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// ASIS3BucketRequest.h
// Part of ASIHTTPRequest ->
// Created by Ben Copsey on 16/03/2010.
// Copyright 2010 All-Seeing Interactive. All rights reserved.
// Use this class to create buckets, fetch a list of their contents, and delete buckets
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ASIS3Request.h"
@class ASIS3BucketObject;
@interface ASIS3BucketRequest : ASIS3Request {
// Name of the bucket to talk to
NSString *bucket;
// A parameter passed to S3 in the query string to tell it to return specialised information
// Consult the S3 REST API documentation for more info
NSString *subResource;
// Options for filtering GET requests
// See
NSString *prefix;
NSString *marker;
int maxResultCount;
NSString *delimiter;
// Internally used while parsing the response
ASIS3BucketObject *currentObject;
// Returns an array of ASIS3BucketObjects created from the XML response
NSMutableArray *objects;
// Will be populated with a list of 'folders' when a delimiter is set
NSMutableArray *commonPrefixes;
// Will be true if this request did not return all the results matching the query (use maxResultCount to configure the number of results to return)
BOOL isTruncated;
// Fetch a bucket
+ (id)requestWithBucket:(NSString *)bucket;
// Create a bucket request, passing a parameter in the query string
// You'll need to parse the response XML yourself
// Examples:
// Fetch ACL:
// ASIS3BucketRequest *request = [ASIS3BucketRequest requestWithBucket:@"mybucket" parameter:@"acl"];
// Fetch Location:
// ASIS3BucketRequest *request = [ASIS3BucketRequest requestWithBucket:@"mybucket" parameter:@"location"];
// See the S3 REST API docs for more information about the parameters you can pass
+ (id)requestWithBucket:(NSString *)bucket subResource:(NSString *)subResource;
// Use for creating new buckets
+ (id)PUTRequestWithBucket:(NSString *)bucket;
// Use for deleting buckets - they must be empty for this to succeed
+ (id)DELETERequestWithBucket:(NSString *)bucket;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *bucket;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *subResource;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *prefix;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *marker;
@property (assign, nonatomic) int maxResultCount;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *delimiter;
@property (retain, readonly) NSMutableArray *objects;
@property (retain, readonly) NSMutableArray *commonPrefixes;
@property (assign, readonly) BOOL isTruncated;