mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 22:18:12 +00:00
committing changes for 5.0.0-beta
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
# compiled wrappers for testing purposes
# test videos
# vim
# QtCreator
@ -107,4 +116,4 @@ venv.bak/
# mypy
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# Directory Listing
- [**images**](images): image assets such as executable icons
- [**locale**](locale): language locale files (.po, .mo)
- [**pyinstaller**](pyinstaller): PyInstaller-specific files
- [**wrappers**](wrappers): binary Python wrappers/bindings
- [**bilogger.py**](bilogger.py): bidirectional logger
- [**build.ps1**](build.ps1): release building script
- [**exceptions.py**](exceptions.py): custom exceptions
- [**image_cleaner.py**](image_cleaner.py): upscaled images cleaner
- [**progress_monitor.py**](progress_monitor.py): upscaling progress monitor
- [**requirements.txt**](requirements.txt): Python requirements for pip
- [**upscaler.py**](upscaler.py): main upscaler class
- [**video2x.pot**](video2x.pot): project i18n POT translation file
- [**video2x.py**](video2x.py): command line interface
- [**video2x.yaml**](video2x.yaml): configuration file
- [**video2x_gui.py**](video2x_gui.py): graphical user interface
- [**video2x_gui.pyproject**](video2x_gui.pyproject): QtCreator project file
- [**video2x_gui.ui**](video2x_gui.ui): GUI UI file (defines GUI layout)
- [**video2x_setup.py**](video2x_setup.py): automatic setup script for Windows
- [**video2x_setup_ubuntu.sh**](video2x_setup_ubuntu.sh): automatic setup script for Ubuntu
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video2X package init
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: July 3, 2021
Last Modified: July 3, 2021
from .video2x import Video2X
from .upscaler import Upscaler
from .interpolator import Interpolator
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video2X package main
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: July 3, 2021
Last Modified: July 3, 2021
from .video2x import main
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Creator: Video2X Bidirectional Logger
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: June 4, 2020
Last Modified: December 13, 2020
# built-in imports
import io
class BiLogger(io.TextIOWrapper):
"""A bidirectional logger that both prints the output
and log all output to file.
Original code from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14906787
def __init__(self, terminal: io.TextIOWrapper, log_file: io.BufferedRandom):
"""initialize BiLogger
terminal (_io.TextIOWrapper): original terminal IO wrapper
logfile (_io.BufferedRandom): log file wrapper
self.terminal = terminal
self.log_file = log_file
self.fileno = self.log_file.fileno
def write(self, message: str):
"""write message to original terminal output and log file
message (str): message to write
def flush(self):
"""flush logger (for compability only)"""
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
Name: Video2X Build Script
Creator: K4YT3X
Date Created: May 6, 2020
Last Modified: May 13, 2020
Description: A PowerShell script that will build Video2X
executable (PE) releases automatically using PyInstaller.
This script is currently only tuned for K4YT3X's environment.
To start a PowerShell session with execution policy bypass
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
if ($args.count -ne 1) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Usage:`n .\build.ps1 VIDEO2X_VERSION"
# version number
$VIDEO2X_VERSION = $args[0]
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Video2X Building Script Version $($SCRIPT_VERSION)
Starting to build Video2X release packages
Building Video2X release $($VIDEO2X_VERSION)"
# build Video2X CLI
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "`nBuilding Video2X CLI"
pyinstaller --noconfirm --log-level=WARN `
--onefile `
--add-data="locale;locale" `
--add-data="wrappers;wrappers" `
--icon="images\video2x.ico" `
# build Video2X GUI
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "`nBuilding Video2X GUI"
pyinstaller --noconfirm --log-level=WARN `
--onefile `
--add-data="images;images" `
--add-data="locale;locale" `
--add-data="video2x_gui.ui;." `
--add-data="wrappers;wrappers" `
--icon="images\video2x.ico" `
# build setup script
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "`nBuilding Video2X setup script"
pyinstaller --noconfirm --log-level=WARN `
--onefile `
--additional-hooks-dir "pyinstaller\hooks" `
--add-data="locale;locale" `
--add-data="pyinstaller\7z1900-extra;7z" `
--icon="images\video2x.ico" `
# remove old builds if found
if (Test-Path "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)" -PathType any) {
Remove-Item -path "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)" -recurse
# create build directory
New-Item "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)" -ItemType Directory
# copy files into corresponding builds
# full edition
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "`nCreating full package"
New-Item "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-full" -ItemType Directory
Copy-Item "dist\video2x.exe" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-full\"
Copy-Item "dist\video2x_gui.exe" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-full\"
Copy-Item -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\video2x" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-full\dependencies" -Recurse
# overwrite paths to relative paths
(Get-Content "video2x.yaml").replace("%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x", "dependencies") | Set-Content "video2x.yaml.relative"
Move-Item "video2x.yaml.relative" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-full\video2x.yaml"
# light edition
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "`nCreating light package"
New-Item "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-light" -ItemType Directory
Copy-Item "dist\video2x.exe" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-light\"
Copy-Item "dist\video2x_gui.exe" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-light\"
Copy-Item "dist\video2x_setup.exe" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-light\"
Copy-Item "video2x.yaml" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-light\"
Copy-Item "requirements.txt" -Destination "$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)\video2x-$($VIDEO2X_VERSION)-win32-light\"
# clean up temporary files
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "`nDeleting temporary files"
$pathsToRemove = "__pycache__", "build", "dist", "*.spec"
foreach ($path in $pathsToRemove) {
Write-Host "Removing path: $($path)"
Remove-Item -path $path -recurse
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "`nBuild script finished"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video Decoder
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: June 17, 2021
Last Modified: June 17, 2021
# built-in imports
import os
import pathlib
import queue
import subprocess
import threading
# third-party imports
from loguru import logger
from PIL import Image
import ffmpeg
# map Loguru log levels to FFmpeg log levels
"trace": "trace",
"debug": "debug",
"info": "info",
"success": "info",
"warning": "warning",
"error": "error",
"critical": "fatal",
class VideoDecoder(threading.Thread):
def __init__(
input_path: pathlib.Path,
input_width: int,
input_height: int,
frame_rate: float,
processing_queue: queue.Queue,
processing_settings: tuple,
self.running = False
self.input_path = input_path
self.input_width = input_width
self.input_height = input_height
self.processing_queue = processing_queue
self.processing_settings = processing_settings
# this disables the "possible DDoS" warning
if ignore_max_image_pixels:
self.exception = None
self.decoder = subprocess.Popen(
ffmpeg.input(input_path, r=frame_rate)["v"]
.output("pipe:1", format="rawvideo", pix_fmt="rgb24", vsync="1")
os.environ.get("LOGURU_LEVEL", "INFO").lower()
# stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
def run(self):
self.running = True
# the index of the frame
frame_index = 0
# create placeholder for previous frame
# used in interpolate mode
previous_image = None
# continue running until an exception occurs
# or all frames have been decoded
while self.running:
buffer = self.decoder.stdout.read(
3 * self.input_width * self.input_height
# source depleted (decoding finished)
# after the last frame has been decoded
# read will return nothing
if len(buffer) == 0:
logger.debug("Decoding queue depleted")
# convert raw bytes into image object
image = Image.frombytes(
"RGB", (self.input_width, self.input_height), buffer
# if this is the first frame
# there wouldn't be a "previous image"
if previous_image is not None:
(previous_image, image),
previous_image = image
frame_index += 1
# most likely "not enough image data"
except ValueError as e:
# send exceptions into the client connection pipe
except Exception as e:
self.exception = e
# ensure the decoder has exited
logger.debug("Decoder thread exiting")
self.running = False
return super().run()
def stop(self):
self.running = False
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video Encoder
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: June 17, 2021
Last Modified: June 30, 2021
# built-in imports
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.managers
import multiprocessing.sharedctypes
import os
import pathlib
import signal
import subprocess
import threading
import time
# third-party imports
from loguru import logger
import ffmpeg
# map Loguru log levels to FFmpeg log levels
"trace": "trace",
"debug": "debug",
"info": "info",
"success": "info",
"warning": "warning",
"error": "error",
"critical": "fatal",
class VideoEncoder(threading.Thread):
def __init__(
input_path: pathlib.Path,
frame_rate: float,
output_path: pathlib.Path,
output_width: int,
output_height: int,
total_frames: int,
processed_frames: multiprocessing.managers.ListProxy,
processed: multiprocessing.sharedctypes.Synchronized,
self.running = False
self.input_path = input_path
self.output_path = output_path
self.total_frames = total_frames
self.processed_frames = processed_frames
self.processed = processed
self.original = ffmpeg.input(input_path)
# define frames as input
frames = ffmpeg.input(
# map additional streams from original file
additional_streams = [
# self.original["v?"],
# run FFmpeg and produce final output
self.encoder = subprocess.Popen(
# map_metadata=1,
# metadata="comment=Upscaled with Video2X",
os.environ.get("LOGURU_LEVEL", "INFO").lower()
# stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
# stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
def run(self):
self.running = True
frame_index = 0
while self.running and frame_index < self.total_frames:
image = self.processed_frames[frame_index]
if image is None:
with self.processed.get_lock():
self.processed.value += 1
frame_index += 1
# send exceptions into the client connection pipe
except Exception as e:
# flush the remaining data in STDIN and close PIPE
logger.debug("Encoding queue depleted")
# send SIGINT (2) to FFmpeg
# this instructs it to finalize and exit
# wait for process to terminate
logger.debug("Encoder thread exiting")
self.running = False
return super().run()
def stop(self):
self.running = False
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video2X Exceptions
Dev: K4YT3X
Date Created: December 13, 2018
Last Modified: July 27, 2019
class ArgumentError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
class StreamNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
class UnrecognizedDriverError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
class UnsupportedPixelError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Name: Video2X Generate POT Script
Creator: K4YT3X
Date Created: September 12, 2020
Last Modified: September 12, 2020
Description: A PowerShell script that uses Python's pygettext
script to generate the POT file for translations.
To start a PowerShell session with execution policy bypass
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
python $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Python\Python38\Tools\i18n\pygettext.py -d video2x *.py wrappers\*.py
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video2X Image Cleaner
Author: BrianPetkovsek
Date Created: March 24, 2019
Last Modified: July 27, 2019
Editor: K4YT3X
Last Modified: March 23, 2020
Editor: 28598519a
Last Modified: March 23, 2020
Description: This class is to remove the extracted frames
that have already been upscaled.
# built-in imports
import threading
import time
class ImageCleaner(threading.Thread):
"""Video2X Image Cleaner
This class creates an object that keeps track of extracted
frames that has already been upscaled and are not needed
anymore. It then deletes them to save disk space.
def __init__(self, input_directory, output_directory, threads):
self.input_directory = input_directory
self.output_directory = output_directory
self.threads = threads
self.running = False
def run(self):
"""Run image cleaner"""
self.running = True
while self.running:
def stop(self):
"""Stop the image cleaner"""
self.running = False
def remove_upscaled_frames(self):
"""remove frames that have already been upscaled
This method compares the files in the extracted frames
directory with the upscaled frames directory, and removes
the frames that has already been upscaled.
# list all images in the extracted frames
output_frames = [f.name for f in self.output_directory.iterdir() if f.is_file()]
# compare and remove frames downscaled images that finished being upscaled
# within each thread's extracted frames directory
for thread_id in range(self.threads):
dir_path = self.input_directory / str(thread_id)
# for each file within all the directories
for file in dir_path.iterdir():
# if file also exists in the output directory, then the file
# has already been processed, thus not needed anymore
if file.is_file() and file.name in output_frames:
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 29 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 23 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 133 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 120 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 110 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 39 KiB |
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Interpolator
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: May 27, 2021
Last Modified: July 3, 2021
# local imports
from .wrappers.rife_ncnn_vulkan_python.rife_ncnn_vulkan import RIFE
# built-in imports
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.managers
import multiprocessing.sharedctypes
import queue
import signal
import time
# third-party imports
from PIL import ImageChops, ImageStat
from loguru import logger
class Interpolator(multiprocessing.Process):
def __init__(
processing_queue: multiprocessing.Queue,
processed_frames: multiprocessing.managers.ListProxy,
self.running = False
self.processing_queue = processing_queue
self.processed_frames = processed_frames
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._stop)
def run(self):
self.running = True
logger.info(f"Interpolator process {self.name} initiating")
driver_objects = {}
while self.running:
# get new job from queue
(image0, image1),
(difference_threshold, driver),
) = self.processing_queue.get(False)
except queue.Empty:
difference = ImageChops.difference(image0, image1)
difference_stat = ImageStat.Stat(difference)
difference_ratio = (
sum(difference_stat.mean) / (len(difference_stat.mean) * 255) * 100
# if the difference is lower than threshold
# process the interpolation
if difference_ratio < difference_threshold:
# select a driver object with the required settings
# create a new object if none are available
driver_object = driver_objects.get(driver)
if driver_object is None:
driver_object = DRIVER_CLASSES[driver](0)
driver_objects[driver] = driver_object
interpolated_image = driver_object.process(image0, image1)
# if the difference is greater than threshold
# there's a change in camera angle, ignore
interpolated_image = image0
if frame_index == 1:
self.processed_frames[0] = image0
self.processed_frames[frame_index * 2 - 1] = interpolated_image
self.processed_frames[frame_index * 2] = image1
# send exceptions into the client connection pipe
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
except Exception as e:
logger.info(f"Interpolator process {self.name} terminating")
self.running = False
return super().run()
def _stop(self, signal_number, frame):
self.running = False
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-23 16:45-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-23 16:47-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: progress_monitor.py:40
msgid "Processing: {} (pass {}/{})"
msgstr "正在处理:{}(进度)"
#: upscaler.py:160
msgid "Specified or default cache directory is a file/link"
msgstr "指定或默认的缓存目录是文件/链接"
#: upscaler.py:167
msgid "Creating cache directory {}"
msgstr "创建缓存目录 {}"
#: upscaler.py:174
msgid "Unable to create {}"
msgstr "无法创建 {}"
#: upscaler.py:183
msgid "Extracted frames are being saved to: {}"
msgstr "提取的帧将被保存到:{}"
#: upscaler.py:189
msgid "Upscaled frames are being saved to: {}"
msgstr "已放大的帧将被保存到:{}"
#: upscaler.py:203
msgid "Cleaning up cache directory: {}"
msgstr "清理缓存目录:{}"
#: upscaler.py:208
msgid "Unable to delete: {}"
msgstr "无法删除:{}"
#: upscaler.py:214 upscaler.py:239 upscaler.py:250
msgid "Input and output path type mismatch"
msgstr "输入和输出路径类型不匹配"
#: upscaler.py:215
msgid "Input is multiple files but output is not directory"
msgstr "输入是多个文件,但输出不是目录"
#: upscaler.py:220
msgid "Input path {} is neither a file nor a directory"
msgstr "输入路径 {} 既不是文件也不是目录"
#: upscaler.py:230 upscaler.py:256
msgid "Input directory and output directory cannot be the same"
msgstr "输入目录和输出目录不能相同"
#: upscaler.py:240
msgid "Input is single file but output is directory"
msgstr "所选的输入路径是单个文件,但输出路径是目录"
#: upscaler.py:243
msgid "No suffix found in output file path"
msgstr "在输出文件路径中未找到后缀"
#: upscaler.py:244
msgid "Suffix must be specified"
msgstr "必须指定文件后缀"
#: upscaler.py:251
msgid "Input is directory but output is existing single file"
msgstr "输入是目录,但输出是现有的单个文件"
#: upscaler.py:264
msgid "Input path is neither a file nor a directory"
msgstr "输入路径既不是文件也不是目录"
#: upscaler.py:280
msgid "FFmpeg or FFprobe cannot be found under the specified path"
msgstr "在指定的路径下找不到 FFmpeg 或 FFprobe"
#: upscaler.py:282 upscaler.py:295
msgid "Please check the configuration file settings"
msgstr "请检查配置文件设置"
#: upscaler.py:294
msgid "Specified driver executable directory doesn't exist"
msgstr "指定驱动的可执行文件不存在"
#: upscaler.py:323
msgid "Failed to parse driver argument: {}"
msgstr "解析驱动程序参数失败:{}"
#: upscaler.py:346
msgid "Unrecognized driver: {}"
msgstr "无法识别的驱动名称:{}"
#: upscaler.py:397
msgid "Starting progress monitor"
msgstr "启动进度监视器"
#: upscaler.py:402
msgid "Starting upscaled image cleaner"
msgstr "启动已放大图像清理程序"
#: upscaler.py:413 upscaler.py:432
msgid "Killing progress monitor"
msgstr "终结进度监视器"
#: upscaler.py:416 upscaler.py:435
msgid "Killing upscaled image cleaner"
msgstr "终结已放大图像清理程序"
#: upscaler.py:439
msgid "Terminating all processes"
msgstr "正在终止所有进程"
#: upscaler.py:445
msgid "Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit"
msgstr "主进程开始等待子进程结束"
#: upscaler.py:465 upscaler.py:475
msgid "Subprocess {} exited with code {}"
msgstr "子进程 {} 结束,返回码 {}"
#: upscaler.py:484
msgid "Stop signal received"
msgstr "收到停止信号"
#: upscaler.py:489
msgid "Subprocess execution ran into an error"
msgstr "子进程执行遇到错误"
#: upscaler.py:523
msgid "Loading files into processing queue"
msgstr "正在将文件添加到处理队列中"
#: upscaler.py:524
msgid "Input path(s): {}"
msgstr "输入路径:{}"
#: upscaler.py:576
msgid "File MIME type: {}"
msgstr "文件 MIME 类型:{}"
#: upscaler.py:601
msgid "File {} ({}) neither an image nor a video"
msgstr "文件 {} ({}) 既不是图片也不是视频"
#: upscaler.py:605
msgid "Skipping this file"
msgstr "将跳过此文件"
#: upscaler.py:640
msgid "Loaded files into processing queue"
msgstr "文件已添加到处理队列"
#: upscaler.py:643
msgid "Input file: {}"
msgstr "输入文件:{}"
#: upscaler.py:661
msgid "Reading file information"
msgstr "正在读取视频信息"
#: upscaler.py:670
msgid "Starting upscaling image"
msgstr "开始放大图像"
#: upscaler.py:684
msgid "Starting upscaling video/GIF"
msgstr "开始放大视频/GIF"
#: upscaler.py:695
msgid "Aborting: No video stream found"
msgstr "程序中止:文件中未找到视频流"
#: upscaler.py:708
msgid "Getting total number of frames in the file"
msgstr "正在获取文件中的总帧数"
#: upscaler.py:723
msgid "Calculating scaling parameters"
msgstr "正在计算缩放参数"
#: upscaler.py:797
msgid "Framerate: {}"
msgstr "帧率:{}"
#: upscaler.py:798
msgid "Width: {}"
msgstr "宽:{}"
#: upscaler.py:799
msgid "Height: {}"
msgstr "高:{}"
#: upscaler.py:801
msgid "Total number of frames: {}"
msgstr "总帧数:{}"
#: upscaler.py:803
msgid "Output width: {}"
msgstr "输出宽度:{}"
#: upscaler.py:804
msgid "Output height: {}"
msgstr "输出高度:{}"
#: upscaler.py:805
msgid "Required scale ratio: {}"
msgstr "需要的缩放比例:{}"
#: upscaler.py:807
msgid "Upscaling jobs queue: {}"
msgstr "放大工作队列:{}"
#: upscaler.py:834
msgid "Unsupported pixel format: {}"
msgstr "不支持的像素格式:{}"
#: upscaler.py:843
msgid "Starting to upscale extracted frames"
msgstr "开始对提取的帧进行放大"
#: upscaler.py:860
msgid "Upscaling completed"
msgstr "放大完成"
#: upscaler.py:862
msgid "Average processing speed: {} seconds per frame"
msgstr "平均处理速度:{} 秒每帧"
#: upscaler.py:868
msgid "Lanczos downscaling frames"
msgstr "正在使用 Lanczos 算法缩放图像"
#: upscaler.py:880
msgid "Downscaling"
msgstr "正在缩放图像"
#: upscaler.py:905
msgid "Exporting image"
msgstr "正在导出图像"
#: upscaler.py:918
msgid "Converting extracted frames into GIF image"
msgstr "正在将提取的帧转换为 GIF"
#: upscaler.py:931 upscaler.py:944
msgid "Conversion completed"
msgstr "转换已完成"
#: upscaler.py:936
msgid "Converting extracted frames into video"
msgstr "正在将提取的帧转换为视频"
#: upscaler.py:949
msgid "Migrating audio, subtitles and other streams to upscaled video"
msgstr "正在将音频、字幕和其他流迁移到放大后的视频"
#: upscaler.py:966
msgid "Failed to migrate streams"
msgstr "迁移流失败"
#: upscaler.py:968
msgid "Trying to output video without additional streams"
msgstr "正在尝试输出不含其他流的视频"
#: upscaler.py:991
msgid "Output video file exists"
msgstr "输出目标文件已存在"
#: upscaler.py:1000
msgid "Created temporary directory to contain file"
msgstr "为文件创建了临时目录"
#: upscaler.py:1005
msgid "Writing intermediate file to: {}"
msgstr "正在将中间视频文件写入至:{}"
#: video2x.py:89
msgid ""
"Video2X CLI Version: {}\n"
"Upscaler Version: {}\n"
"Author: K4YT3X\n"
"License: GNU GPL v3\n"
"Github Page: https://github.com/k4yt3x/video2x\n"
"Contact: k4yt3x@k4yt3x.com"
msgstr ""
"Video2X 版本: {}\n"
"作者: K4YT3X\n"
"开源许可: GNU GPL v3\n"
"GitHub 主页:https://github.com/k4yt3x/video2x\n"
#: video2x.py:117
msgid "Video2X Options"
msgstr "Video2X 选项"
#: video2x.py:120
msgid "show this help message and exit"
msgstr "显示此帮助消息并退出"
#: video2x.py:133
msgid "source video file/directory"
msgstr "源视频文件/目录"
#: video2x.py:141
msgid "output video file/directory"
msgstr "输出视频文件/目录"
#: video2x.py:149
msgid "Video2X config file path"
msgstr "Video2X 配置文件路径"
#: video2x.py:154
msgid "log file path"
msgstr "日志文件路径"
#: video2x.py:159
msgid "display version, lawful information and exit"
msgstr "显示版本和法律信息并退出"
#: video2x.py:164
msgid "Upscaling Options"
msgstr "视频放大选项"
#: video2x.py:167
msgid "scaling ratio"
msgstr "缩放比"
#: video2x.py:171
msgid "output width"
msgstr "输出宽度"
#: video2x.py:175
msgid "output height"
msgstr "输出高度"
#: video2x.py:181
msgid "upscaling driver"
msgstr "视频放大驱动"
#: video2x.py:189
msgid "number of processes to use for upscaling"
msgstr "并发进程数"
#: video2x.py:197
msgid "preserve extracted and upscaled frames"
msgstr "保留提取的和放大的帧"
#: video2x.py:241
msgid "This file cannot be imported"
msgstr "此文件无法被当作模块导入"
#: video2x.py:259
msgid "Specify either scaling ratio or scaling resolution, not both"
msgstr "您只能指定缩放比或输出分辨率两者之一"
#: video2x.py:265
msgid "Either scaling ratio or scaling resolution needs to be specified"
msgstr "必须指定缩放比或输出分辨率"
#: video2x.py:353
msgid "Program completed, taking {} seconds"
msgstr "程序执行完毕,总计花费 {} 秒"
#: video2x.py:360
msgid "An exception has occurred"
msgstr "发生了异常"
#: video2x.py:375
msgid "The error log file can be found at: {}"
msgstr "错误日志已被保存到:{}"
#~ msgid "disable logging"
#~ msgstr "禁用日志"
#~ msgid "Only one of scaling width and scaling height is specified"
#~ msgstr "输出高度和宽度仅有其中一项被指定"
#~ msgid "Redirecting console logs to {}"
#~ msgstr "将控制台日志重定向到 {}"
#~ msgid "Upscaling Progress"
#~ msgstr "放大进度"
#~ msgid "Loading files from multiple paths"
#~ msgstr "正在从多个路径中导入文件"
#~ msgid "Loading single file"
#~ msgstr "正在导入单个文件"
#~ msgid "Loading files from directory"
#~ msgstr "正在从文件夹中导入文件"
#~ msgid "Anime4KCPP doesn't yet support GIF processing"
#~ msgstr "Anime4KCPP 尚不支持GIF处理"
#~ msgid "Starting to upscale video with Anime4KCPP"
#~ msgstr "开始用 Anime4KCPP 放大视频"
#~ msgid "You must specify input video file/directory path"
#~ msgstr "您必须指定输入视频文件/目录路径"
#~ msgid "You must specify output video file/directory path"
#~ msgstr "您必须指定输出视频文件/目录路径"
#~ msgid "Selected driver accepts only scaling ratio"
#~ msgstr "所选驱动程序仅接受缩放比率"
#~ msgid "Scaling ratio must be 1 or 2 for waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan"
#~ msgstr "waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan 的缩放比必须为 1 或 2"
#~ msgid "Scaling ratio must be one of 2, 3 or 4 for srmd_ncnn_vulkan"
#~ msgstr "srmd_ncnn_vulkan 的缩放比必须为 2、3 或 4"
#~ msgid "You must specify both width and height"
#~ msgstr "您必须同时指定宽度和高度"
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video2X Upscale Progress Monitor
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: May 7, 2020
Last Modified: September 9, 2020
# built-in imports
import contextlib
import threading
import time
# third-party imports
from tqdm import tqdm
class ProgressMonitor(threading.Thread):
"""progress monitor
This class provides progress monitoring functionalities
by keeping track of the amount of frames in the input
directory and the output directory. This is originally
suggested by @ArmandBernard.
def __init__(self, upscaler, extracted_frames_directories):
self.upscaler = upscaler
self.extracted_frames_directories = extracted_frames_directories
self.running = False
def run(self):
self.running = True
with tqdm(
desc=_("Processing: {} (pass {}/{})").format(
) as progress_bar:
# tqdm update method adds the value to the progress
# bar instead of setting the value. Therefore, a delta
# needs to be calculated.
previous_cycle_frames = 0
while self.running:
with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError):
upscaled_frames = [
for f in self.upscaler.upscaled_frames.iterdir()
if str(f)
if len(upscaled_frames) >= 1:
self.upscaler.last_frame_upscaled = sorted(upscaled_frames)[-1]
self.upscaler.total_frames_upscaled = len(upscaled_frames)
# update progress bar
delta = self.upscaler.total_frames_upscaled - previous_cycle_frames
previous_cycle_frames = self.upscaler.total_frames_upscaled
def stop(self):
self.running = False
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
.PluginContents=7-Zip Plugin
$^#7-Zip Plugin 19.00#
$^#Copyright (c) 1999-2019 Igor Pavlov#
This FAR module performs transparent #archive# processing.
Files in the archive are handled in the same manner as if they
were in a folder.
~Extracting from the archive~@Extract@
~Add files to the archive~@Update@
~7-Zip Plugin configuration~@Config@
Web site: #www.7-zip.org#
$ #Extracting from the archive#
In this dialog you may enter extracting mode.
Path mode
#Full pathnames# Extract files with full pathnames.
#Current pathnames# Extract files with all relative paths.
#No pathnames# Extract files without folder paths.
Overwrite mode
#Ask before overwrite# Ask before overwriting existing files.
#Overwrite without prompt# Overwrite existing files without prompt.
#Skip existing files# Skip extracting of existing files.
#Selected files# Extract only selected files.
#All files# Extract all files from archive.
$ #Add files to the archive#
This dialog allows you to specify options for process of updating archive.
Compression method
#Store# Files will be copied to archive without compression.
#Normal# Files will be compressed.
#Maximum# Files will be compressed with method that gives
maximum compression ratio.
Update mode
#Add and replace files# Add all specified files to the archive.
#Update and add files# Update older files in the archive and add
files that are new to the archive.
#Freshen existing files# Update specified files in the archive that
are older than the selected disk files.
#Synchronize files# Replace specified files only if
added files are newer. Always add those
files, which are not present in the
archive. Delete from archive those files,
which are not present on the disk.
$ #7-Zip Plugin configuration#
In this dialog you may change following parameters:
#Plugin is used by default# Plugin is used by default.
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
"Get password"
"Enter password"
"&Extract to"
"Path mode"
"&Full pathnames"
"C&urrent pathnames"
"&No pathnames"
"Overwrite mode"
"As&k before overwrite"
"&Overwrite without prompt"
"Sk&ip existing files"
"A&uto rename"
"A&uto rename existing files"
"&Selected files"
"A&ll files"
"Can not open output file '%s'."
"Unsupported compression method for '%s'."
"CRC failed in '%s'."
"Data error in '%s'."
"CRC failed in encrypted file '%s'. Wrong password?"
"Data error in encrypted file '%s'. Wrong password?"
"Confirm File Replace"
"Destination folder already contains processed file."
"Would you like to replace the existing file"
"with this one"
"modified on"
"Yes to &All"
"No to A&ll"
"A&uto rename"
"Update operations are not supported for this archive."
"Delete from archive"
"Delete \"%.40s\" from the archive"
"Delete selected files from the archive"
"Delete %d files from the archive"
"Add files to archive"
"Add to %s a&rchive:"
"Compression method"
"Update mode"
"A&dd and replace files"
"&Update and add files"
"&Freshen existing files"
"S&ynchronize files"
"Se&lect archiver"
"Select archive format"
"Reading the archive"
"Extracting from the archive"
"Deleting from the archive"
"Updating the archive"
"Move operation is not supported"
"7-Zip (add to archive)"
"Plugin is used by default"
"Is Folder"
"Packed Size"
"Splited Before"
"Splited After"
"Dictionary Size"
"Host OS"
"File System"
"Path Prefix"
"Time Type"
"Physical Size"
"Headers Size"
"Virtual Address"
"Short Name"
"Creator Application"
"Sector Size"
"Symbolic Link"
"Total Size"
"Free Space"
"Cluster Size"
"Local Name"
"NT Security"
"Alternate Stream"
"Error Type"
"Alternate Streams"
"Alternate Streams Size"
"Virtual Size"
"Unpack Size"
"Total Physical Size"
"Volume Index"
"Short Comment"
"Code Page"
"Is not archive type"
"Physical Size can't be detected"
"Zeros Tail Is Allowed"
"Tail Size"
"Embedded Stub Size"
"Hard Link"
"Stream ID"
"Out Name"
"Copy Link"
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
.Language=Russian,Russian (<28>ãá᪨©)
.PluginContents=<3D>« £¨ 7-Zip
$^#7-Zip Plugin 19.00#
$^#Copyright (c) 1999-2019 Igor Pavlov#
<20>â®â ¬®¤ã«ì FAR ¯®§¢®«ï¥â à ¡®â âì á # à娢 ¬¨#. „«ï ¯®«ì§®¢ ⥫ï
ä ©«ë ¢ à娢 å ¥ ®â«¨ç îâáï ®â ä ©«®¢ ¢ ¯ ¯ª å.
~<7E> ᯠª®¢ª ä ©«®¢ ¨§ à娢 ~@Extract@
~„®¡ ¢«¥¨¥ ä ©«®¢ ª à娢ã~@Update@
~<7E> à ¬¥âàë à ¡®âë á à娢 ¬¨~@Config@
Web site: #www.7-zip.org#
$ #<23> ᯠª®¢ª ä ©«®¢ ¨§ à娢 #
‚ í⮬ ¤¨ «®£¥ ¢ë ¬®¦¥â¥ ¢¢¥á⨠¯ãâì ¤«ï à ᯠª®¢ª¨ ä ©«®¢ ¨ § ¤ âì
०¨¬ à ᯠª®¢ª¨.
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#Žâ®á¨â¥«ìë¥ ¯ãâ¨# <20> ᯠª®¢ âì á ®â®á¨â¥«ì묨 ¯ãâﬨ.
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¯¥à¥§ ¯¨áì áãé¥áâ¢ãî饣® ä ©« .
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¡¥§ ¯®¤â¢¥à¦¤¥¨ï.
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#Œ ªá¨¬ «ì®¥ ᦠ⨥# ” ©«ë ¡ã¤ãâ ᦠâë á ¬ ªá¨¬ «ì®©
á⥯¥ìî ᦠâ¨ï.
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#Ž¡®¢¨âì ¨ ¤®¡ ¢¨âì# Ž¡®¢¨âì ãáâ ॢ訥 ä ©«ë ¢ à娢¥ ¨
¤®¡ ¢¨âì ä ©«ë, ª®â®àëå ¥â ¢ à娢¥.
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#‘¨åந§¨à®¢ âì# ‘¨åந§¨à®¢ âì ᮤ¥à¦¨¬®¥ à娢
á ¢ë¡à 묨 ä ©« ¬¨.
$ #<23> à ¬¥âàë à ¡®âë á ¯« £¨®¬ 7-Zip#
‚ í⮬ ¤¨ «®£¥ ¢ë ¬®¦¥â¥ ¨§¬¥¨âì á«¥¤ãî騥 ¯ à ¬¥âàë:
#<23>« £¨ ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ¯® 㬮«ç ¨î# <20>« £¨ ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ¯® 㬮«ç ¨î
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
.Language=Russian,Russian (<28>ãá᪨©)
"Žè¨¡ª "
"”®à¬ â"
"„ "
"‚¢®¤ ¯ ஫ï"
"‚¢¥¤¨â¥ ¯ ஫ì"
"<22> ᯠª®¢ª "
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"<22>®&«ë¥ ¯ãâ¨"
"Ž&â®á¨â¥«ìë¥ ¯ãâ¨"
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"<22>¥à¥§ ¯¨áì"
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"<22>¥à¥¨¬¥®¢ âì ¢â®¬."
"<22>¥à¥¨¬. ¢â®¬. áãé¥áâ¢."
"<22> ᯠª®¢ âì"
"‚&ë¡à ë¥ ä ©«ë"
"‚ᥠ&ä ©«ë"
"&<26> ஫ì"
"<22>& ᯠª®¢ âì"
"<22>¥¢®§¬®¦® ®âªàëâì ä ©« '%s'."
"<22>¥¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥¬ë© ¬¥â®¤ ᦠâ¨ï ¤«ï ä ©« '%s'."
"Žè¨¡ª CRC ¢ '%s'."
"Žè¨¡ª ¢ ¤ ëå ¢ '%s'."
"Žè¨¡ª CRC ¤«ï § è¨ä஢ ®£® ä ©« '%s'. <20>¥¢¥àë© ¯ ஫ì?"
"Žè¨¡ª ¢ ¤ ëå § è¨ä஢ ®£® ä ©« '%s'. <20>¥¢¥àë© ¯ ஫ì?"
"<22>®¤â¢¥à¤¨â¥ § ¬¥ã ä ©« "
"<22> ¯ª 㦥 ᮤ¥à¦¨â ®¡à ¡ âë¢ ¥¬ë© ä ©«."
"‡ ¬¥¨âì áãé¥áâ¢ãî騩 ä ©«"
"á«¥¤ãî騬 ä ©«®¬"
"¡ ©â"
"&„ "
"„ ¤«ï &¢á¥å"
"<22>¥â ¤«ï ¢&á¥å"
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"„«ï í⮣® à娢 ®¯¥à 樨 ¨§¬¥¥¨ï ¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ îâáï."
"“¤ «¥¨¥ ¨§ à娢 "
"“¤ «¨âì \"%.40s\" ¨§ à娢 "
"“¤ «¨âì ¢ë¡à ë¥ ä ©«ë ¨§ à娢 "
"“¤ «¨âì %d ä ©«®¢ ¨§ à娢 "
"“¤ «¥¨¥"
"Žâ¬¥ "
"„®¡ ¢¨âì ä ©«ë ª à娢ã"
"„®¡ ¢¨âì ª %s & à娢ã"
"Œ¥â®¤ ᦠâ¨ï"
"<22>¥§ ᦠâ¨ï"
"<22>®à¬ «ìë©"
"Œ ªá¨¬ «ìë©"
"“«ìâà "
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"„®¡ ¢¨âì ¨ § ¬¥¨âì"
"Ž¡®¢¨âì ¨ ¤®¡ ¢¨âì"
"‘¨åந§¨à®¢ âì"
"&„®¡ ¢¨âì"
"€&à娢 â®à"
"‚ë¡®à à娢®£® ä®à¬ â "
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"<22> ᯠª®¢ª "
"“¤ «¥¨¥"
"<22>¥à¥¬¥é¥¨¥ ä ©«®¢ ¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï"
"7-Zip (¤®¡ ¢¨âì ¢ à娢)"
"7-Zip configuration"
"<22>« £¨ ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ¯® 㬮«ç ¨î"
"<22> áè¨à¥¨¥"
"<22> ¯ª "
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"<22>®«ì§®¢ ⥫ì"
"ƒà㯯 "
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"<22> ¯®ª"
"” ©«®¢"
"Time Type"
"”¨§¨ç¥áª¨© <20> §¬¥à"
"<22> §¬¥à ‡ £®«®¢ª®¢"
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"<22>®¬¥à ’®¬ "
"Š®à®âª¨© Š®¬¬¥â ਩"
"Š®¤®¢ ï ‘âà ¨æ "
"Is not archive type"
"Physical Size can't be detected"
"Zeros Tail Is Allowed"
"<22> §¬¥à Žáâ ⪠"
"<22> §¬¥à ‚áâ஥®£® <20>«®ª "
"‘á뫪 "
"†¥áâª ï ‘á뫪 "
"ID <20>®â®ª "
"’®«ìª® ¤«ï ç⥨ï"
"Out Name"
"Copy Link"
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
; 7z supporting for MutiArc in Far
; Append the following strings to file
; ..\Program Files\Far\Plugins\MultiArc\Formats\Custom.ini
ID=37 7A BC AF 27 1C
List=7z l -- %%AQ
Format0="yyyy tt dd hh mm ss aaaaa zzzzzzzzzzzz pppppppppppp nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
Extract=7z x {-p%%P} -r0 -y -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
ExtractWithoutPath=7z e {-p%%P} -r0 -y -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
Test=7z t {-p%%P} -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
Delete=7z d {-p%%P} -r0 -ms=off -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
Add=7z a {-p%%P} -r0 -t7z {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
AddRecurse=7z a {-p%%P} -r0 -t7z {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
List=7z l -- %%AQ
Format0="yyyy tt dd hh mm ss aaaaa zzzzzzzzzzzz pppppppppppp nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
Extract=7z x {-p%%P} -r0 -y -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
ExtractWithoutPath=7z e {-p%%P} -r0 -y -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
Test=7z t {-p%%P} -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
List=7z l -- %%AQ
Format0="yyyy tt dd hh mm ss aaaaa zzzzzzzzzzzz pppppppppppp nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
Extract=7z x {-p%%P} -r0 -y -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
ExtractWithoutPath=7z e {-p%%P} -r0 -y -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
Test=7z t {-p%%P} -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
List=7z l -- %%AQ
Format0="yyyy tt dd hh mm ss aaaaa zzzzzzzzzzzz pppppppppppp nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
Extract=7z x {-p%%P} -r0 -y -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
ExtractWithoutPath=7z e {-p%%P} -r0 -y -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
Test=7z t {-p%%P} -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
"Extract"="7z x {-p%%P} -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e {-p%%P} -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t {-p%%P} -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Delete"="7z d {-p%%P} -r0 {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Add"="7z a {-p%%P} -r0 -tzip {-w%%W} {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"AddRecurse"="7z a {-p%%P} -r0 -tzip {-w%%W} {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Extract"="7z x -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Delete"="7z d -r0 {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Add"="7z a -r0 -y -ttar {-w%%W} {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"AddRecurse"="7z a -r0 -y -ttar {-w%%W} {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Extract"="7z x -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Delete"="7z d -r0 {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Add"="7z a -r0 -tgzip {-w%%W} {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"AddRecurse"="7z a -r0 -tgzip {-w%%W} {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Extract"="7z x -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Delete"="7z d -r0 {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Add"="7z a -r0 -tbzip2 {-w%%W} {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"AddRecurse"="7z a -r0 -tbzip2 {-w%%W} {%%S} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Extract"="7z x -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Extract"="7z x -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Extract"="7z x -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Extract"="7z x -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Extract"="7z x -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"ExtractWithoutPath"="7z e -r0 -y {-w%%W} -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
"Test"="7z t -r0 -scsDOS -i@%%LQMN -- %%A"
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
7-Zip Plugin for FAR Manager
FAR Manager is a file manager working in text mode.
You can download "FAR Manager" from site:
far7z.txt - This file
far7z.reg - Regisrty file for MultiArc Plugin
7zToFar.ini - Supporting 7z for MultiArc Plugin
7-ZipFar.dll - 7-Zip Plugin for FAR Manager
7-ZipEng.hlf - Help file in English for FAR Manager
7-ZipRus.hlf - Help file in Russian for FAR Manager
7-ZipEng.lng - Plugin message strings in English for FAR Manager
7-ZipRus.lng - Plugin message strings in Russian for FAR Manager
There are two ways to use 7-Zip with FAR Manager:
1) Via 7-Zip FAR Plugin (it's recommended way).
2) Via standard MultiArc Plugin.
7-Zip FAR Plugin
7-Zip FAR Plugin is first level plugin for FAR Manager, like MultiArc plugin.
It very fast extracts and updates files in archive, since it doesn't use
external programs. It supports all formats supported by 7-Zip:
To install 7-Zip FAR Plugin:
1) Create "7-Zip" folder in ...\Program Files\Far\Plugins folder.
2) Copy all files from "FAR" folder of this package to created folder.
3) Install 7-Zip, or copy 7z.dll from 7-Zip to Program Files\Far\Plugins\7-Zip\
4) Restart FAR.
You can open archives with one of the following ways:
* Pressing Enter.
* Pressing Ctrl-PgDown.
* Pressing F11 and selecting 7-Zip item.
You can create new archives with 7-Zip by pressing F11 and
selecting 7-Zip (add to archive) item.
If you think that some operations with archives is better to do with MultiArc Plugin,
you can disable 7-Zip plugin via Options / Pligin configuration / 7-Zip. In such mode
opening archives by pressing Enter and Ctrl-PgDown will start MultiArc Plugin. And
if you want to open archive with 7-Zip, press F11 and select 7-Zip item.
Using command line 7-Zip via MultiArc Plugin
If you want to use 7-Zip via MultiArc Plugin, you must
register file far7z.reg.
If you want to use 7z archives via MultiArc Plugin, you must
append contents of file Far\7zToFar.ini to file
..\Program Files\Far\Plugins\MultiArc\Formats\Custom.ini.
If you want to cancel using 7-Zip by MultiArc, just remove lines that contain
7-Zip (7z) program name from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Far\Plugins\MultiArc\ZIP
registry key.
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
7-Zip Extra
License for use and distribution
Copyright (C) 1999-2019 Igor Pavlov.
7-Zip Extra files are under the GNU LGPL license.
You can use 7-Zip Extra on any computer, including a computer in a commercial
organization. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip.
GNU LGPL information
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You can receive a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License from
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
7-Zip Extra history
This file contains only information about changes related to that package exclusively.
The full history of changes is listed in history.txt in main 7-Zip program.
19.00 2019-02-21
- Encryption strength for 7z archives was increased:
the size of random initialization vector was increased from 64-bit to 128-bit,
and the pseudo-random number generator was improved.
- Some bugs were fixed.
18.06 2018-12-30
- The speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased by 3-10%,
and there are minor changes in compression ratio.
- Some bugs were fixed.
18.05 2018-04-30
- The speed for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was increased
by 8% for fastest/fast compression levels and
by 3% for normal/maximum compression levels.
18.03 beta 2018-03-04
- The speed for single-thread LZMA/LZMA2 decoding
was increased by 30% in x64 version and by 3% in x86 version.
- 7-Zip now can use multi-threading for 7z/LZMA2 decoding,
if there are multiple independent data chunks in LZMA2 stream.
9.35 beta 2014-12-07
- SFX modules were moved to LZMA SDK package.
9.34 alpha 2014-06-22
- Minimum supported system now is Windows 2000 for EXE and DLL files.
- all EXE and DLL files use msvcrt.dll.
- 7zr.exe now support AES encryption.
9.18 2010-11-02
- New small SFX module for installers.
9.17 2010-10-04
- New 7-Zip plugin for FAR Manager x64.
9.10 2009-12-30
- 7-Zip for installers now supports LZMA2.
9.09 2009-12-12
- LZMA2 compression method support.
- Some bugs were fixed.
4.65 2009-02-03
- Some bugs were fixed.
4.38 beta 2006-04-13
- SFX for installers now supports new properties in config file:
Progress, Directory, ExecuteFile, ExecuteParameters.
4.34 beta 2006-02-27
- ISetProperties::SetProperties:
it's possible to specify desirable number of CPU threads:
PROPVARIANT: name=L"mt", vt = VT_UI4, ulVal = NumberOfThreads
If "mt" is not defined, 7za.dll will check number of processors in system to set
number of desirable threads.
Now 7za.dll can use:
2 threads for LZMA compressing
N threads for BZip2 compressing
4 threads for BZip2 decompressing
Other codecs use only one thread.
Note: 7za.dll can use additional "small" threads with low CPU load.
- It's possible to call ISetProperties::SetProperties to specify "mt" property for decoder.
4.33 beta 2006-02-05
- Compressing speed and Memory requirements were increased.
Default dictionary size was increased: Fastest: 64 KB, Fast: 1 MB,
Normal: 4 MB, Max: 16 MB, Ultra: 64 MB.
- 7z/LZMA now can use only these match finders: HC4, BT2, BT3, BT4
4.27 2005-09-21
- Some GUIDs/interfaces were changed.
ISequentialInStream::Read now works as old ReadPart
ISequentialOutStream::Write now works as old WritePart
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
7-Zip Extra 19.00
7-Zip Extra is package of extra modules of 7-Zip.
7-Zip Copyright (C) 1999-2019 Igor Pavlov.
7-Zip is free software. Read License.txt for more information about license.
Source code of binaries can be found at:
This package contains the following files:
7za.exe - standalone console version of 7-Zip with reduced formats support.
7za.dll - library for working with 7z archives
7zxa.dll - library for extracting from 7z archives
License.txt - license information
readme.txt - this file
Far\ - plugin for Far Manager
x64\ - binaries for x64
All 32-bit binaries can work in:
Windows 2000 / 2003 / 2008 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
and in any Windows x64 version with WoW64 support.
All x64 binaries can work in any Windows x64 version.
All binaries use msvcrt.dll.
7za.exe - is a standalone console version of 7-Zip with reduced formats support.
Extra: 7za.exe : support for only some formats of 7-Zip.
7-Zip: 7z.exe with 7z.dll : support for all formats of 7-Zip.
7za.exe and 7z.exe from 7-Zip have same command line interface.
7za.exe doesn't use external DLL files.
You can read Help File (7-zip.chm) from 7-Zip package for description
of all commands and switches for 7za.exe and 7z.exe.
7za.exe features:
- High compression ratio in 7z format
- Supported formats:
- Packing / unpacking: 7z, xz, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
- Unpacking only: Z, lzma, CAB.
- Highest compression ratio for ZIP and GZIP formats.
- Fast compression and decompression
- Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats.
Note: LZMA SDK contains 7zr.exe - more reduced version of 7za.exe.
But you can use 7zr.exe as "public domain" code.
DLL files
7za.dll and 7zxa.dll are reduced versions of 7z.dll from 7-Zip.
7za.dll and 7zxa.dll support only 7z format.
Note: 7z.dll is main DLL file that works with all archive types in 7-Zip.
7za.dll and 7zxa.dll support the following decoding methods:
- LZMA, LZMA2, PPMD, BCJ, BCJ2, COPY, 7zAES, BZip2, Deflate.
7za.dll also supports 7z encoding with the following encoding methods:
7za.dll and 7zxa.dll work via COM interfaces.
But these DLLs don't use standard COM interfaces for objects creating.
Look also example code that calls DLL functions (in source code of 7-Zip):
Another example of binary that uses these interface is 7-Zip itself.
The following binaries from 7-Zip use 7z.dll:
- 7z.exe (console version)
- 7zG.exe (GUI version)
- 7zFM.exe (7-Zip File Manager)
Note: The source code of LZMA SDK also contains the code for similar DLLs
(DLLs without BZip2, Deflate support). And these files from LZMA SDK can be
used as "public domain" code. If you use LZMA SDK files, you don't need to
follow GNU LGPL rules, if you want to change the code.
License FAQ
Can I use the EXE or DLL files from 7-Zip in a commercial application?
Yes, but you are required to specify in documentation for your application:
(1) that you used parts of the 7-Zip program,
(2) that 7-Zip is licensed under the GNU LGPL license and
(3) you must give a link to www.7-zip.org, where the source code can be found.
Can I use the source code of 7-Zip in a commercial application?
Since 7-Zip is licensed under the GNU LGPL you must follow the rules of that license.
In brief, it means that any LGPL'ed code must remain licensed under the LGPL.
For instance, you can change the code from 7-Zip or write a wrapper for some
code from 7-Zip and compile it into a DLL; but, the source code of that DLL
(including your modifications / additions / wrapper) must be licensed under
the LGPL or GPL.
Any other code in your application can be licensed as you wish. This scheme allows
users and developers to change LGPL'ed code and recompile that DLL. That is the
idea of free software. Read more here: http://www.gnu.org/.
Note: You can look also LZMA SDK, which is available under a more liberal license.
End of document
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2013-2017, PyInstaller Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with exception
# for distributing bootloader.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: PyInstaller patoolib Hook
Original solution: https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/3013
PyInstaller cannot find libraries imported by patoolib,
since it uses importlib to import these modules.
hiddenimports = [
@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
python-magic-bin; platform_system == "Windows"
python-magic; platform_system != "Windows"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-23 16:45-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=cp1252\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n"
#: progress_monitor.py:40
msgid "Processing: {} (pass {}/{})"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:160
msgid "Specified or default cache directory is a file/link"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:167
msgid "Creating cache directory {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:174
msgid "Unable to create {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:183
msgid "Extracted frames are being saved to: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:189
msgid "Upscaled frames are being saved to: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:203
msgid "Cleaning up cache directory: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:208
msgid "Unable to delete: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:214 upscaler.py:239 upscaler.py:250
msgid "Input and output path type mismatch"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:215
msgid "Input is multiple files but output is not directory"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:220
msgid "Input path {} is neither a file nor a directory"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:230 upscaler.py:256
msgid "Input directory and output directory cannot be the same"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:240
msgid "Input is single file but output is directory"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:243
msgid "No suffix found in output file path"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:244
msgid "Suffix must be specified"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:251
msgid "Input is directory but output is existing single file"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:264
msgid "Input path is neither a file nor a directory"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:280
msgid "FFmpeg or FFprobe cannot be found under the specified path"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:282 upscaler.py:295
msgid "Please check the configuration file settings"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:294
msgid "Specified driver executable directory doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:323
msgid "Failed to parse driver argument: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:346
msgid "Unrecognized driver: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:397
msgid "Starting progress monitor"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:402
msgid "Starting upscaled image cleaner"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:413 upscaler.py:432
msgid "Killing progress monitor"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:416 upscaler.py:435
msgid "Killing upscaled image cleaner"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:439
msgid "Terminating all processes"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:445
msgid "Main process waiting for subprocesses to exit"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:465 upscaler.py:475
msgid "Subprocess {} exited with code {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:484
msgid "Stop signal received"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:489
msgid "Subprocess execution ran into an error"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:523
msgid "Loading files into processing queue"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:524
msgid "Input path(s): {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:576
msgid "File MIME type: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:601
msgid "File {} ({}) neither an image nor a video"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:605
msgid "Skipping this file"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:640
msgid "Loaded files into processing queue"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:643
msgid "Input file: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:661
msgid "Reading file information"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:670
msgid "Starting upscaling image"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:684
msgid "Starting upscaling video/GIF"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:695
msgid "Aborting: No video stream found"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:708
msgid "Getting total number of frames in the file"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:723
msgid "Calculating scaling parameters"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:797
msgid "Framerate: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:798
msgid "Width: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:799
msgid "Height: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:801
msgid "Total number of frames: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:803
msgid "Output width: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:804
msgid "Output height: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:805
msgid "Required scale ratio: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:807
msgid "Upscaling jobs queue: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:834
msgid "Unsupported pixel format: {}"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:843
msgid "Starting to upscale extracted frames"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:860
msgid "Upscaling completed"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:862
msgid "Average processing speed: {} seconds per frame"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:868
msgid "Lanczos downscaling frames"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:880
msgid "Downscaling"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:905
msgid "Exporting image"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:918
msgid "Converting extracted frames into GIF image"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:931 upscaler.py:944
msgid "Conversion completed"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:936
msgid "Converting extracted frames into video"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:949
msgid "Migrating audio, subtitles and other streams to upscaled video"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:966
msgid "Failed to migrate streams"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:968
msgid "Trying to output video without additional streams"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:991
msgid "Output video file exists"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:1000
msgid "Created temporary directory to contain file"
msgstr ""
#: upscaler.py:1005
msgid "Writing intermediate file to: {}"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:89
msgid ""
"Video2X CLI Version: {}\n"
"Upscaler Version: {}\n"
"Author: K4YT3X\n"
"License: GNU GPL v3\n"
"Github Page: https://github.com/k4yt3x/video2x\n"
"Contact: k4yt3x@k4yt3x.com"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:117
msgid "Video2X Options"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:120
msgid "show this help message and exit"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:133
msgid "source video file/directory"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:141
msgid "output video file/directory"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:149
msgid "Video2X config file path"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:154
msgid "log file path"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:159
msgid "display version, lawful information and exit"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:164
msgid "Upscaling Options"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:167
msgid "scaling ratio"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:171
msgid "output width"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:175
msgid "output height"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:181
msgid "upscaling driver"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:189
msgid "number of processes to use for upscaling"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:197
msgid "preserve extracted and upscaled frames"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:241
msgid "This file cannot be imported"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:259
msgid "Specify either scaling ratio or scaling resolution, not both"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:265
msgid "Either scaling ratio or scaling resolution needs to be specified"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:353
msgid "Program completed, taking {} seconds"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:360
msgid "An exception has occurred"
msgstr ""
#: video2x.py:375
msgid "The error log file can be found at: {}"
msgstr ""
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ __ __ _ _ ___ __ __
\/ |_| \__,_| \___| \___/ |____| /_/ \_\
Name: Video2X Controller
Name: Video2X
Creator: K4YT3X
Date Created: Feb 24, 2018
Last Modified: January 23, 2021
Last Modified: July 3, 2021
Editor: BrianPetkovsek
Last Modified: June 17, 2019
@ -49,332 +49,412 @@ smooth and edges sharp.
# local imports
from bilogger import BiLogger
from upscaler import AVAILABLE_DRIVERS
from upscaler import UPSCALER_VERSION
from upscaler import Upscaler
from .decoder import VideoDecoder
from .encoder import VideoEncoder
from .interpolator import Interpolator
from .upscaler import Upscaler
# built-in imports
import argparse
import gettext
import importlib
import locale
import math
import multiprocessing
import os
import pathlib
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
import yaml
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
from loguru import logger
from rich import print
from tqdm import tqdm
import cv2
import ffmpeg
import numpy as np
# internationalization constants
DOMAIN = "video2x"
LOCALE_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "locale"
# getting default locale settings
default_locale, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()
if default_locale is None:
default_locale = "en_US"
language = gettext.translation(
DOMAIN, LOCALE_DIRECTORY, [default_locale], fallback=True
_ = language.gettext
VERSION = "5.0.0"
CLI_VERSION = "4.3.3"
"""Video2X CLI Version: {}
Upscaler Version: {}
LEGAL_INFO = """Video2X {}
Author: K4YT3X
License: GNU GPL v3
Github Page: https://github.com/k4yt3x/video2x
Contact: k4yt3x@k4yt3x.com"""
Contact: k4yt3x@k4yt3x.com""".format(
LOGO = r"""
__ __ _ _ ___ __ __
\ \ / / (_) | | |__ \ \ \ / /
\ \ / / _ __| | ___ ___ ) | \ V /
\ \/ / | | / _` | / _ \ / _ \ / / > <
\ / | | | (_| | | __/ | (_) | / /_ / . \
\/ |_| \__,_| \___| \___/ |____| /_/ \_\
# fixed scaling ratios supported by the drivers
# that only support certain fixed scale ratios
"waifu2x": [1, 2],
"srmd": [2, 3, 4],
"realsr": [4],
def parse_arguments():
"""parse CLI arguments"""
class Video2X:
Video2X class
provides two vital functions:
- upscale: perform upscaling on a file
- interpolate: perform motion interpolation on a file
def __init__(self):
self.version = "5.0.0"
def _get_video_info(self, path: pathlib.Path):
get video file information with FFmpeg
:param path pathlib.Path: video file path
:raises RuntimeError: raised when video stream isn't found
# probe video file info
logger.info("Reading input video information")
for stream in ffmpeg.probe(path)["streams"]:
if stream["codec_type"] == "video":
video_info = stream
raise RuntimeError("unable to find video stream")
# get total number of frames to be processed
total_frames = int(cv2.VideoCapture(str(path)).get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
frame_rate = cv2.VideoCapture(str(path)).get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
return video_info["width"], video_info["height"], total_frames, frame_rate
def _run(
input_path: pathlib.Path,
width: int,
height: int,
total_frames: int,
frame_rate: float,
output_path: pathlib.Path,
output_width: int,
output_height: int,
Processor: object,
mode: str,
processes: int,
processing_settings: tuple,
# initialize values
self.processor_processes = []
self.processing_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
processed_frames = multiprocessing.Manager().list([None] * total_frames)
self.processed = multiprocessing.Value("I", 0)
# set up and start decoder thread
logger.info("Starting video decoder")
self.decoder = VideoDecoder(
# in interpolate mode, the frame rate is doubled
if mode == "upscale":
progress = tqdm(total=total_frames, desc=f"UPSC {input_path.name}")
# elif mode == "interpolate":
frame_rate *= 2
progress = tqdm(total=total_frames, desc=f"INTERP {input_path.name}")
# set up and start encoder thread
logger.info("Starting video encoder")
self.encoder = VideoEncoder(
# create upscaler processes
for process_name in range(processes):
process = Processor(self.processing_queue, processed_frames)
process.name = str(process_name)
process.daemon = True
# create progress bar
# wait for jobs in queue to deplete
while self.encoder.is_alive() is True:
for process in self.processor_processes:
if not process.is_alive():
raise Exception("process died unexpectedly")
progress.n = self.processed.value
logger.info("Encoding has completed")
progress.n = self.processed.value
# if SIGTERM is received or ^C is pressed
# TODO: pause and continue here
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
logger.warning("Exit signal received, terminating")
# mark processing queue as closed
# stop upscaler processes
logger.info("Stopping upscaler processes")
for process in self.processor_processes:
# wait for processes to finish
for process in self.processor_processes:
# ensure both the decoder and the encoder have exited
def upscale(
input_path: pathlib.Path,
output_path: pathlib.Path,
output_width: int,
output_height: int,
noise: int,
processes: int,
threshold: float,
driver: str,
) -> None:
# get basic video information
width, height, total_frames, frame_rate = self._get_video_info(input_path)
# automatically calculate output width and height if only one is given
if output_width == 0 or output_width is None:
output_width = output_height / height * width
elif output_height == 0 or output_height is None:
output_height = output_width / width * height
# sanitize output width and height to be divisible by 2
output_width = int(math.ceil(output_width / 2.0) * 2)
output_height = int(math.ceil(output_height / 2.0) * 2)
# start processing
def interpolate(
input_path: pathlib.Path,
output_path: pathlib.Path,
processes: int,
threshold: float,
driver: str,
) -> None:
# get video basic information
width, height, original_frames, frame_rate = self._get_video_info(input_path)
# calculate the number of total output frames
total_frames = original_frames * 2 - 1
# start processing
(threshold, driver),
def parse_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace:
parse command line arguments
:rtype argparse.Namespace: command parsing results
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
# video options
video2x_options = parser.add_argument_group(_("Video2X Options"))
"--help", action="help", help=_("show this help message and exit")
parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit")
"-v", "--version", help="show version information and exit", action="store_true"
# if help is in arguments list
# do not require input and output path to be specified
require_input_output = True
if "-h" in sys.argv or "--help" in sys.argv:
require_input_output = False
help=_("source video file/directory"),
help="input file/directory path",
help=_("output video file/directory"),
help="output file/directory path",
"-p", "--processes", type=int, help="number of processes to launch", default=1
choices=["trace", "debug", "info", "success", "warning", "error", "critical"],
help=_("Video2X config file path"),
default=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "video2x.yaml",
# upscaler arguments
action = parser.add_subparsers(
help="action to perform", dest="action", required=True
video2x_options.add_argument("--log", type=pathlib.Path, help=_("log file path"))
help=_("display version, lawful information and exit"),
upscale = action.add_parser("upscale", help="upscale a file", add_help=False)
"--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit"
# scaling options
upscaling_options = parser.add_argument_group(_("Upscaling Options"))
"-r", "--ratio", help=_("scaling ratio"), action="store", type=float
"-w", "--width", help=_("output width"), action="store", type=float
"-h", "--height", help=_("output height"), action="store", type=float
upscale.add_argument("-w", "--width", type=int, help="output width")
upscale.add_argument("-h", "--height", type=int, help="output height")
upscale.add_argument("-n", "--noise", type=int, help="denoise level", default=3)
help=_("upscaling driver"),
help="driver to use for upscaling",
help="if the % difference between two adjacent frames exceeds this value, two images are deemed the same",
help=_("number of processes to use for upscaling"),
# interpolator arguments
interpolate = action.add_parser(
"interpolate", help="interpolate frames for file", add_help=False
"--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit"
help="driver to use for upscaling",
help="if the % difference between two adjacent frames exceeds this value, no interpolation will be performed",
help=_("preserve extracted and upscaled frames"),
# if no driver arguments are specified
if "--" not in sys.argv:
video2x_args = parser.parse_args()
return video2x_args, None
# if driver arguments are specified
video2x_args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1 : sys.argv.index("--")])
wrapper = getattr(
importlib.import_module(f"wrappers.{video2x_args.driver}"), "WrapperMain"
driver_args = wrapper.parse_arguments(sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--") + 1 :])
return video2x_args, driver_args
return parser.parse_args()
def print_logo():
"""print video2x logo"""
print(f'\n{"Video2X Video Enlarger".rjust(40, " ")}')
print(f'\n{Avalon.FM.BD}{f"Version {CLI_VERSION}".rjust(36, " ")}{Avalon.FM.RST}\n')
def read_config(config_file: pathlib.Path) -> dict:
"""read video2x configurations from config file
config_file {pathlib.Path} -- video2x configuration file pathlib.Path
dict -- dictionary of video2x configuration
def main():
command line direct invocation
program entry point
with open(config_file, "r") as config:
return yaml.load(config, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# parse command line arguments
args = parse_arguments()
# /////////////////// Execution /////////////////// #
# set logger level
if os.environ.get("LOGURU_LEVEL") is None:
os.environ["LOGURU_LEVEL"] = args.loglevel.upper()
# this is not a library
if __name__ != "__main__":
Avalon.error(_("This file cannot be imported"))
raise ImportError(f"{__file__} cannot be imported")
# set logger format
if os.environ.get("LOGURU_FORMAT") is None:
] = "<fg 240>{time:HH:mm:ss!UTC}</fg 240> | <level>{level: <8}</level> | <level>{message}</level>"
# print video2x logo
# display version and lawful informaition
if args.version:
# parse command line arguments
video2x_args, driver_args = parse_arguments()
# initialize upscaler object
video2x = Video2X()
# display version and lawful informaition
if video2x_args.version:
if args.action == "upscale":
# additional checks on upscaling arguments
if video2x_args.ratio is not None and (
video2x_args.width is not None or video2x_args.height is not None
Avalon.error(_("Specify either scaling ratio or scaling resolution, not both"))
elif video2x_args.ratio is None and (
video2x_args.width is None or video2x_args.height is None
Avalon.error(_("Either scaling ratio or scaling resolution needs to be specified"))
# redirect output to both terminal and log file
if video2x_args.log is not None:
log_file = video2x_args.log.open(mode="a+", encoding="utf-8")
log_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(
mode="a+", suffix=".log", prefix="video2x_", encoding="utf-8"
original_stdout = sys.stdout
original_stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stdout = BiLogger(sys.stdout, log_file)
sys.stderr = BiLogger(sys.stderr, log_file)
# read configurations from configuration file
config = read_config(video2x_args.config)
# load waifu2x configuration
driver_settings = config[video2x_args.driver]
driver_settings["path"] = os.path.expandvars(driver_settings["path"])
# read FFmpeg configuration
ffmpeg_settings = config["ffmpeg"]
ffmpeg_settings["ffmpeg_path"] = os.path.expandvars(ffmpeg_settings["ffmpeg_path"])
# read Gifski configuration
gifski_settings = config["gifski"]
gifski_settings["gifski_path"] = os.path.expandvars(gifski_settings["gifski_path"])
# load video2x settings
extracted_frame_format = config["video2x"]["extracted_frame_format"].lower()
output_file_name_format_string = config["video2x"]["output_file_name_format_string"]
image_output_extension = config["video2x"]["image_output_extension"]
video_output_extension = config["video2x"]["video_output_extension"]
preserve_frames = config["video2x"]["preserve_frames"]
# if preserve frames specified in command line
# overwrite config file options
if video2x_args.preserve_frames is True:
preserve_frames = True
# if cache directory not specified
# use default path: %TEMP%\video2x
if config["video2x"]["video2x_cache_directory"] is None:
video2x_cache_directory = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "video2x"
video2x_cache_directory = pathlib.Path(config["video2x"]["video2x_cache_directory"])
# overwrite driver_settings with driver_args
if driver_args is not None:
driver_args_dict = vars(driver_args)
for key in driver_args_dict:
if driver_args_dict[key] is not None:
driver_settings[key] = driver_args_dict[key]
# start execution
# start timer
begin_time = time.time()
# initialize upscaler object
upscaler = Upscaler(
# required parameters
# optional parameters
# run upscaler
_("Program completed, taking {} seconds").format(
round((time.time() - begin_time), 5)
except Exception:
Avalon.error(_("An exception has occurred"))
if video2x_args.log is not None:
log_file_path = video2x_args.log.absolute()
# if log file path is not specified, create temporary file as permanent log file
# tempfile.TempFile does not have a name attribute and is not guaranteed to have
# a visible name on the file system
log_file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".log", prefix="video2x_")[1]
with open(log_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as permanent_log_file:
Avalon.error(_("The error log file can be found at: {}").format(log_file_path))
sys.stdout = original_stdout
sys.stderr = original_stderr
elif args.action == "interpolate":
except Exception as e:
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
# Name: Video2X Configuration File
# Creator: K4YT3X
# Date Created: October 23, 2018
# Last Modified: September 28, 2020
# Values here are the default values. Change the value here to
# save the default value permanently.
# Items commented out are parameters irrelevant to this context
# or parameters handled by Video2X internally.
path: '%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x\waifu2x-caffe\waifu2x-caffe-cui'
tta: 0 # <0|1> 8x slower and slightly high quality
gpu: 0 # gpu device no
batch_size: 1 # input batch size
crop_h: null # input image split size(height)
crop_w: null # input image split size(width)
crop_size: 128 # input image split size
output_depth: 8 # output image chanel depth bit
output_quality: -1 # output image quality
process: gpu # <cpu|gpu|cudnn> process mode
model_dir: null # path to custom model directory (don't append last / )
#scale_height: 0 # custom scale height (specifying this will overwrite scale_ratio)
#scale_width: 0 # custom scale width (specifying this will overwrite scale_ratio)
#scale_ratio: null # custom scale ratio
noise_level: 3 # <0|1|2|3> noise reduction level
mode: noise_scale # <noise|scale|noise_scale|auto_scale> image processing mode
output_extention: null # extension to output image file when output_path is (auto) or input_path is folder
input_extention_list: null # extension to input image file when input_path is folder
#output_path: null # path to output image file (when input_path is folder, output_path must be folder)
#input_path: null # (required) path to input image file
path: '%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x\waifu2x-converter-cpp\waifu2x-converter-cpp'
#list-supported-formats: null # dump currently supported format list
#list-opencv-formats: null # (deprecated. Use --list-supported-formats) dump opencv supported format list
#list-processor # dump processor list
#output-format: null # The format used when running in recursive/folder mode
png-compression: 5 # Set PNG compression level (0-9), 9 = Max compression (slowest & smallest)
image-quality: -1 # JPEG & WebP Compression quality (-1-101, 0 being smallest size and lowest quality, -1 being default), use 101 for lossless WebP
block-size: 0 # block size
disable-gpu: false # disable GPU
force-OpenCL: false # force to use OpenCL on Intel Platform
processor: -1 # set target processor (-1 uses default device)
jobs: 0 # number of threads launching at the same time
model-dir: null # path to custom model directory (don't append last / ) default: models_rgb
#scale-ratio: 2.0 # custom scale ratio
noise-level: 1 # <0|1|2|3> noise reduction level
mode: noise-scale # <noise|scale|noise-scale> image processing mode
log-level: 1 # <0|1|2|3|4> Set log level
silent: true # Enable silent mode. (same as --log-level 1)
tta: 0 # Enable Test-Time Augmentation mode. (0 or 1)
#generate-subdir: 0 # Generate sub folder when recursive directory is enabled.
#auto-naming: 0 # Add postfix to output name when output path is not specified.
#recursive-directory: 0 # Search recursively through directories to find more images to process.
#output: null # path to output image file or directory (you should use the full path)
#input: null # (required) path to input image file or directory (you should use the full path)
path: '%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x\waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan\waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan'
v: null # verbose output
#i: null # input-path: input image path (jpg/png/webp) or directory
#o: null # output-path: output image path (jpg/png/webp) or directory
'n': 2 # noise-level: denoise level (-1/0/1/2/3, default=0)
s: 2 # scale: upscale ratio (1/2, default=2)
t: 400 # tile-size: tile size (>=32, default=400)
m: null # model-path: waifu2x model path (default=models-cunet)
g: 0 # gpu-id: gpu device to use (default=0)
j: '1:2:2' # thread count for load/proc/save (default=1:2:2) can be 1:2,2,2:2 for multi-gpu
x: false # enable tta mode
#f: png # output image format (jpg/png/webp, default=ext/png)
path: '%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x\srmd-ncnn-vulkan\srmd-ncnn-vulkan'
v: null # verbose output
#i: null # input-path: input image path (jpg/png) or directory
#o: null # output-path: output image path (png) or directory
'n': 3 # noise-level: denoise level (-1/0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10, default=3)
s: 2 # upscale ratio (2/3/4, default=2)
t: 400 # tile-size: tile size (>=32, default=400)
m: null # srmd model path (default=models-srmd)
g: 0 # gpu device to use (default=0)
j: '1:2:2' # thread count for load/proc/save (default=1:2:2)
x: false # enable tta mode
#f: png # output image format (jpg/png/webp, default=ext/png)
path: '%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x\realsr-ncnn-vulkan\realsr-ncnn-vulkan'
v: null # verbose output
#i: null # input-path: input image path (jpg/png) or directory
#o: null # output-path: output image path (png) or directory
s: 4 # upscale ratio (4, default=4)
t: 0 # tile size (>=32/0=auto, default=0)
m: null # realsr model path (default=models-DF2K)
g: 0 # gpu device to use (default=0)
j: '1:2:2' # thread count for load/proc/save (default=1:2:2)
x: false # enable tta mode
#f: png # output image format (jpg/png/webp, default=ext/png)
path: '%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x\anime4kcpp\CLI\Anime4KCPP_CLI\Anime4KCPP_CLI'
#input: null # File for loading (string [=./pic/p1.png])
#output: null # File for outputting (string [=output.png])
passes: 2 # Passes for processing (int [=2])
pushColorCount: 2 # Limit the number of color pushes (int [=2])
strengthColor: 0.3 # Strength for pushing color,range 0 to 1,higher for thinner (double [=0.3])
strengthGradient: 1.0 # Strength for pushing gradient,range 0 to 1,higher for sharper (double [=1])
zoomFactor: 2.0 # zoom factor for resizing (double [=2])
threads: 16 # Threads count for video processing (unsigned int [=16])
fastMode: false # Faster but maybe low quality
videoMode: false # Video process
preview: null # Preview image
preprocessing: false # Enable pre processing
postprocessing: false # Enable post processing
preFilters: 4 # Enhancement filter, only working when preProcessing is true,there are 5 options by binary:Median blur=0000001, Mean blur=0000010, CAS Sharpening=0000100, Gaussian blur weak=0001000, Gaussian blur=0010000, Bilateral filter=0100000, Bilateral filter faster=1000000, you can freely combine them, eg: Gaussian blur weak + Bilateral filter = 0001000 | 0100000 = 0101000 = 40(D) (unsigned int [=4])
postFilters: 40 # Enhancement filter, only working when postProcessing is true,there are 5 options by binary:Median blur=0000001, Mean blur=0000010, CAS Sharpening=0000100, Gaussian blur weak=0001000, Gaussian blur=0010000, Bilateral filter=0100000, Bilateral filter faster=1000000, you can freely combine them, eg: Gaussian blur weak + Bilateral filter = 0001000 | 0100000 = 0101000 = 40(D), so you can put 40 to enable Gaussian blur weak and Bilateral filter, which also is what I recommend for image that < 1080P, 48 for image that >= 1080P, and for performance I recommend to use 72 for video that < 1080P, 80 for video that >=1080P (unsigned int [=40])
GPUMode: false # Enable GPU acceleration
CNNMode: false # Enable ACNet
HDN: false # Enable HDN mode for ACNet
HDNLevel: 1 # Set HDN level (int [=1])
listGPUs: null # list GPUs
platformID: 0 # Specify the platform ID (unsigned int [=0])
deviceID: 0 # Specify the device ID (unsigned int [=0])
codec: mp4v # Specify the codec for encoding from mp4v(recommended in Windows), dxva(for Windows), avc1(H264, recommended in Linux), vp09(very slow), hevc(not support in Windowds), av01(not support in Windowds) (string [=mp4v])
forceFps: 0 # Set output video fps to the specifying number, 0 to disable (float [=0])
disableProgress: false # disable progress display
webVideo: null # process the video from URL
alpha: false # preserve the Alpha channel for transparent image
ffmpeg_path: '%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x\ffmpeg\bin'
intermediate_file_name: 'intermediate.mkv'
# Step 1: Frame Extraction
# extract all frames from original input into temporary directory
'-hwaccel': auto # automatically select hardware acceleration method
'-y': true
input_options: {} # empty dict, expand if necessary
'-pix_fmt': rgb24 # extracted frames pixel format
'-qscale:v': null # output image quality control for JPEG (1-31, 1 being highest)
# Step 2: Video Assembly
# assemble all frames back into a video with only a video track
'-hwaccel': auto # automatically select hardware acceleration method
'-y': true
'-f': image2 # force image2 format
'-vcodec': libx264 # video codec
'-pix_fmt': 'yuv420p' # overwrite default pixel format
'-crf': 17 # H.264 Constant Rate Factor
'-b:v': null # target average bitrate
'-vf': 'pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2' # ensure output is divisible by 2, recommended for libx264
'-tune': 'animation' # encoding tuning film/animation/grain/stillimage/fastdecode/zerolatency/psnr/ssim
# Step 3: Streams Migration
# migrate audio and subtitle streams from original
# video into the upscaled video
'-hwaccel': auto # automatically select hardware acceleration method
'-y': true
input_options: {} # empty dict, expand if necessary
- '0:v?' # copy video streams
- '1:a?' # copy audio streams
- '1:s?' # copy subtitle streams
- '1:d?' # copy data streams
- '1:t?' # copy fonts
'-c': copy # copy codec for all streams
# '-vf': 'minterpolate=''fps=60''' # minterpolate frame interpolation
'-map_metadata': 0 # copy known metadata tags
# '-movflags': 'use_metadata_tags' # copy custom/arbitrary metadata tags
'-pix_fmt': null
'-metadata': 'comment=Upscaled by Video2X'
gifski_path: '%LOCALAPPDATA%\video2x\gifski\win\gifski'
# output: null # Destination file to write to
# fps: 20 # Animation frames per second (for PNG frames only) [default: 20]
fast: false # 3 times faster encoding, but 10% lower quality and bigger file
quality: 100 # Lower quality may give smaller file
#width: null # Maximum width
#height: null # Maximum height (if width is also set)
once: false # Do not loop the GIF
nosort: false # Use files exactly in the order given, rather than sorted
quiet: false # Do not show a progress bar
video2x_cache_directory: null # default: %TEMP%\video2x, directory where cache files are stored, will be deleted if preserve_frames is not set to true
extracted_frame_format: png # png/jpg intermediate file format used for extracted frames during video processing
output_file_name_format_string: "{original_file_name}_output{extension}" # format string to use for generating output file names
image_output_extension: .png # image output extension during batch processing
video_output_extension: .mp4 # video output extension during batch processing
preserve_frames: false # if set to true, the cache directory won't be cleaned upon task completion
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
"files": ["video2x_gui.ui","video2x_gui.py"]
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video2X Setup Script
Creator: K4YT3X
Date Created: November 28, 2018
Last Modified: December 13, 2020
Editor: BrianPetkovsek
Editor: SAT3LL
Editor: konqiDAM
Description: This script helps installing all dependencies of video2x
and generates a configuration for it.
Installation Details:
- ffmpeg: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\video2x\\ffmpeg
- waifu2x-caffe: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\video2x\\waifu2x-caffe
- waifu2x-cpp-converter: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\video2x\\waifu2x-converter-cpp
- waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\video2x\\waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan
- srmd_ncnn_vulkan: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\video2x\\srmd-ncnn-vulkan
- realsr_ncnn_vulkan: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\video2x\\realsr-ncnn-vulkan
- anime4kcpp: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\video2x\\anime4kcpp
# built-in imports
from datetime import timedelta
import argparse
import contextlib
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
import urllib
import zipfile
# Some libraries don't come with default Python installation.
# Therefore, they will be installed during the Python dependency
# installation step and imported later in the script.
# global static variables
LOCALAPPDATA = pathlib.Path(os.getenv("localappdata"))
def parse_arguments():
"""parse command line arguments"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
help="driver to download and configure",
help="uninstall Video2X dependencies from default location",
# parse arguments
return parser.parse_args()
class Video2xSetup:
"""install dependencies for video2x video enlarger
This library is meant to be executed as a stand-alone
script. All files will be installed under %LOCALAPPDATA%\\video2x.
def __init__(self, driver, download_python_modules):
self.driver = driver
self.download_python_modules = download_python_modules
self.trash = []
def run(self):
# regardless of which driver to install
# always ensure Python modules are installed and up-to-date
if self.download_python_modules:
print("\nInstalling Python libraries")
# if all drivers are to be installed
if self.driver == "all":
for driver in DRIVER_OPTIONS:
getattr(self, f"_install_{driver}")()
# install only the selected driver
getattr(self, f"_install_{self.driver}")()
# self._cleanup()
def _install_python_requirements(self):
"""Read requirements.txt and return its content"""
def _cleanup(self):
"""Cleanup all the temp files downloaded"""
print("\nCleaning up temporary files")
for file in self.trash:
if file.is_dir():
print(f"Deleting directory: {file}")
print(f"Deleting file: {file}")
except Exception:
print(f"Error deleting: {file}")
def _install_ffmpeg(self):
"""Install FFMPEG"""
print("\nInstalling FFmpeg")
import patoolib
latest_release = "https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-release-full.7z"
ffmpeg_7z = download(latest_release, tempfile.gettempdir())
# if running in PyInstaller, add sys._MEIPASS\7z to path
# this directory contains 7za.exe and its DLL files
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
os.environ["PATH"] += f";{sys._MEIPASS}\\7z"
ffmpeg_directory = LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "ffmpeg"
# (ffmpeg_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# pyunpack.Archive(ffmpeg_7z).extractall(ffmpeg_directory)
if (ffmpeg_directory).exists():
patoolib.extract_archive(str(ffmpeg_7z), outdir=str(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x"))
(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / ffmpeg_7z.stem).rename(ffmpeg_directory)
def _install_gifski(self):
print("\nInstalling Gifski")
import requests
# Get latest release of Gifski via Github API
releases = requests.get(
for release in releases:
for asset in release["assets"]:
if re.search(r"gifski-.*\.tar\.xz", asset["browser_download_url"]):
gifski_tar_xz = download(
asset["browser_download_url"], tempfile.gettempdir()
# extract and rename
with tarfile.open(gifski_tar_xz) as archive:
archive.extractall(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "gifski")
def _install_waifu2x_caffe(self):
"""Install waifu2x_caffe"""
print("\nInstalling waifu2x-caffe")
import requests
# Get latest release of waifu2x-caffe via GitHub API
latest_release = requests.get(
for a in latest_release["assets"]:
if "waifu2x-caffe.zip" in a["browser_download_url"]:
waifu2x_caffe_zip = download(
a["browser_download_url"], tempfile.gettempdir()
with zipfile.ZipFile(waifu2x_caffe_zip) as zipf:
zipf.extractall(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x")
def _install_waifu2x_converter_cpp(self):
"""Install waifu2x_caffe"""
print("\nInstalling waifu2x-converter-cpp")
import requests
# Get latest release of waifu2x-caffe via GitHub API
latest_release = requests.get(
for a in latest_release["assets"]:
if re.search(
r"waifu2x-DeadSix27-win64_v[0-9]*\.zip", a["browser_download_url"]
waifu2x_converter_cpp_zip = download(
a["browser_download_url"], tempfile.gettempdir()
with zipfile.ZipFile(waifu2x_converter_cpp_zip) as zipf:
zipf.extractall(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "waifu2x-converter-cpp")
def _install_waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan(self):
"""Install waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan"""
print("\nInstalling waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan")
import requests
# Get latest release of waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan via Github API
latest_release = requests.get(
for a in latest_release["assets"]:
if re.search(
r"waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan-\d*-windows\.zip", a["browser_download_url"]
waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_zip = download(
a["browser_download_url"], tempfile.gettempdir()
# extract and rename
waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_directory = LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan"
with zipfile.ZipFile(waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_zip) as zipf:
zipf.extractall(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x")
# if directory already exists, remove it
if waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_directory.exists():
# rename the newly extracted directory
(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / zipf.namelist()[0]).rename(
def _install_srmd_ncnn_vulkan(self):
"""Install srmd-ncnn-vulkan"""
print("\nInstalling srmd-ncnn-vulkan")
import requests
# Get latest release of srmd-ncnn-vulkan via Github API
latest_release = requests.get(
for a in latest_release["assets"]:
if re.search(
r"srmd-ncnn-vulkan-\d*-windows\.zip", a["browser_download_url"]
srmd_ncnn_vulkan_zip = download(
a["browser_download_url"], tempfile.gettempdir()
# extract and rename
srmd_ncnn_vulkan_directory = LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "srmd-ncnn-vulkan"
with zipfile.ZipFile(srmd_ncnn_vulkan_zip) as zipf:
zipf.extractall(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x")
# if directory already exists, remove it
if srmd_ncnn_vulkan_directory.exists():
# rename the newly extracted directory
(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / zipf.namelist()[0]).rename(
def _install_realsr_ncnn_vulkan(self):
"""Install realsr-ncnn-vulkan"""
print("\nInstalling realsr-ncnn-vulkan")
import requests
# Get latest release of realsr-ncnn-vulkan via Github API
latest_release = requests.get(
for a in latest_release["assets"]:
if re.search(
r"realsr-ncnn-vulkan-\d*-windows\.zip", a["browser_download_url"]
realsr_ncnn_vulkan_zip = download(
a["browser_download_url"], tempfile.gettempdir()
# extract and rename
realsr_ncnn_vulkan_directory = LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "realsr-ncnn-vulkan"
with zipfile.ZipFile(realsr_ncnn_vulkan_zip) as zipf:
zipf.extractall(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x")
# if directory already exists, remove it
if realsr_ncnn_vulkan_directory.exists():
# rename the newly extracted directory
(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / zipf.namelist()[0]).rename(
def _install_anime4kcpp(self):
"""Install Anime4KCPP"""
print("\nInstalling Anime4KCPP")
import patoolib
import requests
# get latest release of Anime4KCPP via Github API
# at the time of writing this portion, Anime4KCPP doesn't yet have a stable release
# therefore releases/latest won't work
latest_release = requests.get(
for a in latest_release["assets"]:
if re.search(
r"Anime4KCPP_CLI-.*-Win64-msvc\.7z", a["browser_download_url"]
anime4kcpp_7z = download(
a["browser_download_url"], tempfile.gettempdir()
# if running in PyInstaller, add sys._MEIPASS\7z to path
# this directory contains 7za.exe and its DLL files
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
os.environ["PATH"] += f";{sys._MEIPASS}\\7z"
# (LOCALAPPDATA / 'video2x' / 'anime4kcpp').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# pyunpack.Archive(anime4kcpp_7z).extractall(LOCALAPPDATA / 'video2x' / 'anime4kcpp')
if (LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "anime4kcpp").exists():
shutil.rmtree(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "anime4kcpp")
str(anime4kcpp_7z), outdir=str(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x" / "anime4kcpp")
def download(url, save_path, chunk_size=4096):
"""Download file to local with requests library"""
from tqdm import tqdm
import requests
save_path = pathlib.Path(save_path)
# create target folder if it doesn't exist
save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# create requests stream for steaming file
stream = requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True)
# get file name
file_name = None
if "content-disposition" in stream.headers:
disposition = stream.headers["content-disposition"]
with contextlib.suppress(IndexError):
file_name = re.findall("filename=(.+)", disposition)[0].strip('"')
if file_name is None:
# output_file = f'{save_path}\\{stream.url.split("/")[-1]}'
output_file = save_path / stream.url.split("/")[-1]
output_file = save_path / file_name
# decode url encoding
output_file = pathlib.Path(urllib.parse.unquote(str(output_file)))
# get total size for progress bar if provided in headers
total_size = 0
if "content-length" in stream.headers:
total_size = int(stream.headers["content-length"])
# print download information summary
print(f"Downloading: {url}")
print(f"Total size: {total_size}")
print(f"Chunk size: {chunk_size}")
print(f"Saving to: {output_file}")
# Write content into file
with open(output_file, "wb") as output:
with tqdm(total=total_size, ascii=True) as progress_bar:
for chunk in stream.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
if chunk:
# return the full path of saved file
return output_file
def pip_install(file):
"""Install python package via python pip module
pip.main() is not available after pip 9.0.1, thus
pip module is not used in this case.
return subprocess.run(
[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "-U", "-r", file]
if __name__ != "__main__":
raise ImportError("video2x_setup cannot be imported")
# set default exit code
# get start time
start_time = time.time()
# check platform
if platform.system() != "Windows":
print("This script is currently only compatible with Windows")
# parse command line arguments
args = parse_arguments()
print("Video2X Setup Script")
print(f"Version: {SETUP_VERSION}")
# uninstall video2x dependencies
if args.uninstall:
if (
"Are you sure you want to uninstall all Video2X dependencies? [y/N]: "
== "y"
print(f'Removing: {LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x"}')
shutil.rmtree(LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x")
print("Successfully uninstalled all dependencies")
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f'Dependency folder does not exist: {LOCALAPPDATA / "video2x"}')
print("Uninstallation aborted")
# run installation
# do not install pip modules if script
# is packaged in exe format
download_python_modules = True
if sys.argv[0].endswith(".exe"):
print("\nScript is packaged as exe, skipping pip module download")
download_python_modules = False
# create setup install instance and run installer
setup = Video2xSetup(args.driver, download_python_modules)
print("\nScript finished successfully")
# let SystemExit signals pass through
except SystemExit as e:
raise e
# if PermissionError is raised
# user needs to run this with higher privilege
except PermissionError:
print("You might have insufficient privilege for this script to run")
print("Try running this script with Administrator privileges")
# for any exception in the script
except Exception:
print("An error has occurred")
print("Video2X Automatic Setup has failed")
# regardless if script finishes successfully or not
# print script execution summary
# always try cleaning up trash
except Exception:
print("An error occurred while trying to cleanup files")
print("Script finished")
print(f"Time taken: {timedelta(seconds=round(time.time() - start_time))}")
# if the program is launched as an Windows PE file
# it might be launched from double clicking
# pause the window before it closes automatically
if sys.argv[0].endswith(".exe"):
input("Press [ENTER] to exit script")
@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/bash -e
# Name: Video2X Setup Script (Ubuntu)
# Creator: K4YT3X
# Date Created: June 5, 2020
# Last Modified: September 4, 2020
# help message if input is incorrect of if -h/--help is specified
if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$#" -gt 2 ]; then
exit 0
# set intallation path if specified
if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
export INSTALLATION_PATH="$HOME/.local/share"
# set temp directory location if specified
if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
export TEMP=$2
export TEMP="/tmp/video2x"
# environment variables
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"
# install basic utilities and add PPAs
apt-get update
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-utils software-properties-common
# add PPAs and sources
add-apt-repository -y ppa:apt-fast/stable
add-apt-repository -y ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-fast aria2
apt-fast update
# install runtime packages
apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends ffmpeg libmagic1 nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-driver-440 python3.8
# install compilation packages
apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends git-core curl wget ca-certificates gnupg2 python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel
# add Nvidia sources
curl -fsSL https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64/7fa2af80.pub | apt-key add -
echo "deb https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/machine-learning/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64 /" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-ml.list
apt-fast update
# install python3 packages
git clone --recurse-submodules --progress https://github.com/k4yt3x/video2x.git --depth=1 $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x
python3.8 -m pip install -U pip
python3.8 -m pip install -U -r $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/requirements.txt
mkdir -v -p $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies
# install gifski
# cargo from APT might be outdate and will result in gifski components not being built successfully
# apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends cargo
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | bash -s -- -y
source $HOME/.cargo/env
cargo install gifski
# install waifu2x-caffe
apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends autoconf build-essential cmake gcc-8 libatlas-base-dev libboost-atomic-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libcudnn7 libcudnn7-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libhdf5-dev libleveldb-dev liblmdb-dev libopencv-dev libprotobuf-dev libsnappy-dev protobuf-compiler python-dev python-numpy texinfo yasm zlib1g-dev
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth=1 --progress --recurse-submodules https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x-caffe-ubuntu.git $TEMP/waifu2x-caffe-ubuntu
git clone --recurse-submodules --progress --depth=1 https://github.com/nagadomi/caffe.git $TEMP/waifu2x-caffe-ubuntu/caffe
export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-8
export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-8
mkdir -v -p $TEMP/waifu2x-caffe-ubuntu/build
cd $TEMP/waifu2x-caffe-ubuntu/build
make -j$(nproc) install
mv -v /tmp/video2x/waifu2x-caffe-ubuntu/bin $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/waifu2x-caffe
mv -v /tmp/video2x/waifu2x-caffe-ubuntu/build/waifu2x-caffe $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/waifu2x-caffe/waifu2x-caffe
# install waifu2x-converter-cpp
apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential cmake libopencv-dev beignet-opencl-icd mesa-opencl-icd nvidia-cuda-toolkit ocl-icd-opencl-dev opencl-headers
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth=1 --progress https://github.com/DeadSix27/waifu2x-converter-cpp $TEMP/waifu2x-converter-cpp
mkdir -v $TEMP/waifu2x-converter-cpp/build
cd $TEMP/waifu2x-converter-cpp/build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
mv -v $TEMP/waifu2x-converter-cpp/build $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/waifu2x-converter-cpp
mv -v $TEMP/waifu2x-converter-cpp/models_rgb $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/waifu2x-converter-cpp/models_rgb
# install waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan
# download libvulkan1
apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends libvulkan1 unzip jq
# get latest release JSON as a string
echo "Fetching latest waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan release information using GitHub API"
waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/nihui/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan/releases/latest)
# count the number of assets in this release
assets=$(echo "$waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r '.assets | length')
# iterate through each of the assets and see if the name of the asset matches what we're looking for
for i in $(seq $assets $END); do
if echo "$waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r ".assets["$(($i - 1))"].name" | egrep "^waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan-[0-9]*-linux\.zip$"; then
download_link=$(echo "$waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r ".assets["$(($i - 1))"].browser_download_url")
# check if download_link variable is set
if [ -z "$download_link" ]; then
echo "$waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release"
echo "Error: unable to find waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan download link or GitHub API rate limit exceeded"
exit 1
echo "Downloading $download_link to $waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_zip"
aria2c "$download_link" --dir / -o "$waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_zip"
unzip "$waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan_zip" -d $TEMP/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan
mv -v $TEMP/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan-*-linux $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan
# install srmd-ncnn-vulkan
# download libvulkan1
apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends libvulkan1 unzip jq
# get latest release JSON as a string
echo "Fetching latest srmd-ncnn-vulkan release information using GitHub API"
srmd_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/nihui/srmd-ncnn-vulkan/releases/latest)
# count the number of assets in this release
assets=$(echo "$srmd_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r '.assets | length')
# iterate through each of the assets and see if the name of the asset matches what we're looking for
for i in $(seq $assets $END); do
if echo "$srmd_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r ".assets["$(($i - 1))"].name" | egrep "^srmd-ncnn-vulkan-[0-9]*-linux\.zip$"; then
download_link=$(echo "$srmd_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r ".assets["$(($i - 1))"].browser_download_url")
# check if download_link variable is set
if [ -z "$download_link" ]; then
echo "$srmd_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release"
echo "Error: unable to find srmd-ncnn-vulkan download link or GitHub API rate limit exceeded"
exit 1
echo "Downloading $download_link to $srmd_ncnn_vulkan_zip"
aria2c "$download_link" --dir / -o "$srmd_ncnn_vulkan_zip"
unzip "$srmd_ncnn_vulkan_zip" -d $TEMP/srmd-ncnn-vulkan
mv -v $TEMP/srmd-ncnn-vulkan/srmd-ncnn-vulkan-*-linux $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/srmd-ncnn-vulkan
# install realsr-ncnn-vulkan
# download libvulkan1
apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends libvulkan1 unzip jq
# get latest release JSON as a string
echo "Fetching latest realsr-ncnn-vulkan release information using GitHub API"
realsr_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/nihui/realsr-ncnn-vulkan/releases/latest)
# count the number of assets in this release
assets=$(echo "$realsr_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r '.assets | length')
# iterate through each of the assets and see if the name of the asset matches what we're looking for
for i in $(seq $assets $END); do
if echo "$realsr_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r ".assets["$(($i - 1))"].name" | egrep "^realsr-ncnn-vulkan-[0-9]*-linux\.zip$"; then
download_link=$(echo "$realsr_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release" | jq -r ".assets["$(($i - 1))"].browser_download_url")
# check if download_link variable is set
if [ -z "$download_link" ]; then
echo "$realsr_ncnn_vulkan_latest_release"
echo "Error: unable to find realsr-ncnn-vulkan download link or GitHub API rate limit exceeded"
exit 1
echo "Downloading $download_link to $realsr_ncnn_vulkan_zip"
aria2c "$download_link" --dir / -o "$realsr_ncnn_vulkan_zip"
unzip "$realsr_ncnn_vulkan_zip" -d $TEMP/realsr-ncnn-vulkan
mv -v $TEMP/realsr-ncnn-vulkan/realsr-ncnn-vulkan-*-linux $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/realsr-ncnn-vulkan
# install Anime4KCPP
# install the latest cmake for compiling Anime4KCPP
aria2c https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.18.2/cmake-3.18.2-Linux-x86_64.sh --dir / -o "$TEMP/cmake.sh"
mkdir $TEMP/cmake
bash "$TEMP/cmake.sh" --prefix=$TEMP/cmake --skip-license
# build and install Anime4KCPP
apt-fast install -y --no-install-recommends libopencv-dev opencl-dev
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth=1 --progress https://github.com/TianZerL/Anime4KCPP.git $TEMP/anime4kcpp
mkdir -v $TEMP/anime4kcpp/build
cd $TEMP/anime4kcpp/build
$TEMP/cmake/bin/cmake -DBuild_GUI=OFF ..
make -j$(nproc)
mv -v $TEMP/anime4kcpp/build $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/anime4kcpp
ln -s $INSTALLATION_PATH/video2x/src/dependencies/anime4kcpp/bin/libAnime4KCPPCore.so /usr/lib
# rewrite config file values
python3.8 - <<EOF
import yaml
import os
with open('{}/video2x/src/video2x.yaml'.format(INSTALLATION_PATH), 'r') as template:
template_dict = yaml.load(template, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
template_dict['ffmpeg']['ffmpeg_path'] = '/usr/bin'
template_dict['gifski']['gifski_path'] = '/root/.cargo/bin/gifski'
template_dict['waifu2x_caffe']['path'] = '{}/video2x/src/dependencies/waifu2x-caffe/waifu2x-caffe'.format(INSTALLATION_PATH)
template_dict['waifu2x_converter_cpp']['path'] = '{}/video2x/src/dependencies/waifu2x-converter-cpp/waifu2x-converter-cpp'.format(INSTALLATION_PATH)
template_dict['waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan']['path'] = '{}/video2x/src/dependencies/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan/waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan'.format(INSTALLATION_PATH)
template_dict['srmd_ncnn_vulkan']['path'] = '{}/video2x/src/dependencies/srmd-ncnn-vulkan/srmd-ncnn-vulkan'.format(INSTALLATION_PATH)
template_dict['realsr_ncnn_vulkan']['path'] = '{}/video2x/src/dependencies/realsr-ncnn-vulkan/realsr-ncnn-vulkan'.format(INSTALLATION_PATH)
template_dict['anime4kcpp']['path'] = '{}/video2x/src/dependencies/anime4kcpp/bin/Anime4KCPP_CLI'.format(INSTALLATION_PATH)
# write configuration into file
with open('{}/video2x/src/video2x.yaml'.format(INSTALLATION_PATH), 'w') as config:
yaml.dump(template_dict, config)
# clean up temp directory
# purge default utilities
# apt-get purge -y git-core curl wget ca-certificates gnupg2 python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools
# purge waifu2x-caffe build dependencies
# apt-get purge -y autoconf build-essential cmake gcc-8 libatlas-base-dev libboost-atomic-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libcudnn7 libcudnn7-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libhdf5-dev libleveldb-dev liblmdb-dev libopencv-dev libprotobuf-dev libsnappy-dev protobuf-compiler python-numpy texinfo yasm zlib1g-dev
# purge waifu2x-converter-cpp build dependencies
# apt-get purge -y libopencv-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev
# purge waifu2x/srmd/realsr-ncnn-vulkan build dependencies
# apt-get purge -y unzip jq
# run autoremove and purge all unused packages
# apt-get autoremove --purge -y
# remove temp directory
rm -rf $TEMP
@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Anime4KCPP Driver
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: May 3, 2020
Last Modified: December 15, 2020
Editor: fire0shadow
Last Modified: December 15, 2020
Description: This class is a high-level wrapper
for Anime4KCPP.
# built-in imports
import argparse
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
class WrapperMain:
"""Anime4K CPP wrapper"""
def __init__(self, driver_settings):
self.driver_settings = driver_settings
self.print_lock = threading.Lock()
def zero_to_one_float(value):
value = float(value)
if value < 0.0 or value > 1.0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{value} is not between 0.0 and 1.0")
return value
def parse_arguments(arguments):
# fmt: off
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False)
parser.error = lambda message: (_ for _ in ()).throw(AttributeError(message))
parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="File for loading")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="File for outputting")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--passes", type=int, help="Passes for processing")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--pushColorCount", type=int, help="Limit the number of color pushes")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--strengthColor", type=WrapperMain.zero_to_one_float, help="Strength for pushing color,range 0 to 1,higher for thinner")
parser.add_argument("-g", "--strengthGradient", type=WrapperMain.zero_to_one_float, help="Strength for pushing gradient,range 0 to 1,higher for sharper")
parser.add_argument("-z", "--zoomFactor", type=float, help="zoom factor for resizing")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--threads", type=int, help="Threads count for video processing")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--fastMode", action="store_true", help="Faster but maybe low quality")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--videoMode", action="store_true", help="Video process")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--preview", action="store_true", help="Preview image")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--preprocessing", action="store_true", help="Enable pre processing")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--postprocessing", action="store_true", help="Enable post processing")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--preFilters", type=int, help="Enhancement filter, only working when preProcessing is true,there are 5 options by binary:Median blur=0000001, Mean blur=0000010, CAS Sharpening=0000100, Gaussian blur weak=0001000, Gaussian blur=0010000, Bilateral filter=0100000, Bilateral filter faster=1000000, you can freely combine them, eg: Gaussian blur weak + Bilateral filter = 0001000 | 0100000 = 0101000 = 40(D)")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--postFilters", type=int, help="Enhancement filter, only working when postProcessing is true,there are 5 options by binary:Median blur=0000001, Mean blur=0000010, CAS Sharpening=0000100, Gaussian blur weak=0001000, Gaussian blur=0010000, Bilateral filter=0100000, Bilateral filter faster=1000000, you can freely combine them, eg: Gaussian blur weak + Bilateral filter = 0001000 | 0100000 = 0101000 = 40(D), so you can put 40 to enable Gaussian blur weak and Bilateral filter, which also is what I recommend for image that < 1080P, 48 for image that >= 1080P, and for performance I recommend to use 72 for video that < 1080P, 80 for video that >=1080P")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--GPUMode", action="store_true", help="Enable GPU acceleration")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--CNNMode", action="store_true", help="Enable ACNet")
parser.add_argument("-H", "--HDN", action="store_true", help="Enable HDN mode for ACNet")
parser.add_argument("-L", "--HDNLevel", type=int, help="Set HDN level")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--listGPUs", action="store_true", help="list GPUs")
parser.add_argument("-h", "--platformID", type=int, help="Specify the platform ID")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--deviceID", type=int, help="Specify the device ID")
parser.add_argument("-C", "--codec", type=str, help="Specify the codec for encoding from mp4v(recommended in Windows), dxva(for Windows), avc1(H264, recommended in Linux), vp09(very slow), hevc(not support in Windowds), av01(not support in Windowds) (string [=mp4v])")
parser.add_argument("-F", "--forceFps", type=float, help="Set output video fps to the specifying number, 0 to disable")
parser.add_argument("-D", "--disableProgress", action="store_true", help="disable progress display")
parser.add_argument("-W", "--webVideo", type=str, help="process the video from URL")
parser.add_argument("-A", "--alpha", action="store_true", help="preserve the Alpha channel for transparent image")
return parser.parse_args(arguments)
# fmt: on
def load_configurations(self, upscaler):
# self.driver_settings['zoomFactor'] = upscaler.scale_ratio
self.driver_settings["threads"] = upscaler.processes
# append FFmpeg path to the end of PATH
# Anime4KCPP will then use FFmpeg to migrate audio tracks
os.environ["PATH"] += f';{upscaler.ffmpeg_settings["ffmpeg_path"]}'
def set_scale_ratio(self, scale_ratio: float):
self.driver_settings["zoomFactor"] = scale_ratio
def upscale(self, input_file, output_file):
"""This is the core function for WAIFU2X class
input_file {string} -- source directory path
output_file {string} -- output directory path
width {int} -- output video width
height {int} -- output video height
# change the working directory to the binary's parent directory
# so the binary can find shared object files and other files
# overwrite config file settings
self.driver_settings["input"] = input_file
self.driver_settings["output"] = output_file
# Anime4KCPP will look for Anime4KCPPKernel.cl under the current working directory
# change the CWD to its containing directory so it will find it
if platform.system() == "Windows":
# list to be executed
# initialize the list with waifu2x binary path as the first element
execute = [self.driver_settings["path"]]
for key in self.driver_settings.keys():
value = self.driver_settings[key]
# null or None means that leave this option out (keep default)
if key == "path" or value is None or value is False:
if len(key) == 1:
# true means key is an option
if value is not True:
# return the Popen object of the new process created
f'[upscaler] Subprocess {os.getpid()} executing: {" ".join(execute)}'
return subprocess.Popen(execute, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Video2X FFmpeg Controller
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: Feb 24, 2018
Last Modified: January 23, 2021
Description: This class handles all FFmpeg related operations.
# built-in imports
import json
import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
class Ffmpeg:
"""This class communicates with FFmpeg
This class deals with FFmpeg. It handles extracting
frames, stripping audio, converting images into videos
and inserting audio tracks to videos.
def __init__(self, ffmpeg_settings, extracted_frame_format="png"):
self.ffmpeg_settings = ffmpeg_settings
self.ffmpeg_path = pathlib.Path(self.ffmpeg_settings["ffmpeg_path"])
self.ffmpeg_binary = self.ffmpeg_path / "ffmpeg"
self.ffmpeg_probe_binary = self.ffmpeg_path / "ffprobe"
# video metadata
self.extracted_frame_format = extracted_frame_format
self.intermediate_file_name = pathlib.Path(
self.pixel_format = self.ffmpeg_settings["extract_frames"]["output_options"][
def get_pixel_formats(self):
"""Get a dictionary of supported pixel formats
List all supported pixel formats and their
corresponding bit depth.
dictionary -- JSON dict of all pixel formats to bit depth
execute = [self.ffmpeg_probe_binary, "-v", "quiet", "-pix_fmts"]
# turn elements into str
execute = [str(e) for e in execute]
Avalon.debug_info(f'Executing: {" ".join(execute)}')
# initialize dictionary to store pixel formats
pixel_formats = {}
# record all pixel formats into dictionary
for line in (
subprocess.run(execute, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
pixel_formats[" ".join(line.split()).split()[1]] = int(
" ".join(line.split()).split()[3]
except (IndexError, ValueError):
# print pixel formats for debugging
return pixel_formats
def get_number_of_frames(self, input_file: str) -> int:
"""Count the number of frames in a video
input_file (str): input file path
video_stream_index (int): index number of the video stream
int: number of frames in the video
execute = [
# turn elements into str
execute = [str(e) for e in execute]
Avalon.debug_info(f'Executing: {" ".join(execute)}')
return int(
subprocess.run(execute, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def probe_file_info(self, input_video):
"""Gets input video information
This method reads input video information
using ffprobe in dictionary
input_video {string} -- input video file path
dictionary -- JSON text of input video information
# this execution command needs to be hard-coded
# since video2x only strictly recignizes this one format
execute = [
# turn elements into str
execute = [str(e) for e in execute]
Avalon.debug_info(f'Executing: {" ".join(execute)}')
json_str = subprocess.run(execute, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
return json.loads(json_str.decode("utf-8"))
def extract_frames(self, input_file, extracted_frames):
"""extract frames from video or GIF file"""
execute = [self.ffmpeg_binary]
# load general options
# load input_options
self._read_configuration(phase="extract_frames", section="input_options")
# specify input file
execute.extend(["-i", input_file])
# load output options
self._read_configuration(phase="extract_frames", section="output_options")
# specify output file
/ f"extracted_%0d.{self.extracted_frame_format}"
# extracted_frames / f'frame_%06d.{self.extracted_frame_format}'
return self._execute(execute)
def assemble_video(self, framerate, upscaled_frames):
"""Converts images into videos
This method converts a set of images into a video
framerate {float} -- target video framerate
resolution {string} -- target video resolution
upscaled_frames {string} -- source images directory
execute = [
# '-s',
# resolution
# read other options
# read input options
self._read_configuration(phase="assemble_video", section="input_options")
# Dev: SAT3LL
# rename all .png.png suffixes to .png
import re
regex = re.compile(r"\.png\.png$", re.IGNORECASE)
for frame_name in upscaled_frames.iterdir():
(upscaled_frames / frame_name).rename(
upscaled_frames / regex.sub(".png", str(frame_name))
# append input frames path into command
upscaled_frames / f"extracted_%d.{self.extracted_frame_format}"
# upscaled_frames / f'%06d.{self.extracted_frame_format}'
# read FFmpeg output options
self._read_configuration(phase="assemble_video", section="output_options")
# specify output file location
execute.extend([upscaled_frames / self.intermediate_file_name])
return self._execute(execute)
def migrate_streams(self, input_video, output_video, upscaled_frames):
"""Migrates audio tracks and subtitles from input video to output video
input_video {string} -- input video file path
output_video {string} -- output video file path
upscaled_frames {string} -- directory containing upscaled frames
execute = [self.ffmpeg_binary]
# load general options
# load input options
self._read_configuration(phase="migrate_streams", section="input_options")
# load input file names
# input 1: upscaled intermediate file without sound
upscaled_frames / self.intermediate_file_name,
# input 2: original video with streams to copy over
# load output options
self._read_configuration(phase="migrate_streams", section="output_options")
# load output video path
return self._execute(execute)
def _read_configuration(self, phase, section=None):
"""read configuration from JSON
Read the configurations (arguments) from the JSON
configuration file and append them to the end of the
FFmpeg command.
execute {list} -- list of arguments to be executed
phase {str} -- phase of operation
configuration = []
# if section is specified, read configurations or keys
# from only that section
if section:
source = self.ffmpeg_settings[phase][section].keys()
source = self.ffmpeg_settings[phase].keys()
# for each key in the section's dict
for key in source:
if section:
value = self.ffmpeg_settings[phase][section][key]
value = self.ffmpeg_settings[phase][key]
# null or None means that leave this option out (keep default)
if (
value is None
or value is False
or isinstance(value, dict)
or value == ""
# if the value is a list, append the same argument and all values
elif isinstance(value, list):
for subvalue in value:
if value is not True:
# otherwise the value is typical
# true means key is an option
if value is True:
return configuration
def _execute(self, execute):
# turn all list elements into string to avoid errors
execute = [str(e) for e in execute]
Avalon.debug_info(f'Executing: {" ".join(execute)}')
return subprocess.Popen(execute, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: RealSR ncnn Vulkan Driver
Creator: K4YT3X
Date Created: May 26, 2020
Last Modified: September 21, 2020
Description: This class is a high-level wrapper
for realsr_ncnn_vulkan.
# built-in imports
import argparse
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
class WrapperMain:
"""This class communicates with RealSR ncnn Vulkan engine
An object will be created for this class, containing information
about the binary address and the processing method. When being called
by the main program, other detailed information will be passed to
the upscale function.
def __init__(self, driver_settings):
self.driver_settings = driver_settings
self.print_lock = threading.Lock()
def parse_arguments(arguments):
# fmt: off
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False)
parser.error = lambda message: (_ for _ in ()).throw(AttributeError(message))
parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit")
parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", help="verbose output")
parser.add_argument("-i", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="input image path (jpg/png) or directory")
parser.add_argument("-o", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="output image path (png) or directory")
parser.add_argument("-s", type=int, help="upscale ratio")
parser.add_argument("-t", type=int, help="tile size (>=32/0=auto)")
parser.add_argument("-m", type=str, help="realsr model path")
parser.add_argument("-g", type=int, help="gpu device to use")
parser.add_argument("-j", type=str, help="thread count for load/proc/save")
parser.add_argument("-x", action="store_true", help="enable tta mode")
parser.add_argument("-f", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="output image format (jpg/png/webp, default=ext/png)")
return parser.parse_args(arguments)
# fmt: on
def load_configurations(self, upscaler):
# self.driver_settings['s'] = int(upscaler.scale_ratio)
self.driver_settings["j"] = "{}:{}:{}".format(
upscaler.processes, upscaler.processes, upscaler.processes
self.driver_settings["f"] = upscaler.extracted_frame_format.lower()
def set_scale_ratio(self, scale_ratio: int):
self.driver_settings["s"] = int(scale_ratio)
def upscale(self, input_directory, output_directory):
"""This is the core function for RealSR ncnn Vulkan class
input_directory {string} -- source directory path
output_directory {string} -- output directory path
ratio {int} -- output video ratio
# change the working directory to the binary's parent directory
# so the binary can find shared object files and other files
# overwrite config file settings
self.driver_settings["i"] = input_directory
self.driver_settings["o"] = output_directory
# by default, realsr-ncnn-vulkan will look for the models under the current working directory
# change the working directory to its containing folder if model directory not specified
if self.driver_settings["m"] is None and platform.system() == "Windows":
# list to be executed
# initialize the list with the binary path as the first element
execute = [self.driver_settings["path"]]
for key in self.driver_settings.keys():
value = self.driver_settings[key]
# null or None means that leave this option out (keep default)
if key == "path" or value is None or value is False:
if len(key) == 1:
# true means key is an option
if value is not True:
# return the Popen object of the new process created
f'[upscaler] Subprocess {os.getpid()} executing: {" ".join(execute)}'
return subprocess.Popen(execute, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: SRMD ncnn Vulkan Driver
Creator: K4YT3X
Date Created: April 26, 2020
Last Modified: September 21, 2020
Description: This class is a high-level wrapper
for srmd_ncnn_vulkan.
# built-in imports
import argparse
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
class WrapperMain:
"""This class communicates with SRMD ncnn Vulkan engine
An object will be created for this class, containing information
about the binary address and the processing method. When being called
by the main program, other detailed information will be passed to
the upscale function.
def __init__(self, driver_settings):
self.driver_settings = driver_settings
self.print_lock = threading.Lock()
def parse_arguments(arguments):
# fmt: off
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False)
parser.error = lambda message: (_ for _ in ()).throw(AttributeError(message))
parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit")
parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", help="verbose output")
parser.add_argument("-i", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="input image path (jpg/png) or directory")
parser.add_argument("-o", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="output image path (png) or directory")
parser.add_argument("-n", type=int, choices=range(-1, 11), help="denoise level")
parser.add_argument("-s", type=int, help="upscale ratio")
parser.add_argument("-t", type=int, help="tile size (>=32)")
parser.add_argument("-m", type=str, help="srmd model path")
parser.add_argument("-g", type=int, help="gpu device to use")
parser.add_argument("-j", type=str, help="thread count for load/proc/save")
parser.add_argument("-x", action="store_true", help="enable tta mode")
parser.add_argument("-f", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="output image format (jpg/png/webp, default=ext/png)")
return parser.parse_args(arguments)
# fmt: on
def load_configurations(self, upscaler):
# self.driver_settings['s'] = int(upscaler.scale_ratio)
self.driver_settings["j"] = "{}:{}:{}".format(
upscaler.processes, upscaler.processes, upscaler.processes
self.driver_settings["f"] = upscaler.extracted_frame_format.lower()
def set_scale_ratio(self, scale_ratio: int):
self.driver_settings["s"] = int(scale_ratio)
def upscale(self, input_directory, output_directory):
"""This is the core function for SRMD ncnn Vulkan class
input_directory {string} -- source directory path
output_directory {string} -- output directory path
ratio {int} -- output video ratio
# change the working directory to the binary's parent directory
# so the binary can find shared object files and other files
# overwrite config file settings
self.driver_settings["i"] = input_directory
self.driver_settings["o"] = output_directory
# by default, srmd-ncnn-vulkan will look for the models under the current working directory
# change the working directory to its containing folder if model directory not specified
if self.driver_settings["m"] is None and platform.system() == "Windows":
# list to be executed
# initialize the list with the binary path as the first element
execute = [self.driver_settings["path"]]
for key in self.driver_settings.keys():
value = self.driver_settings[key]
# null or None means that leave this option out (keep default)
if key == "path" or value is None or value is False:
if len(key) == 1:
# true means key is an option
if value is not True:
# return the Popen object of the new process created
f'[upscaler] Subprocess {os.getpid()} executing: {" ".join(execute)}'
return subprocess.Popen(execute, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Waifu2x Caffe Driver
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: Feb 24, 2018
Last Modified: September 12, 2020
Description: This class is a high-level wrapper
for waifu2x-caffe.
# built-in imports
import argparse
import os
import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
class WrapperMain:
"""This class communicates with waifu2x cui engine
An object will be created for this class, containing information
about the binary address and the processing method. When being called
by the main program, other detailed information will be passed to
the upscale function.
def __init__(self, driver_settings):
self.driver_settings = driver_settings
self.print_lock = threading.Lock()
def parse_arguments(arguments):
# fmt: off
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False)
parser.error = lambda message: (_ for _ in ()).throw(AttributeError(message))
parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--tta", type=int, choices=range(2), help="8x slower and slightly high quality")
parser.add_argument("--gpu", type=int, help="gpu device no")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--batch_size", type=int, help="input batch size")
parser.add_argument("--crop_h", type=int, help="input image split size(height)")
parser.add_argument("--crop_w", type=int, help="input image split size(width)")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--crop_size", type=int, help="input image split size")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--output_depth", type=int, help="output image chaneel depth bit")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--output_quality", type=int, help="output image quality")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--process", choices=["cpu", "gpu", "cudnn"], help="process mode")
parser.add_argument("--model_dir", type=str, help="path to custom model directory (don\"t append last / )")
parser.add_argument("-h", "--scale_height", type=int, help="custom scale height")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--scale_width", type=int, help="custom scale width")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--scale_ratio", type=float, help="custom scale ratio")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--noise_level", type=int, choices=range(4), help="noise reduction level")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", choices=["noise", "scale", "noise_scale", "auto_scale"], help="image processing mode")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--output_extention", type=str, help="extention to output image file when output_path is (auto) or input_path is folder")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--input_extention_list", type=str, help="extention to input image file when input_path is folder")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output_path", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="path to output image file (when input_path is folder, output_path must be folder)")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input_path", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="(required) path to input image file")
return parser.parse_args(arguments)
# fmt: on
def load_configurations(self, upscaler):
# use scale width and scale height if specified
# self.driver_settings['scale_ratio'] = upscaler.scale_ratio
self.driver_settings["output_extention"] = upscaler.extracted_frame_format
# bit_depth will be 12 at this point
# it will up updated later
self.driver_settings["output_depth"] = 12
def set_scale_resolution(self, width: int, height: int):
self.driver_settings["scale_width"] = width
self.driver_settings["scale_height"] = height
self.driver_settings["scale_ratio"] = None
def set_scale_ratio(self, scale_ratio: float):
self.driver_settings["scale_width"] = None
self.driver_settings["scale_height"] = None
self.driver_settings["scale_ratio"] = scale_ratio
def upscale(self, input_directory, output_directory):
"""start upscaling process"""
# change the working directory to the binary's parent directory
# so the binary can find shared object files and other files
# overwrite config file settings
self.driver_settings["input_path"] = input_directory
self.driver_settings["output_path"] = output_directory
# list to be executed
# initialize the list with waifu2x binary path as the first element
execute = [self.driver_settings["path"]]
for key in self.driver_settings.keys():
value = self.driver_settings[key]
# null or None means that leave this option out (keep default)
if key == "path" or value is None or value is False:
if len(key) == 1:
# true means key is an option
if value is not True:
# return the Popen object of the new process created
f'[upscaler] Subprocess {os.getpid()} executing: {" ".join(execute)}'
return subprocess.Popen(execute, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Waifu2x Converter CPP Driver
Author: K4YT3X
Date Created: February 8, 2019
Last Modified: September 9, 2020
Description: This class is a high-level wrapper
for waifu2x-converter-cpp.
# built-in imports
import argparse
import os
import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
class WrapperMain:
"""This class communicates with waifu2x cui engine
An object will be created for this class, containing information
about the binary address and the processing method. When being called
by the main program, other detailed information will be passed to
the upscale function.
def __init__(self, driver_settings):
self.driver_settings = driver_settings
self.print_lock = threading.Lock()
def parse_arguments(arguments):
# fmt: off
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False)
parser.error = lambda message: (_ for _ in ()).throw(AttributeError(message))
parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit")
parser.add_argument("--list-supported-formats", action="store_true", help="dump currently supported format list")
parser.add_argument("--list-opencv-formats", action="store_true", help="(deprecated. Use --list-supported-formats) dump opencv supported format list")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--list-processor", action="store_true", help="dump processor list")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--output-format", choices=["png", "jpg"], help="The format used when running in recursive/folder mode\nSee --list-supported-formats for a list of supported formats/extensions.")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--png-compression", type=int, choices=range(10), help="Set PNG compression level (0-9), 9 = Max compression (slowest & smallest)")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--image-quality", type=int, choices=range(-1, 102), help="JPEG & WebP Compression quality (0-101, 0 being smallest size and lowest quality), use 101 for lossless WebP")
parser.add_argument("--block-size", type=int, help="block size")
parser.add_argument("--disable-gpu", action="store_true", help="disable GPU")
parser.add_argument("--force-OpenCL", action="store_true", help="force to use OpenCL on Intel Platform")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--processor", type=int, help="set target processor")
parser.add_argument("-j", "--jobs", type=int, help="number of threads launching at the same time")
parser.add_argument("--model-dir", type=str, help="path to custom model directory (don\"t append last / )")
parser.add_argument("--scale-ratio", type=float, help="custom scale ratio")
parser.add_argument("--noise-level", type=int, choices=range(4), help="noise reduction level")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", choices=["noise", "scale", "noise-scale"], help="image processing mode")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--log-level", type=int, choices=range(5), help="Set log level")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--silent", action="store_true", help="Enable silent mode. (same as --log-level 1)")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--tta", type=int, choices=range(2), help="Enable Test-Time Augmentation mode.")
parser.add_argument("-g", "--generate-subdir", type=int, choices=range(2), help="Generate sub folder when recursive directory is enabled.")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--auto-naming", type=int, choices=range(2), help="Add postfix to output name when output path is not specified.\nSet 0 to disable this.")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--recursive-directory", type=int, choices=range(2), help="Search recursively through directories to find more images to process.")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="path to output image file or directory (you should use the full path)")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="(required) path to input image file or directory (you should use the full path)")
parser.add_argument("--version", action="store_true", help="Displays version information and exits.")
return parser.parse_args(arguments)
# fmt: on
def load_configurations(self, upscaler):
# self.driver_settings['scale-ratio'] = upscaler.scale_ratio
self.driver_settings["jobs"] = upscaler.processes
self.driver_settings["output-format"] = upscaler.extracted_frame_format.lower()
def set_scale_ratio(self, scale_ratio: float):
self.driver_settings["scale-ratio"] = scale_ratio
def upscale(self, input_directory, output_directory):
"""Waifu2x Converter Driver Upscaler
This method executes the upscaling of extracted frames.
input_directory {string} -- source directory path
output_directory {string} -- output directory path
scale_ratio {int} -- frames' scale ratio
threads {int} -- number of threads
# change the working directory to the binary's parent directory
# so the binary can find shared object files and other files
# overwrite config file settings
self.driver_settings["input"] = input_directory
self.driver_settings["output"] = output_directory
# models_rgb must be specified manually for waifu2x-converter-cpp
# if it's not specified in the arguments, create automatically
if self.driver_settings["model-dir"] is None:
self.driver_settings["model-dir"] = (
pathlib.Path(self.driver_settings["path"]).parent / "models_rgb"
# list to be executed
# initialize the list with waifu2x binary path as the first element
execute = [self.driver_settings["path"]]
for key in self.driver_settings.keys():
value = self.driver_settings[key]
# null or None means that leave this option out (keep default)
if key == "path" or value is None or value is False:
if len(key) == 1:
# true means key is an option
if value is not True:
# return the Popen object of the new process created
f'[upscaler] Subprocess {os.getpid()} executing: {" ".join(execute)}'
return subprocess.Popen(execute, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name: Waifu2x ncnn Vulkan Driver
Creator: SAT3LL
Date Created: June 26, 2019
Last Modified: May 11, 2020
Editor: K4YT3X
Last Modified: September 21, 2020
Description: This class is a high-level wrapper
for waifu2x_ncnn_vulkan.
# built-in imports
import argparse
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
# third-party imports
from avalon_framework import Avalon
class WrapperMain:
"""This class communicates with waifu2x ncnn vulkan engine
An object will be created for this class, containing information
about the binary address and the processing method. When being called
by the main program, other detailed information will be passed to
the upscale function.
def __init__(self, driver_settings):
self.driver_settings = driver_settings
self.print_lock = threading.Lock()
def parse_arguments(arguments):
# fmt: off
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, add_help=False)
parser.error = lambda message: (_ for _ in ()).throw(AttributeError(message))
parser.add_argument("--help", action="help", help="show this help message and exit")
parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", help="verbose output")
parser.add_argument("-i", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="input image path (jpg/png/webp) or directory")
parser.add_argument("-o", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="output image path (jpg/png/webp) or directory")
parser.add_argument("-n", type=int, choices=range(-1, 4), help="denoise level")
parser.add_argument("-s", type=int, help="upscale ratio")
parser.add_argument("-t", type=int, help="tile size (>=32)")
parser.add_argument("-m", type=str, help="waifu2x model path")
parser.add_argument("-g", type=int, help="gpu device to use")
parser.add_argument("-j", type=str, help="thread count for load/proc/save")
parser.add_argument("-x", action="store_true", help="enable tta mode")
parser.add_argument("-f", type=str, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # help="output image format (jpg/png/webp, default=ext/png)")
return parser.parse_args(arguments)
# fmt: on
def load_configurations(self, upscaler):
# self.driver_settings['s'] = int(upscaler.scale_ratio)
self.driver_settings["j"] = "{}:{}:{}".format(
upscaler.processes, upscaler.processes, upscaler.processes
self.driver_settings["f"] = upscaler.extracted_frame_format.lower()
def set_scale_ratio(self, scale_ratio: int):
self.driver_settings["s"] = int(scale_ratio)
def upscale(self, input_directory, output_directory):
"""This is the core function for waifu2x class
input_directory {string} -- source directory path
output_directory {string} -- output directory path
ratio {int} -- output video ratio
# change the working directory to the binary's parent directory
# so the binary can find shared object files and other files
# overwrite config file settings
self.driver_settings["i"] = input_directory
self.driver_settings["o"] = output_directory
# by default, waifu2x-ncnn-vulkan will look for the models under the current working directory
# change the working directory to its containing folder if model directory not specified
if self.driver_settings["m"] is None and platform.system() == "Windows":
# list to be executed
# initialize the list with waifu2x binary path as the first element
execute = [self.driver_settings["path"]]
for key in self.driver_settings.keys():
value = self.driver_settings[key]
# null or None means that leave this option out (keep default)
if key == "path" or value is None or value is False:
if len(key) == 1:
# true means key is an option
if value is not True:
# return the Popen object of the new process created
f'[upscaler] Subprocess {os.getpid()} executing: {" ".join(execute)}'
return subprocess.Popen(execute, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
Reference in New Issue
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