2023-09-20 16:37:14 +08:00

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// ASICloudFilesRequest.m
// Part of ASIHTTPRequest ->
// Created by Michael Mayo on 22/12/09.
// Copyright 2009 All-Seeing Interactive. All rights reserved.
// A class for accessing data stored on Rackspace's Cloud Files Service
// Cloud Files Developer Guide:
#import "ASICloudFilesRequest.h"
static NSString *username = nil;
static NSString *apiKey = nil;
static NSString *authToken = nil;
static NSString *storageURL = nil;
static NSString *cdnManagementURL = nil;
static NSString *rackspaceCloudAuthURL = @"";
static NSRecursiveLock *accessDetailsLock = nil;
@implementation ASICloudFilesRequest
+ (void)initialize
if (self == [ASICloudFilesRequest class]) {
accessDetailsLock = [[NSRecursiveLock alloc] init];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Attributes and Service URLs
+ (NSString *)authToken {
return authToken;
+ (NSString *)storageURL {
return storageURL;
+ (NSString *)cdnManagementURL {
return cdnManagementURL;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Authentication
+ (id)authenticationRequest
[accessDetailsLock lock];
ASIHTTPRequest *request = [[[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:rackspaceCloudAuthURL]] autorelease];
[request addRequestHeader:@"X-Auth-User" value:username];
[request addRequestHeader:@"X-Auth-Key" value:apiKey];
[accessDetailsLock unlock];
return request;
+ (NSError *)authenticate
[accessDetailsLock lock];
ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASICloudFilesRequest authenticationRequest];
[request startSynchronous];
if (![request error]) {
NSDictionary *responseHeaders = [request responseHeaders];
authToken = [responseHeaders objectForKey:@"X-Auth-Token"];
storageURL = [responseHeaders objectForKey:@"X-Storage-Url"];
cdnManagementURL = [responseHeaders objectForKey:@"X-CDN-Management-Url"];
// there is a bug in the Cloud Files API for some older accounts that causes
// the CDN URL to come back in a slightly different header
if (!cdnManagementURL) {
cdnManagementURL = [responseHeaders objectForKey:@"X-Cdn-Management-Url"];
[accessDetailsLock unlock];
return [request error];
+ (NSString *)username
return username;
+ (void)setUsername:(NSString *)newUsername
[accessDetailsLock lock];
[username release];
username = [newUsername retain];
[accessDetailsLock unlock];
+ (NSString *)apiKey {
return apiKey;
+ (void)setApiKey:(NSString *)newApiKey
[accessDetailsLock lock];
[apiKey release];
apiKey = [newApiKey retain];
[accessDetailsLock unlock];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Date Parser
-(NSDate *)dateFromString:(NSString *)dateString
// We store our date formatter in the calling thread's dictionary
// NSDateFormatter is not thread-safe, this approach ensures each formatter is only used on a single thread
// This formatter can be reused many times in parsing a single response, so it would be expensive to keep creating new date formatters
NSMutableDictionary *threadDict = [[NSThread currentThread] threadDictionary];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [threadDict objectForKey:@"ASICloudFilesResponseDateFormatter"];
if (dateFormatter == nil) {
dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[dateFormatter setLocale:[[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US_POSIX"] autorelease]];
// example: 2009-11-04T19:46:20.192723
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd'T'H:mm:ss.SSSSSS"];
[threadDict setObject:dateFormatter forKey:@"ASICloudFilesResponseDateFormatter"];
return [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString];