mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 13:02:13 +00:00
added internationalization support
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ class Upscaler:
# create temp directories for extracted frames and upscaled frames
self.extracted_frames = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.video2x_cache_directory))
Avalon.debug_info(f'Extracted frames are being saved to: {self.extracted_frames}')
Avalon.debug_info(_('Extracted frames are being saved to: {}').format(self.extracted_frames))
self.upscaled_frames = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.video2x_cache_directory))
Avalon.debug_info(f'Upscaled frames are being saved to: {self.upscaled_frames}')
Avalon.debug_info(_('Upscaled frames are being saved to: {}').format(self.upscaled_frames))
def cleanup_temp_directories(self):
"""delete temp directories when done
@ -94,35 +94,35 @@ class Upscaler:
# avalon framework cannot be used if python is shutting down
# therefore, plain print is used
print(f'Cleaning up cache directory: {directory}')
print(_('Cleaning up cache directory: {}').format(directory))
except (OSError, FileNotFoundError):
print(f'Unable to delete: {directory}')
print(_('Unable to delete: {}').format(directory))
def _check_arguments(self):
# check if arguments are valid / all necessary argument
# values are specified
if not self.input_video:
Avalon.error('You must specify input video file/directory path')
Avalon.error(_('You must specify input video file/directory path'))
raise ArgumentError('input video path not specified')
if not self.output_video:
Avalon.error('You must specify output video file/directory path')
Avalon.error(_('You must specify output video file/directory path'))
raise ArgumentError('output video path not specified')
if (self.driver in ['waifu2x_converter', 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan', 'anime4k']) and self.scale_width and self.scale_height:
Avalon.error('Selected driver accepts only scaling ratio')
Avalon.error(_('Selected driver accepts only scaling ratio'))
raise ArgumentError('selected driver supports only scaling ratio')
if self.driver == 'waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan' and self.scale_ratio is not None and (self.scale_ratio > 2 or not self.scale_ratio.is_integer()):
Avalon.error('Scaling ratio must be 1 or 2 for waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan')
Avalon.error(_('Scaling ratio must be 1 or 2 for waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan'))
raise ArgumentError('scaling ratio must be 1 or 2 for waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan')
if self.driver == 'srmd_ncnn_vulkan' and self.scale_ratio is not None and (self.scale_ratio not in [2, 3, 4]):
Avalon.error('Scaling ratio must be one of 2, 3 or 4 for srmd_ncnn_vulkan')
Avalon.error(_('Scaling ratio must be one of 2, 3 or 4 for srmd_ncnn_vulkan'))
raise ArgumentError('scaling ratio must be one of 2, 3 or 4 for srmd_ncnn_vulkan')
if (self.scale_width or self.scale_height) and self.scale_ratio:
Avalon.error('You can only specify either scaling ratio or output width and height')
Avalon.error(_('You can only specify either scaling ratio or output width and height'))
raise ArgumentError('both scaling ration and width/height specified')
if (self.scale_width and not self.scale_height) or (not self.scale_width and self.scale_height):
Avalon.error('You must specify both width and height')
Avalon.error(_('You must specify both width and height'))
raise ArgumentError('only one of width or height is specified')
def _progress_bar(self, extracted_frames_directories):
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class Upscaler:
for directory in extracted_frames_directories:
self.total_frames += len([f for f in directory.iterdir() if str(f).lower().endswith(self.image_format.lower())])
with tqdm(total=self.total_frames, ascii=True, desc='Upscaling Progress') as progress_bar:
with tqdm(total=self.total_frames, ascii=True, desc=_('Upscaling Progress')) as progress_bar:
# tqdm update method adds the value to the progress
# bar instead of setting the value. Therefore, a delta
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class Upscaler:
# initialize waifu2x driver
if self.driver not in AVAILABLE_DRIVERS:
raise UnrecognizedDriverError(f'Unrecognized driver: {self.driver}')
raise UnrecognizedDriverError(_('Unrecognized driver: {}').format(self.driver))
# create a container for all upscaler processes
upscaler_processes = []
@ -255,15 +255,15 @@ class Upscaler:
# create the clearer and start it
Avalon.debug_info('Starting upscaled image cleaner')
Avalon.debug_info(_('Starting upscaled image cleaner'))
image_cleaner = ImageCleaner(self.extracted_frames, self.upscaled_frames, len(upscaler_processes))
# wait for all process to exit
Avalon.debug_info('Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit')
Avalon.debug_info(_('Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit'))
for process in upscaler_processes:
Avalon.debug_info(f'Subprocess {process.pid} exited with code {process.wait()}')
Avalon.debug_info(_('Subprocess {} exited with code {}').format(process.pid, process.wait()))
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
Avalon.warning('Exit signal received')
Avalon.warning('Killing processes')
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class Upscaler:
# cleanup and exit with exit code 1
Avalon.debug_info('Killing upscaled image cleaner')
Avalon.debug_info(_('Killing upscaled image cleaner'))
self.progress_bar_exit_signal = True
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ class Upscaler:
(self.upscaled_frames / image).rename(self.upscaled_frames / renamed)
# upscaling done, kill the clearer
Avalon.debug_info('Killing upscaled image cleaner')
Avalon.debug_info(_('Killing upscaled image cleaner'))
# pass exit signal to progress bar thread
@ -310,10 +310,10 @@ class Upscaler:
# append FFmpeg path to the end of PATH
# Anime4KCPP will then use FFmpeg to migrate audio tracks
os.environ['PATH'] += f';{self.ffmpeg_settings["ffmpeg_path"]}'
Avalon.info('Starting to upscale extracted images')
Avalon.info(_('Starting to upscale extracted images'))
driver = Anime4kCpp(self.driver_settings)
driver.upscale(self.input_video, self.output_video, self.scale_ratio, self.processes).wait()
Avalon.info('Upscaling completed')
Avalon.info(_('Upscaling completed'))
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class Upscaler:
# initialize objects for ffmpeg and waifu2x-caffe
fm = Ffmpeg(self.ffmpeg_settings, self.image_format)
Avalon.info('Reading video information')
Avalon.info(_('Reading video information'))
video_info = fm.get_video_info(self.input_video)
# analyze original video with ffprobe and retrieve framerate
# width, height = info['streams'][0]['width'], info['streams'][0]['height']
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class Upscaler:
# exit if no video stream found
if video_stream_index is None:
Avalon.error('Aborting: No video stream found')
Avalon.error(_('Aborting: No video stream found'))
raise StreamNotFoundError('no video stream found')
# extract frames from video
@ -352,10 +352,10 @@ class Upscaler:
self.bit_depth = pixel_formats[fm.pixel_format]
except KeyError:
Avalon.error(f'Unsupported pixel format: {fm.pixel_format}')
Avalon.error(_('Unsupported pixel format: {}').format(fm.pixel_format))
raise UnsupportedPixelError(f'unsupported pixel format {fm.pixel_format}')
Avalon.info(f'Framerate: {framerate}')
Avalon.info(_('Framerate: {}').format(framerate))
# width/height will be coded width/height x upscale factor
if self.scale_ratio:
@ -365,19 +365,19 @@ class Upscaler:
self.scale_height = int(self.scale_ratio * original_height)
# upscale images one by one using waifu2x
Avalon.info('Starting to upscale extracted images')
Avalon.info(_('Starting to upscale extracted images'))
Avalon.info('Upscaling completed')
Avalon.info(_('Upscaling completed'))
# frames to Video
Avalon.info('Converting extracted frames into video')
Avalon.info(_('Converting extracted frames into video'))
# use user defined output size
fm.convert_video(framerate, f'{self.scale_width}x{self.scale_height}', self.upscaled_frames)
Avalon.info('Conversion completed')
Avalon.info(_('Conversion completed'))
# migrate audio tracks and subtitles
Avalon.info('Migrating audio tracks and subtitles to upscaled video')
Avalon.info(_('Migrating audio tracks and subtitles to upscaled video'))
fm.migrate_audio_tracks_subtitles(self.input_video, self.output_video, self.upscaled_frames)
# destroy temp directories
@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ from upscaler import Upscaler
# built-in imports
import argparse
import contextlib
import gettext
import importlib
import locale
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
@ -68,14 +70,24 @@ import yaml
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
# internationalization constants
DOMAIN = 'video2x'
LOCALE_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / 'locale'
# getting default locale settings
default_locale, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()
language = gettext.translation(DOMAIN, LOCALE_DIRECTORY, [default_locale], fallback=True)
_ = language.gettext
VERSION = '4.0.0'
LEGAL_INFO = f'''Video2X Version: {VERSION}
LEGAL_INFO = _('''Video2X Version: {}
Author: K4YT3X
License: GNU GPL v3
Github Page: https://github.com/k4yt3x/video2x
Contact: k4yt3x@k4yt3x.com'''
Contact: k4yt3x@k4yt3x.com''').format(VERSION)
LOGO = r'''
__ __ _ _ ___ __ __
@ -90,23 +102,24 @@ LOGO = r'''
def parse_arguments():
""" parse CLI arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='video2x', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='video2x', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False)
# video options
general_options = parser.add_argument_group('General Options')
general_options.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=pathlib.Path, help='source video file/directory')
general_options.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=pathlib.Path, help='output video file/directory')
general_options.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=pathlib.Path, help='video2x config file location', action='store',
general_options = parser.add_argument_group(_('General Options'))
general_options.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help=_('show this help message and exit'))
general_options.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=pathlib.Path, help=_('source video file/directory'))
general_options.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=pathlib.Path, help=_('output video file/directory'))
general_options.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=pathlib.Path, help=_('video2x config file path'), action='store',
default=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / 'video2x.yaml')
general_options.add_argument('-d', '--driver', help='upscaling driver', choices=AVAILABLE_DRIVERS, default='waifu2x_caffe')
general_options.add_argument('-p', '--processes', help='number of processes to use for upscaling', action='store', type=int, default=1)
general_options.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='display version, lawful information and exit', action='store_true')
general_options.add_argument('-d', '--driver', help=_('upscaling driver'), choices=AVAILABLE_DRIVERS, default='waifu2x_caffe')
general_options.add_argument('-p', '--processes', help=_('number of processes to use for upscaling'), action='store', type=int, default=1)
general_options.add_argument('-v', '--version', help=_('display version, lawful information and exit'), action='store_true')
# scaling options
scaling_options = parser.add_argument_group('Scaling Options')
scaling_options.add_argument('--width', help='output video width', action='store', type=int)
scaling_options.add_argument('--height', help='output video height', action='store', type=int)
scaling_options.add_argument('-r', '--ratio', help='scaling ratio', action='store', type=float)
scaling_options = parser.add_argument_group(_('Scaling Options'))
scaling_options.add_argument('--width', help=_('output video width'), action='store', type=int)
scaling_options.add_argument('--height', help=_('output video height'), action='store', type=int)
scaling_options.add_argument('-r', '--ratio', help=_('scaling ratio'), action='store', type=float)
# if no driver arguments are specified
if '--' not in sys.argv:
@ -146,7 +159,7 @@ def read_config(config_file: pathlib.Path) -> dict:
# this is not a library
if __name__ != '__main__':
Avalon.error('This file cannot be imported')
Avalon.error(_('This file cannot be imported'))
raise ImportError(f'{__file__} cannot be imported')
# print video2x logo
@ -176,8 +189,8 @@ if driver_args is not None:
# check if driver path exists
if not pathlib.Path(driver_settings['path']).exists():
if not pathlib.Path(f'{driver_settings["path"]}.exe').exists():
Avalon.error('Specified driver executable directory doesn\'t exist')
Avalon.error('Please check the configuration file settings')
Avalon.error(_('Specified driver executable directory doesn\'t exist'))
Avalon.error(_('Please check the configuration file settings'))
raise FileNotFoundError(driver_settings['path'])
# read FFmpeg configuration
@ -194,20 +207,20 @@ else:
video2x_cache_directory = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / 'video2x'
if video2x_cache_directory.exists() and not video2x_cache_directory.is_dir():
Avalon.error('Specified cache directory is a file/link')
Avalon.error(_('Specified cache directory is a file/link'))
raise FileExistsError('Specified cache directory is a file/link')
# if cache directory doesn't exist
# ask the user if it should be created
elif not video2x_cache_directory.exists():
Avalon.debug_info(f'Creating cache directory {video2x_cache_directory}')
Avalon.debug_info(_('Creating cache directory {}').format(video2x_cache_directory))
video2x_cache_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# there can be a number of exceptions here
# PermissionError, FileExistsError, etc.
# therefore, we put a catch-them-all here
except Exception as exception:
Avalon.error(f'Unable to create {video2x_cache_directory}')
Avalon.error(_('Unable to create {}').format(video2x_cache_directory))
raise exception
@ -220,16 +233,16 @@ try:
if video2x_args.input.is_file():
# upscale single video file
Avalon.info(f'Upscaling single video file: {video2x_args.input}')
Avalon.info(_('Upscaling single video file: {}').format(video2x_args.input))
# check for input output format mismatch
if video2x_args.output.is_dir():
Avalon.error('Input and output path type mismatch')
Avalon.error('Input is single file but output is directory')
Avalon.error(_('Input and output path type mismatch'))
Avalon.error(_('Input is single file but output is directory'))
raise Exception('input output path type mismatch')
if not re.search(r'.*\..*$', str(video2x_args.output)):
Avalon.error('No suffix found in output file path')
Avalon.error('Suffix must be specified for FFmpeg')
Avalon.error(_('No suffix found in output file path'))
Avalon.error(_('Suffix must be specified for FFmpeg'))
raise Exception('No suffix specified')
upscaler = Upscaler(input_video=video2x_args.input,
@ -253,7 +266,7 @@ try:
# if input specified is a directory
elif video2x_args.input.is_dir():
# upscale videos in a directory
Avalon.info(f'Upscaling videos in directory: {video2x_args.input}')
Avalon.info(_('Upscaling videos in directory: {}').format(video2x_args.input))
# make output directory if it doesn't exist
video2x_args.output.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@ -278,13 +291,13 @@ try:
# run upscaler
Avalon.error('Input path is neither a file nor a directory')
Avalon.error(_('Input path is neither a file nor a directory'))
raise FileNotFoundError(f'{video2x_args.input} is neither file nor directory')
Avalon.info(f'Program completed, taking {round((time.time() - begin_time), 5)} seconds')
Avalon.info(_('Program completed, taking {} seconds').format(round((time.time() - begin_time), 5)))
except Exception:
Avalon.error('An exception has occurred')
Avalon.error(_('An exception has occurred'))
# try cleaning up temp directories
Reference in New Issue
Block a user