner from wrappers.ffmpeg import Ffmpeg # built-in imports from fractions import Fraction import contextlib import copy import gettext import importlib import locale import os import pathlib import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import threading import time import traceback # third-party imports from avalon_framework import Avalon from tqdm import tqdm # internationalization constants DOMAIN = 'video2x' LOCALE_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / 'locale' # getting default locale settings default_locale, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale() language = gettext.translation(DOMAIN, LOCALE_DIRECTORY, [default_locale], fallback=True) language.install() _ = language.gettext # these names are consistent for # - driver selection in command line # - driver wrapper file names # - config file keys AVAILABLE_DRIVERS = ['waifu2x_caffe', 'waifu2x_converter_cpp', 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan', 'srmd_ncnn_vulkan', 'anime4kcpp'] class Upscaler: """ An instance of this class is a upscaler that will upscale all images in the given directory. Raises: Exception -- all exceptions ArgumentError -- if argument is not valid """ def __init__(self, input_video, output_video, driver_settings, ffmpeg_settings): # mandatory arguments self.input_video = input_video self.output_video = output_video self.driver_settings = driver_settings self.ffmpeg_settings = ffmpeg_settings # optional arguments self.driver = 'waifu2x_caffe' self.scale_width = None self.scale_height = None self.scale_ratio = None self.processes = 1 self.video2x_cache_directory = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / 'video2x' self.image_format = 'png' self.preserve_frames = False def create_temp_directories(self): """create temporary directory """ # create a new temp directory if the current one is not found if not self.video2x_cache_directory.exists(): self.video2x_cache_directory = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / 'video2x' # create temp directories for extracted frames and upscaled frames self.extracted_frames = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.video2x_cache_directory)) Avalon.debug_info(_('Extracted frames are being saved to: {}').format(self.extracted_frames)) self.upscaled_frames = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.video2x_cache_directory)) Avalon.debug_info(_('Upscaled frames are being saved to: {}').format(self.upscaled_frames)) def cleanup_temp_directories(self): """delete temp directories when done """ if not self.preserve_frames: for directory in [self.extracted_frames, self.upscaled_frames, self.video2x_cache_directory]: try: # avalon framework cannot be used if python is shutting down # therefore, plain print is used print(_('Cleaning up cache directory: {}').format(directory)) shutil.rmtree(directory) except (OSError, FileNotFoundError): print(_('Unable to delete: {}').format(directory)) traceback.print_exc() def _check_arguments(self): # check if arguments are valid / all necessary argument # values are specified if not self.input_video: Avalon.error(_('You must specify input video file/directory path')) raise ArgumentError('input video path not specified') if not self.output_video: Avalon.error(_('You must specify output video file/directory path')) raise ArgumentError('output video path not specified') if (self.driver in ['waifu2x_converter', 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan', 'anime4k']) and self.scale_width and self.scale_height: Avalon.error(_('Selected driver accepts only scaling ratio')) raise ArgumentError('selected driver supports only scaling ratio') if self.driver == 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan' and self.scale_ratio is not None and (self.scale_ratio > 2 or not self.scale_ratio.is_integer()): Avalon.error(_('Scaling ratio must be 1 or 2 for waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan')) raise ArgumentError('scaling ratio must be 1 or 2 for waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan') if self.driver == 'srmd_ncnn_vulkan' and self.scale_ratio is not None and (self.scale_ratio not in [2, 3, 4]): Avalon.error(_('Scaling ratio must be one of 2, 3 or 4 for srmd_ncnn_vulkan')) raise ArgumentError('scaling ratio must be one of 2, 3 or 4 for srmd_ncnn_vulkan') if (self.scale_width or self.scale_height) and self.scale_ratio: Avalon.error(_('You can only specify either scaling ratio or output width and height')) raise ArgumentError('both scaling ration and width/height specified') if (self.scale_width and not self.scale_height) or (not self.scale_width and self.scale_height): Avalon.error(_('You must specify both width and height')) raise ArgumentError('only one of width or height is specified') def _progress_bar(self, extracted_frames_directories): """ This method prints a progress bar This method prints a progress bar by keeping track of the amount of frames in the input directory and the output directory. This is originally suggested by @ArmandBernard. """ # get number of extracted frames self.total_frames = 0 for directory in extracted_frames_directories: self.total_frames += len([f for f in directory.iterdir() if str(f).lower().endswith(self.image_format.lower())]) with tqdm(total=self.total_frames, ascii=True, desc=_('Upscaling Progress')) as progress_bar: # tqdm update method adds the value to the progress # bar instead of setting the value. Therefore, a delta # needs to be calculated. previous_cycle_frames = 0 while not self.progress_bar_exit_signal: with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): self.total_frames_upscaled = len([f for f in self.upscaled_frames.iterdir() if str(f).lower().endswith(self.image_format.lower())]) delta = self.total_frames_upscaled - previous_cycle_frames previous_cycle_frames = self.total_frames_upscaled # if upscaling is finished if self.total_frames_upscaled >= self.total_frames: return # adds the delta into the progress bar progress_bar.update(delta) time.sleep(1) def _upscale_frames(self): """ Upscale video frames with waifu2x-caffe This function upscales all the frames extracted by ffmpeg using the waifu2x-caffe binary. Arguments: w2 {Waifu2x Object} -- initialized waifu2x object """ # progress bar process exit signal self.progress_bar_exit_signal = False # initialize waifu2x driver if self.driver not in AVAILABLE_DRIVERS: raise UnrecognizedDriverError(_('Unrecognized driver: {}').format(self.driver)) # create a container for all upscaler processes upscaler_processes = [] # list all images in the extracted frames frames = [(self.extracted_frames / f) for f in self.extracted_frames.iterdir() if f.is_file] # if we have less images than processes, # create only the processes necessary if len(frames) < self.processes: self.processes = len(frames) # create a directory for each process and append directory # name into a list process_directories = [] for process_id in range(self.processes): process_directory = self.extracted_frames / str(process_id) process_directories.append(process_directory) # delete old directories and create new directories if process_directory.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(process_directory) process_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # waifu2x-converter-cpp will perform multi-threading within its own process if self.driver == 'waifu2x_converter_cpp': process_directories = [self.extracted_frames] else: # evenly distribute images into each directory # until there is none left in the directory for image in frames: # move image image.rename(process_directories[0] / image.name) # rotate list process_directories = process_directories[-1:] + process_directories[:-1] # create threads and start them for process_directory in process_directories: DriverWrapperMain = getattr(importlib.import_module(f'wrappers.{self.driver}'), 'WrapperMain') driver = DriverWrapperMain(copy.deepcopy(self.driver_settings)) # if the driver being used is waifu2x-caffe if self.driver == 'waifu2x_caffe': upscaler_processes.append(driver.upscale(process_directory, self.upscaled_frames, self.scale_ratio, self.scale_width, self.scale_height, self.image_format, self.bit_depth)) # if the driver being used is waifu2x-converter-cpp elif self.driver == 'waifu2x_converter_cpp': upscaler_processes.append(driver.upscale(process_directory, self.upscaled_frames, self.scale_ratio, self.processes, self.image_format)) # if the driver being used is waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan elif self.driver == 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan': upscaler_processes.append(driver.upscale(process_directory, self.upscaled_frames, self.scale_ratio)) # if the driver being used is srmd_ncnn_vulkan elif self.driver == 'srmd_ncnn_vulkan': upscaler_processes.append(driver.upscale(process_directory, self.upscaled_frames, self.scale_ratio)) # start progress bar in a different thread progress_bar = threading.Thread(target=self._progress_bar, args=(process_directories,)) progress_bar.start() # create the clearer and start it Avalon.debug_info(_('Starting upscaled image cleaner')) image_cleaner = ImageCleaner(self.extracted_frames, self.upscaled_frames, len(upscaler_processes)) image_cleaner.start() # wait for all process to exit try: Avalon.debug_info(_('Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit')) for process in upscaler_processes: Avalon.debug_info(_('Subprocess {} exited with code {}').format(process.pid, process.wait())) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): Avalon.warning('Exit signal received') Avalon.warning('Killing processes') for process in upscaler_processes: process.terminate() # cleanup and exit with exit code 1 Avalon.debug_info(_('Killing upscaled image cleaner')) image_cleaner.stop() self.progress_bar_exit_signal = True sys.exit(1) # if the driver is waifu2x-converter-cpp # images need to be renamed to be recognizable for FFmpeg if self.driver == 'waifu2x_converter_cpp': for image in [f for f in self.upscaled_frames.iterdir() if f.is_file()]: renamed = re.sub(f'_\\[.*\\]\\[x(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)\\]\\.{self.image_format}', f'.{self.image_format}', str(image.name)) (self.upscaled_frames / image).rename(self.upscaled_frames / renamed) # upscaling done, kill the clearer Avalon.debug_info(_('Killing upscaled image cleaner')) image_cleaner.stop() # pass exit signal to progress bar thread self.progress_bar_exit_signal = True def run(self): """ Main controller for Video2X This function controls the flow of video conversion and handles all necessary functions. """ # parse arguments for waifu2x # check argument sanity self._check_arguments() # convert paths to absolute paths self.input_video = self.input_video.absolute() self.output_video = self.output_video.absolute() # drivers that have native support for video processing if self.driver == 'anime4kcpp': # append FFmpeg path to the end of PATH # Anime4KCPP will then use FFmpeg to migrate audio tracks os.environ['PATH'] += f';{self.ffmpeg_settings["ffmpeg_path"]}' Avalon.info(_('Starting to upscale extracted images')) # import and initialize Anime4KCPP wrapper DriverWrapperMain = getattr(importlib.import_module('wrappers.anime4kcpp'), 'WrapperMain') driver = DriverWrapperMain(copy.deepcopy(self.driver_settings)) # run Anime4KCPP driver.upscale(self.input_video, self.output_video, self.scale_ratio, self.processes).wait() Avalon.info(_('Upscaling completed')) else: self.create_temp_directories() # initialize objects for ffmpeg and waifu2x-caffe fm = Ffmpeg(self.ffmpeg_settings, self.image_format) Avalon.info(_('Reading video information')) video_info = fm.get_video_info(self.input_video) # analyze original video with ffprobe and retrieve framerate # width, height = info['streams'][0]['width'], info['streams'][0]['height'] # find index of video stream video_stream_index = None for stream in video_info['streams']: if stream['codec_type'] == 'video': video_stream_index = stream['index'] break # exit if no video stream found if video_stream_index is None: Avalon.error(_('Aborting: No video stream found')) raise StreamNotFoundError('no video stream found') # extract frames from video fm.extract_frames(self.input_video, self.extracted_frames) # get average frame rate of video stream framerate = float(Fraction(video_info['streams'][video_stream_index]['avg_frame_rate'])) fm.pixel_format = video_info['streams'][video_stream_index]['pix_fmt'] # get a dict of all pixel formats and corresponding bit depth pixel_formats = fm.get_pixel_formats() # try getting pixel format's corresponding bti depth try: self.bit_depth = pixel_formats[fm.pixel_format] except KeyError: Avalon.error(_('Unsupported pixel format: {}').format(fm.pixel_format)) raise UnsupportedPixelError(f'unsupported pixel format {fm.pixel_format}') Avalon.info(_('Framerate: {}').format(framerate)) # width/height will be coded width/height x upscale factor if self.scale_ratio: original_width = video_info['streams'][video_stream_index]['width'] original_height = video_info['streams'][video_stream_index]['height'] self.scale_width = int(self.scale_ratio * original_width) self.scale_height = int(self.scale_ratio * original_height) # upscale images one by one using waifu2x Avalon.info(_('Starting to upscale extracted images')) self._upscale_frames() Avalon.info(_('Upscaling completed')) # frames to Video Avalon.info(_('Converting extracted frames into video')) # use user defined output size fm.convert_video(framerate, f'{self.scale_width}x{self.scale_height}', self.upscaled_frames) Avalon.info(_('Conversion completed')) # migrate audio tracks and subtitles Avalon.info(_('Migrating audio tracks and subtitles to upscaled video')) fm.migrate_audio_tracks_subtitles(self.input_video, self.output_video, self.upscaled_frames) # destroy temp directories self.cleanup_temp_directories()