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// ASIS3ObjectRequest.h
// Part of ASIHTTPRequest ->
// Created by Ben Copsey on 16/03/2010.
// Copyright 2010 All-Seeing Interactive. All rights reserved.
// Use an ASIS3ObjectRequest to fetch, upload, copy and delete objects on Amazon S3
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ASIS3Request.h"
// Constants for storage class
extern NSString *const ASIS3StorageClassStandard;
extern NSString *const ASIS3StorageClassReducedRedundancy;
@interface ASIS3ObjectRequest : ASIS3Request {
// Name of the bucket to talk to
NSString *bucket;
// Key of the resource you want to access on S3
NSString *key;
// The bucket + path of the object to be copied (used with COPYRequestFromBucket:path:toBucket:path:)
NSString *sourceBucket;
NSString *sourceKey;
// The mime type of the content for PUT requests
// Set this if having the correct mime type returned to you when you GET the data is important (eg it will be served by a web-server)
// Can be autodetected when PUTing a file from disk, will default to 'application/octet-stream' when PUTing data
NSString *mimeType;
// Set this to specify you want to work with a particular subresource (eg an acl for that resource)
// See requestWithBucket:key:subResource:, below.
NSString* subResource;
// The storage class to be used for PUT requests
// Set this to ASIS3StorageClassReducedRedundancy to save money on storage, at (presumably) a slightly higher risk you will lose the data
// If this is not set, no x-amz-storage-class header will be sent to S3, and their default will be used
NSString *storageClass;
// Create a request, building an appropriate url
+ (id)requestWithBucket:(NSString *)bucket key:(NSString *)key;
// Create a request for an object, passing a parameter in the query string
// You'll need to parse the response XML yourself
// Examples:
// Fetch ACL:
// ASIS3ObjectRequest *request = [ASIS3ObjectRequest requestWithBucket:@"mybucket" key:@"my-key" parameter:@"acl"];
// Get object torret:
// ASIS3ObjectRequest *request = [ASIS3ObjectRequest requestWithBucket:@"mybucket" key:@"my-key" parameter:@"torrent"];
// See the S3 REST API docs for more information about the parameters you can pass
+ (id)requestWithBucket:(NSString *)bucket key:(NSString *)key subResource:(NSString *)subResource;
// Create a PUT request using the file at filePath as the body
+ (id)PUTRequestForFile:(NSString *)filePath withBucket:(NSString *)bucket key:(NSString *)key;
// Create a PUT request using the supplied NSData as the body (set the mime-type manually with setMimeType: if necessary)
+ (id)PUTRequestForData:(NSData *)data withBucket:(NSString *)bucket key:(NSString *)key;
// Create a DELETE request for the object at path
+ (id)DELETERequestWithBucket:(NSString *)bucket key:(NSString *)key;
// Create a PUT request to copy an object from one location to another
// Clang will complain because it thinks this method should return an object with +1 retain :(
+ (id)COPYRequestFromBucket:(NSString *)sourceBucket key:(NSString *)sourceKey toBucket:(NSString *)bucket key:(NSString *)key;
// Creates a HEAD request for the object at path
+ (id)HEADRequestWithBucket:(NSString *)bucket key:(NSString *)key;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *bucket;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *key;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *sourceBucket;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *sourceKey;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *mimeType;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *subResource;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *storageClass;