2023-09-21 10:23:31 +08:00

116 lines
4.2 KiB
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* @fileoverview 条件编译
const through2 = require('through2')
* @description 条件编译
* @param {string} platform 平台
module.exports = function (platform) {
return through2.obj(function (file, _, callback) {
if (file.isBuffer()) {
// 文件夹级别的处理
if (file.relative.includes('miniprogram')) {
if (platform !== 'uni-app') {
// 去掉这一层
file.path = file.path.replace(/(.*)[/\\]miniprogram/, '$1')
} else {
// 不用于本平台的文件
} else if (file.relative.includes('uni-app')) {
if (platform === 'uni-app') {
file.path = file.path.replace(/(.*)[/\\]uni-app/, '$1')
} else {
if (platform === 'uni-app') {
// uni-app 平台 vue3 要求使用 es6 模块
let content = file.contents.toString()
if (file.basename === 'prism.min.js') {
content = content.replace('"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=Prism),', 'export default Prism;')
} else if (file.extname === '.js' && !file.relative.includes('static')) {
content = content.replace(/module.exports\s*=\s*/, 'export default ')
.replace(/const\s+([^\s=]+)\s*=\s*require\(([^)]+)\)/g, 'import $1 from $2')
file.contents = Buffer.from(content)
} else {
// 小程序平台进行进一步处理
let content = file.contents.toString()
* 方式1
* 在注释 #if(n)def xxx 和 #endif 之间的内容会根据是否定义 xxx 决定是否保留
const commentReg = /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/[^\n]*|<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g // 提取所有注释
const copy = content // 拷贝一个副本用于搜索
let match = commentReg.exec(copy)
const stack = []
while (match) {
if (match[0].includes('#if')) {
stack.push([match[0], match.index])
} else if (match[0].includes('#endif')) {
const item = stack.pop()
if (!item) {
throw Error('条件编译错误:存在多余的 #endifpath:' + file.path + 'content: ' + content.substr(match.index, 100))
const def = item[0].match(/MP-[A-Z]+/gi) || [] // 取出定义条件
let hit = false
for (let i = 0; i < def.length; i++) {
if (def[i] && platform === def[i].toLowerCase()) {
hit = true // 命中
// 不匹配
if ((item[0].includes('#ifdef') && !hit) || (item[0].includes('#ifndef') && hit)) {
let fill = ''
// 用空格填充
for (let j = item[1] + item[0].length; j < match.index; j++) {
if (content[j] === '\n') {
fill += '\n'
} else {
fill += ' '
content = content.substr(0, item[1] + item[0].length) + fill + content.substr(match.index)
match = commentReg.exec(copy)
if (stack.length) {
throw Error('条件编译错误:存在未闭合的 #ifdefpath:' + file.path + 'content: ' + content.substr(stack[0][1], 100))
* 方式2
* wxml 中属性前加平台名将仅编译到该平台,如 mp-weixin:attr
if (file.extname === '.wxml') {
content = content.replace(/([^:\s]+:[^=\s]+)\s*=\s*"(.*?)"/g, ($, $1, $2) => {
const platforms = $1.split(':')
let name = platforms.pop()
const last = platforms[platforms.length - 1]
if (last && !last.includes('mp')) {
name = platforms.pop() + ':' + name
if (!platforms.length) return $
let i
for (i = platforms.length; i--;) {
if (platform === platforms[i].toLowerCase()) break
if (i >= 0) return `${name}="${$2}"`
return ''
file.contents = Buffer.from(content)