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// ASIHTTPRequest.h
// Created by Ben Copsey on 04/10/2007.
// Copyright 2007-2011 All-Seeing Interactive. All rights reserved.
// A guide to the main features is available at:
// http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest
// Portions are based on the ImageClient example from Apple:
// See: http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/ImageClient/listing37.html
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CFNetwork/CFNetwork.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> // Necessary for background task support
#import <stdio.h>
#import "ASIHTTPRequestConfig.h"
#import "ASIHTTPRequestDelegate.h"
#import "ASIProgressDelegate.h"
#import "ASICacheDelegate.h"
@class ASIDataDecompressor;
extern NSString *ASIHTTPRequestVersion;
// Make targeting different platforms more reliable
// See: http://www.blumtnwerx.com/blog/2009/06/cross-sdk-code-hygiene-in-xcode/
#ifndef __IPHONE_3_2
#define __IPHONE_3_2 30200
#ifndef __IPHONE_4_0
#define __IPHONE_4_0 40000
#ifndef __MAC_10_5
#define __MAC_10_5 1050
#ifndef __MAC_10_6
#define __MAC_10_6 1060
typedef enum _ASIAuthenticationState {
ASINoAuthenticationNeededYet = 0,
ASIHTTPAuthenticationNeeded = 1,
ASIProxyAuthenticationNeeded = 2
} ASIAuthenticationState;
typedef enum _ASINetworkErrorType {
ASIConnectionFailureErrorType = 1,
ASIRequestTimedOutErrorType = 2,
ASIAuthenticationErrorType = 3,
ASIRequestCancelledErrorType = 4,
ASIUnableToCreateRequestErrorType = 5,
ASIInternalErrorWhileBuildingRequestType = 6,
ASIInternalErrorWhileApplyingCredentialsType = 7,
ASIFileManagementError = 8,
ASITooMuchRedirectionErrorType = 9,
ASIUnhandledExceptionError = 10,
ASICompressionError = 11
} ASINetworkErrorType;
// The error domain that all errors generated by ASIHTTPRequest use
extern NSString* const NetworkRequestErrorDomain;
// You can use this number to throttle upload and download bandwidth in iPhone OS apps send or receive a large amount of data
// This may help apps that might otherwise be rejected for inclusion into the app store for using excessive bandwidth
// This number is not official, as far as I know there is no officially documented bandwidth limit
extern unsigned long const ASIWWANBandwidthThrottleAmount;
typedef void (^ASIBasicBlock)(void);
typedef void (^ASIHeadersBlock)(NSDictionary *responseHeaders);
typedef void (^ASISizeBlock)(long long size);
typedef void (^ASIProgressBlock)(unsigned long long size, unsigned long long total);
typedef void (^ASIDataBlock)(NSData *data);
@interface ASIHTTPRequest : NSOperation <NSCopying> {
// The url for this operation, should include GET params in the query string where appropriate
NSURL *url;
// Will always contain the original url used for making the request (the value of url can change when a request is redirected)
NSURL *originalURL;
// Temporarily stores the url we are about to redirect to. Will be nil again when we do redirect
NSURL *redirectURL;
// The delegate - will be notified of various changes in state via the ASIHTTPRequestDelegate protocol
id <ASIHTTPRequestDelegate> delegate;
// Another delegate that is also notified of request status changes and progress updates
// Generally, you won't use this directly, but ASINetworkQueue sets itself as the queue so it can proxy updates to its own delegates
id <ASIHTTPRequestDelegate, ASIProgressDelegate> queue;
// HTTP method to use (eg: GET / POST / PUT / DELETE / HEAD etc). Defaults to GET
NSString *requestMethod;
// Request body - only used when the whole body is stored in memory (shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is false)
NSMutableData *postBody;
// gzipped request body used when shouldCompressRequestBody is YES
NSData *compressedPostBody;
// When true, post body will be streamed from a file on disk, rather than loaded into memory at once (useful for large uploads)
// Automatically set to true in ASIFormDataRequests when using setFile:forKey:
BOOL shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk;
// Path to file used to store post body (when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is true)
// You can set this yourself - useful if you want to PUT a file from local disk
NSString *postBodyFilePath;
// Path to a temporary file used to store a deflated post body (when shouldCompressPostBody is YES)
NSString *compressedPostBodyFilePath;
// Set to true when ASIHTTPRequest automatically created a temporary file containing the request body (when true, the file at postBodyFilePath will be deleted at the end of the request)
BOOL didCreateTemporaryPostDataFile;
// Used when writing to the post body when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is true (via appendPostData: or appendPostDataFromFile:)
NSOutputStream *postBodyWriteStream;
// Used for reading from the post body when sending the request
NSInputStream *postBodyReadStream;
// Dictionary for custom HTTP request headers
NSMutableDictionary *requestHeaders;
// Set to YES when the request header dictionary has been populated, used to prevent this happening more than once
BOOL haveBuiltRequestHeaders;
// Will be populated with HTTP response headers from the server
NSDictionary *responseHeaders;
// Can be used to manually insert cookie headers to a request, but it's more likely that sessionCookies will do this for you
NSMutableArray *requestCookies;
// Will be populated with cookies
NSArray *responseCookies;
// If use useCookiePersistence is true, network requests will present valid cookies from previous requests
BOOL useCookiePersistence;
// If useKeychainPersistence is true, network requests will attempt to read credentials from the keychain, and will save them in the keychain when they are successfully presented
BOOL useKeychainPersistence;
// If useSessionPersistence is true, network requests will save credentials and reuse for the duration of the session (until clearSession is called)
BOOL useSessionPersistence;
// If allowCompressedResponse is true, requests will inform the server they can accept compressed data, and will automatically decompress gzipped responses. Default is true.
BOOL allowCompressedResponse;
// If shouldCompressRequestBody is true, the request body will be gzipped. Default is false.
// You will probably need to enable this feature on your webserver to make this work. Tested with apache only.
BOOL shouldCompressRequestBody;
// When downloadDestinationPath is set, the result of this request will be downloaded to the file at this location
// If downloadDestinationPath is not set, download data will be stored in memory
NSString *downloadDestinationPath;
// The location that files will be downloaded to. Once a download is complete, files will be decompressed (if necessary) and moved to downloadDestinationPath
NSString *temporaryFileDownloadPath;
// If the response is gzipped and shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses is NO, a file will be created at this path containing the inflated response as it comes in
NSString *temporaryUncompressedDataDownloadPath;
// Used for writing data to a file when downloadDestinationPath is set
NSOutputStream *fileDownloadOutputStream;
NSOutputStream *inflatedFileDownloadOutputStream;
// When the request fails or completes successfully, complete will be true
BOOL complete;
// external "finished" indicator, subject of KVO notifications; updates after 'complete'
BOOL finished;
// True if our 'cancel' selector has been called
BOOL cancelled;
// If an error occurs, error will contain an NSError
// If error code is = ASIConnectionFailureErrorType (1, Connection failure occurred) - inspect [[error userInfo] objectForKey:NSUnderlyingErrorKey] for more information
NSError *error;
// Username and password used for authentication
NSString *username;
NSString *password;
// User-Agent for this request
NSString *userAgentString;
// Domain used for NTLM authentication
NSString *domain;
// Username and password used for proxy authentication
NSString *proxyUsername;
NSString *proxyPassword;
// Domain used for NTLM proxy authentication
NSString *proxyDomain;
// Delegate for displaying upload progress (usually an NSProgressIndicator, but you can supply a different object and handle this yourself)
id <ASIProgressDelegate> uploadProgressDelegate;
// Delegate for displaying download progress (usually an NSProgressIndicator, but you can supply a different object and handle this yourself)
id <ASIProgressDelegate> downloadProgressDelegate;
// Whether we've seen the headers of the response yet
BOOL haveExaminedHeaders;
// Data we receive will be stored here. Data may be compressed unless allowCompressedResponse is false - you should use [request responseData] instead in most cases
NSMutableData *rawResponseData;
// Used for sending and receiving data
CFHTTPMessageRef request;
NSInputStream *readStream;
// Used for authentication
CFHTTPAuthenticationRef requestAuthentication;
NSDictionary *requestCredentials;
// Used during NTLM authentication
int authenticationRetryCount;
// Authentication scheme (Basic, Digest, NTLM)
// If you are using Basic authentication and want to force ASIHTTPRequest to send an authorization header without waiting for a 401, you must set this to (NSString *)kCFHTTPAuthenticationSchemeBasic
NSString *authenticationScheme;
// Realm for authentication when credentials are required
NSString *authenticationRealm;
// When YES, ASIHTTPRequest will present a dialog allowing users to enter credentials when no-matching credentials were found for a server that requires authentication
// The dialog will not be shown if your delegate responds to authenticationNeededForRequest:
// Default is NO.
BOOL shouldPresentAuthenticationDialog;
// When YES, ASIHTTPRequest will present a dialog allowing users to enter credentials when no-matching credentials were found for a proxy server that requires authentication
// The dialog will not be shown if your delegate responds to proxyAuthenticationNeededForRequest:
// Default is YES (basically, because most people won't want the hassle of adding support for authenticating proxies to their apps)
BOOL shouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog;
// Used for proxy authentication
CFHTTPAuthenticationRef proxyAuthentication;
NSDictionary *proxyCredentials;
// Used during authentication with an NTLM proxy
int proxyAuthenticationRetryCount;
// Authentication scheme for the proxy (Basic, Digest, NTLM)
NSString *proxyAuthenticationScheme;
// Realm for proxy authentication when credentials are required
NSString *proxyAuthenticationRealm;
// HTTP status code, eg: 200 = OK, 404 = Not found etc
int responseStatusCode;
// Description of the HTTP status code
NSString *responseStatusMessage;
// Size of the response
unsigned long long contentLength;
// Size of the partially downloaded content
unsigned long long partialDownloadSize;
// Size of the POST payload
unsigned long long postLength;
// The total amount of downloaded data
unsigned long long totalBytesRead;
// The total amount of uploaded data
unsigned long long totalBytesSent;
// Last amount of data read (used for incrementing progress)
unsigned long long lastBytesRead;
// Last amount of data sent (used for incrementing progress)
unsigned long long lastBytesSent;
// This lock prevents the operation from being cancelled at an inopportune moment
NSRecursiveLock *cancelledLock;
// Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request starts. Default is requestStarted:
SEL didStartSelector;
// Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request receives response headers. Default is request:didReceiveResponseHeaders:
SEL didReceiveResponseHeadersSelector;
// Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request receives a Location header and shouldRedirect is YES
// The delegate can then change the url if needed, and can restart the request by calling [request redirectToURL:], or simply cancel it
SEL willRedirectSelector;
// Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request completes successfully. Default is requestFinished:
SEL didFinishSelector;
// Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request fails. Default is requestFailed:
SEL didFailSelector;
// Called on the delegate (if implemented) when the request receives data. Default is request:didReceiveData:
// If you set this and implement the method in your delegate, you must handle the data yourself - ASIHTTPRequest will not populate responseData or write the data to downloadDestinationPath
SEL didReceiveDataSelector;
// Used for recording when something last happened during the request, we will compare this value with the current date to time out requests when appropriate
NSDate *lastActivityTime;
// Number of seconds to wait before timing out - default is 10
NSTimeInterval timeOutSeconds;
// Will be YES when a HEAD request will handle the content-length before this request starts
BOOL shouldResetUploadProgress;
BOOL shouldResetDownloadProgress;
// Used by HEAD requests when showAccurateProgress is YES to preset the content-length for this request
ASIHTTPRequest *mainRequest;
// When NO, this request will only update the progress indicator when it completes
// When YES, this request will update the progress indicator according to how much data it has received so far
// The default for requests is YES
// Also see the comments in ASINetworkQueue.h
BOOL showAccurateProgress;
// Used to ensure the progress indicator is only incremented once when showAccurateProgress = NO
BOOL updatedProgress;
// Prevents the body of the post being built more than once (largely for subclasses)
BOOL haveBuiltPostBody;
// Used internally, may reflect the size of the internal buffer used by CFNetwork
// POST / PUT operations with body sizes greater than uploadBufferSize will not timeout unless more than uploadBufferSize bytes have been sent
// Likely to be 32KB on iPhone 3.0, 128KB on Mac OS X Leopard and iPhone 2.2.x
unsigned long long uploadBufferSize;
// Text encoding for responses that do not send a Content-Type with a charset value. Defaults to NSISOLatin1StringEncoding
NSStringEncoding defaultResponseEncoding;
// The text encoding of the response, will be defaultResponseEncoding if the server didn't specify. Can't be set.
NSStringEncoding responseEncoding;
// Tells ASIHTTPRequest not to delete partial downloads, and allows it to use an existing file to resume a download. Defaults to NO.
BOOL allowResumeForFileDownloads;
// Custom user information associated with the request (not sent to the server)
NSDictionary *userInfo;
NSInteger tag;
// Use HTTP 1.0 rather than 1.1 (defaults to false)
BOOL useHTTPVersionOne;
// When YES, requests will automatically redirect when they get a HTTP 30x header (defaults to YES)
BOOL shouldRedirect;
// Used internally to tell the main loop we need to stop and retry with a new url
BOOL needsRedirect;
// Incremented every time this request redirects. When it reaches 5, we give up
int redirectCount;
// When NO, requests will not check the secure certificate is valid (use for self-signed certificates during development, DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION) Default is YES
BOOL validatesSecureCertificate;
// If not nil and the URL scheme is https, CFNetwork configured to supply a client certificate
SecIdentityRef clientCertificateIdentity;
NSArray *clientCertificates;
// Details on the proxy to use - you could set these yourself, but it's probably best to let ASIHTTPRequest detect the system proxy settings
NSString *proxyHost;
int proxyPort;
// ASIHTTPRequest will assume kCFProxyTypeHTTP if the proxy type could not be automatically determined
// Set to kCFProxyTypeSOCKS if you are manually configuring a SOCKS proxy
NSString *proxyType;
// URL for a PAC (Proxy Auto Configuration) file. If you want to set this yourself, it's probably best if you use a local file
// See ASIAuthenticationState values above. 0 == default == No authentication needed yet
ASIAuthenticationState authenticationNeeded;
// When YES, ASIHTTPRequests will present credentials from the session store for requests to the same server before being asked for them
// This avoids an extra round trip for requests after authentication has succeeded, which is much for efficient for authenticated requests with large bodies, or on slower connections
// Set to NO to only present credentials when explicitly asked for them
// This only affects credentials stored in the session cache when useSessionPersistence is YES. Credentials from the keychain are never presented unless the server asks for them
// Default is YES
// For requests using Basic authentication, set authenticationScheme to (NSString *)kCFHTTPAuthenticationSchemeBasic, and credentials can be sent on the very first request when shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge is YES
BOOL shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge;
// YES when the request hasn't finished yet. Will still be YES even if the request isn't doing anything (eg it's waiting for delegate authentication). READ-ONLY
BOOL inProgress;
// Used internally to track whether the stream is scheduled on the run loop or not
// Bandwidth throttling can unschedule the stream to slow things down while a request is in progress
BOOL readStreamIsScheduled;
// Set to allow a request to automatically retry itself on timeout
// Default is zero - timeout will stop the request
int numberOfTimesToRetryOnTimeout;
// The number of times this request has retried (when numberOfTimesToRetryOnTimeout > 0)
int retryCount;
// Temporarily set to YES when a closed connection forces a retry (internally, this stops ASIHTTPRequest cleaning up a temporary post body)
BOOL willRetryRequest;
// When YES, requests will keep the connection to the server alive for a while to allow subsequent requests to re-use it for a substantial speed-boost
// Persistent connections will not be used if the server explicitly closes the connection
// Default is YES
BOOL shouldAttemptPersistentConnection;
// Number of seconds to keep an inactive persistent connection open on the client side
// Default is 60
// If we get a keep-alive header, this is this value is replaced with how long the server told us to keep the connection around
// A future date is created from this and used for expiring the connection, this is stored in connectionInfo's expires value
NSTimeInterval persistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds;
// Set to yes when an appropriate keep-alive header is found
BOOL connectionCanBeReused;
// Stores information about the persistent connection that is currently in use.
// It may contain:
// * The id we set for a particular connection, incremented every time we want to specify that we need a new connection
// * The date that connection should expire
// * A host, port and scheme for the connection. These are used to determine whether that connection can be reused by a subsequent request (all must match the new request)
// * An id for the request that is currently using the connection. This is used for determining if a connection is available or not (we store a number rather than a reference to the request so we don't need to hang onto a request until the connection expires)
// * A reference to the stream that is currently using the connection. This is necessary because we need to keep the old stream open until we've opened a new one.
// The stream will be closed + released either when another request comes to use the connection, or when the timer fires to tell the connection to expire
NSMutableDictionary *connectionInfo;
// When set to YES, 301 and 302 automatic redirects will use the original method and and body, according to the HTTP 1.1 standard
// Default is NO (to follow the behaviour of most browsers)
BOOL shouldUseRFC2616RedirectBehaviour;
// Used internally to record when a request has finished downloading data
BOOL downloadComplete;
// An ID that uniquely identifies this request - primarily used for debugging persistent connections
NSNumber *requestID;
// Will be ASIHTTPRequestRunLoopMode for synchronous requests, NSDefaultRunLoopMode for all other requests
NSString *runLoopMode;
// This timer checks up on the request every 0.25 seconds, and updates progress
NSTimer *statusTimer;
// The download cache that will be used for this request (use [ASIHTTPRequest setDefaultCache:cache] to configure a default cache
id <ASICacheDelegate> downloadCache;
// The cache policy that will be used for this request - See ASICacheDelegate.h for possible values
ASICachePolicy cachePolicy;
// The cache storage policy that will be used for this request - See ASICacheDelegate.h for possible values
ASICacheStoragePolicy cacheStoragePolicy;
// Will be true when the response was pulled from the cache rather than downloaded
BOOL didUseCachedResponse;
// Set secondsToCache to use a custom time interval for expiring the response when it is stored in a cache
NSTimeInterval secondsToCache;
BOOL shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground;
UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier backgroundTask;
// When downloading a gzipped response, the request will use this helper object to inflate the response
ASIDataDecompressor *dataDecompressor;
// Controls how responses with a gzipped encoding are inflated (decompressed)
// When set to YES (This is the default):
// * gzipped responses for requests without a downloadDestinationPath will be inflated only when [request responseData] / [request responseString] is called
// * gzipped responses for requests with a downloadDestinationPath set will be inflated only when the request completes
// When set to NO
// All requests will inflate the response as it comes in
// * If the request has no downloadDestinationPath set, the raw (compressed) response is discarded and rawResponseData will contain the decompressed response
// * If the request has a downloadDestinationPath, the raw response will be stored in temporaryFileDownloadPath as normal, the inflated response will be stored in temporaryUncompressedDataDownloadPath
// Once the request completes successfully, the contents of temporaryUncompressedDataDownloadPath are moved into downloadDestinationPath
// Setting this to NO may be especially useful for users using ASIHTTPRequest in conjunction with a streaming parser, as it will allow partial gzipped responses to be inflated and passed on to the parser while the request is still running
BOOL shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses;
// Will be YES if this is a request created behind the scenes to download a PAC file - these requests do not attempt to configure their own proxies
BOOL isPACFileRequest;
// Used for downloading PAC files from http / https webservers
ASIHTTPRequest *PACFileRequest;
// Used for asynchronously reading PAC files from file:// URLs
NSInputStream *PACFileReadStream;
// Used for storing PAC data from file URLs as it is downloaded
NSMutableData *PACFileData;
// Set to YES in startSynchronous. Currently used by proxy detection to download PAC files synchronously when appropriate
BOOL isSynchronous;
//block to execute when request starts
ASIBasicBlock startedBlock;
//block to execute when headers are received
ASIHeadersBlock headersReceivedBlock;
//block to execute when request completes successfully
ASIBasicBlock completionBlock;
//block to execute when request fails
ASIBasicBlock failureBlock;
//block for when bytes are received
ASIProgressBlock bytesReceivedBlock;
//block for when bytes are sent
ASIProgressBlock bytesSentBlock;
//block for when download size is incremented
ASISizeBlock downloadSizeIncrementedBlock;
//block for when upload size is incremented
ASISizeBlock uploadSizeIncrementedBlock;
//block for handling raw bytes received
ASIDataBlock dataReceivedBlock;
//block for handling authentication
ASIBasicBlock authenticationNeededBlock;
//block for handling proxy authentication
ASIBasicBlock proxyAuthenticationNeededBlock;
//block for handling redirections, if you want to
ASIBasicBlock requestRedirectedBlock;
#pragma mark init / dealloc
// Should be an HTTP or HTTPS url, may include username and password if appropriate
- (id)initWithURL:(NSURL *)newURL;
// Convenience constructor
+ (id)requestWithURL:(NSURL *)newURL;
+ (id)requestWithURL:(NSURL *)newURL usingCache:(id <ASICacheDelegate>)cache;
+ (id)requestWithURL:(NSURL *)newURL usingCache:(id <ASICacheDelegate>)cache andCachePolicy:(ASICachePolicy)policy;
- (void)setStartedBlock:(ASIBasicBlock)aStartedBlock;
- (void)setHeadersReceivedBlock:(ASIHeadersBlock)aReceivedBlock;
- (void)setCompletionBlock:(ASIBasicBlock)aCompletionBlock;
- (void)setFailedBlock:(ASIBasicBlock)aFailedBlock;
- (void)setBytesReceivedBlock:(ASIProgressBlock)aBytesReceivedBlock;
- (void)setBytesSentBlock:(ASIProgressBlock)aBytesSentBlock;
- (void)setDownloadSizeIncrementedBlock:(ASISizeBlock) aDownloadSizeIncrementedBlock;
- (void)setUploadSizeIncrementedBlock:(ASISizeBlock) anUploadSizeIncrementedBlock;
- (void)setDataReceivedBlock:(ASIDataBlock)aReceivedBlock;
- (void)setAuthenticationNeededBlock:(ASIBasicBlock)anAuthenticationBlock;
- (void)setProxyAuthenticationNeededBlock:(ASIBasicBlock)aProxyAuthenticationBlock;
- (void)setRequestRedirectedBlock:(ASIBasicBlock)aRedirectBlock;
#pragma mark setup request
// Add a custom header to the request
- (void)addRequestHeader:(NSString *)header value:(NSString *)value;
// Called during buildRequestHeaders and after a redirect to create a cookie header from request cookies and the global store
- (void)applyCookieHeader;
// Populate the request headers dictionary. Called before a request is started, or by a HEAD request that needs to borrow them
- (void)buildRequestHeaders;
// Used to apply authorization header to a request before it is sent (when shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge is YES)
- (void)applyAuthorizationHeader;
// Create the post body
- (void)buildPostBody;
// Called to add data to the post body. Will append to postBody when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is false, or write to postBodyWriteStream when true
- (void)appendPostData:(NSData *)data;
- (void)appendPostDataFromFile:(NSString *)file;
#pragma mark get information about this request
// Returns the contents of the result as an NSString (not appropriate for binary data - used responseData instead)
- (NSString *)responseString;
// Response data, automatically uncompressed where appropriate
- (NSData *)responseData;
// Returns true if the response was gzip compressed
- (BOOL)isResponseCompressed;
#pragma mark running a request
// Run a request synchronously, and return control when the request completes or fails
- (void)startSynchronous;
// Run request in the background
- (void)startAsynchronous;
// Clears all delegates and blocks, then cancels the request
- (void)clearDelegatesAndCancel;
#pragma mark HEAD request
// Used by ASINetworkQueue to create a HEAD request appropriate for this request with the same headers (though you can use it yourself)
- (ASIHTTPRequest *)HEADRequest;
#pragma mark upload/download progress
// Called approximately every 0.25 seconds to update the progress delegates
- (void)updateProgressIndicators;
// Updates upload progress (notifies the queue and/or uploadProgressDelegate of this request)
- (void)updateUploadProgress;
// Updates download progress (notifies the queue and/or uploadProgressDelegate of this request)
- (void)updateDownloadProgress;
// Called when authorisation is needed, as we only find out we don't have permission to something when the upload is complete
- (void)removeUploadProgressSoFar;
// Called when we get a content-length header and shouldResetDownloadProgress is true
- (void)incrementDownloadSizeBy:(long long)length;
// Called when a request starts and shouldResetUploadProgress is true
// Also called (with a negative length) to remove the size of the underlying buffer used for uploading
- (void)incrementUploadSizeBy:(long long)length;
// Helper method for interacting with progress indicators to abstract the details of different APIS (NSProgressIndicator and UIProgressView)
+ (void)updateProgressIndicator:(id *)indicator withProgress:(unsigned long long)progress ofTotal:(unsigned long long)total;
// Helper method used for performing invocations on the main thread (used for progress)
+ (void)performSelector:(SEL)selector onTarget:(id *)target withObject:(id)object amount:(void *)amount callerToRetain:(id)caller;
#pragma mark talking to delegates
// Called when a request starts, lets the delegate know via didStartSelector
- (void)requestStarted;
// Called when a request receives response headers, lets the delegate know via didReceiveResponseHeadersSelector
- (void)requestReceivedResponseHeaders:(NSDictionary *)newHeaders;
// Called when a request completes successfully, lets the delegate know via didFinishSelector
- (void)requestFinished;
// Called when a request fails, and lets the delegate know via didFailSelector
- (void)failWithError:(NSError *)theError;
// Called to retry our request when our persistent connection is closed
// Returns YES if we haven't already retried, and connection will be restarted
// Otherwise, returns NO, and nothing will happen
- (BOOL)retryUsingNewConnection;
// Can be called by delegates from inside their willRedirectSelector implementations to restart the request with a new url
- (void)redirectToURL:(NSURL *)newURL;
#pragma mark parsing HTTP response headers
// Reads the response headers to find the content length, encoding, cookies for the session
// Also initiates request redirection when shouldRedirect is true
// And works out if HTTP auth is required
- (void)readResponseHeaders;
// Attempts to set the correct encoding by looking at the Content-Type header, if this is one
- (void)parseStringEncodingFromHeaders;
+ (void)parseMimeType:(NSString **)mimeType andResponseEncoding:(NSStringEncoding *)stringEncoding fromContentType:(NSString *)contentType;
#pragma mark http authentication stuff
// Apply credentials to this request
- (BOOL)applyCredentials:(NSDictionary *)newCredentials;
- (BOOL)applyProxyCredentials:(NSDictionary *)newCredentials;
// Attempt to obtain credentials for this request from the URL, username and password or keychain
- (NSMutableDictionary *)findCredentials;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)findProxyCredentials;
// Unlock (unpause) the request thread so it can resume the request
// Should be called by delegates when they have populated the authentication information after an authentication challenge
- (void)retryUsingSuppliedCredentials;
// Should be called by delegates when they wish to cancel authentication and stop
- (void)cancelAuthentication;
// Apply authentication information and resume the request after an authentication challenge
- (void)attemptToApplyCredentialsAndResume;
- (void)attemptToApplyProxyCredentialsAndResume;
// Attempt to show the built-in authentication dialog, returns YES if credentials were supplied, NO if user cancelled dialog / dialog is disabled / running on main thread
// Currently only used on iPhone OS
- (BOOL)showProxyAuthenticationDialog;
- (BOOL)showAuthenticationDialog;
// Construct a basic authentication header from the username and password supplied, and add it to the request headers
// Used when shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge is YES
- (void)addBasicAuthenticationHeaderWithUsername:(NSString *)theUsername andPassword:(NSString *)thePassword;
#pragma mark stream status handlers
// CFnetwork event handlers
- (void)handleNetworkEvent:(CFStreamEventType)type;
- (void)handleBytesAvailable;
- (void)handleStreamComplete;
- (void)handleStreamError;
#pragma mark cleanup
// Cleans up and lets the queue know this operation is finished.
// Appears in this header for subclassing only, do not call this method from outside your request!
- (void)markAsFinished;
// Cleans up temporary files. There's normally no reason to call these yourself, they are called automatically when a request completes or fails
// Clean up the temporary file used to store the downloaded data when it comes in (if downloadDestinationPath is set)
- (BOOL)removeTemporaryDownloadFile;
// Clean up the temporary file used to store data that is inflated (decompressed) as it comes in
- (BOOL)removeTemporaryUncompressedDownloadFile;
// Clean up the temporary file used to store the request body (when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is YES)
- (BOOL)removeTemporaryUploadFile;
// Clean up the temporary file used to store a deflated (compressed) request body when shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk is YES
- (BOOL)removeTemporaryCompressedUploadFile;
// Remove a file on disk, returning NO and populating the passed error pointer if it fails
+ (BOOL)removeFileAtPath:(NSString *)path error:(NSError **)err;
#pragma mark persistent connections
// Get the ID of the connection this request used (only really useful in tests and debugging)
- (NSNumber *)connectionID;
// Called automatically when a request is started to clean up any persistent connections that have expired
+ (void)expirePersistentConnections;
#pragma mark default time out
+ (NSTimeInterval)defaultTimeOutSeconds;
+ (void)setDefaultTimeOutSeconds:(NSTimeInterval)newTimeOutSeconds;
#pragma mark client certificate
- (void)setClientCertificateIdentity:(SecIdentityRef)anIdentity;
#pragma mark session credentials
+ (NSMutableArray *)sessionProxyCredentialsStore;
+ (NSMutableArray *)sessionCredentialsStore;
+ (void)storeProxyAuthenticationCredentialsInSessionStore:(NSDictionary *)credentials;
+ (void)storeAuthenticationCredentialsInSessionStore:(NSDictionary *)credentials;
+ (void)removeProxyAuthenticationCredentialsFromSessionStore:(NSDictionary *)credentials;
+ (void)removeAuthenticationCredentialsFromSessionStore:(NSDictionary *)credentials;
- (NSDictionary *)findSessionProxyAuthenticationCredentials;
- (NSDictionary *)findSessionAuthenticationCredentials;
#pragma mark keychain storage
// Save credentials for this request to the keychain
- (void)saveCredentialsToKeychain:(NSDictionary *)newCredentials;
// Save credentials to the keychain
+ (void)saveCredentials:(NSURLCredential *)credentials forHost:(NSString *)host port:(int)port protocol:(NSString *)protocol realm:(NSString *)realm;
+ (void)saveCredentials:(NSURLCredential *)credentials forProxy:(NSString *)host port:(int)port realm:(NSString *)realm;
// Return credentials from the keychain
+ (NSURLCredential *)savedCredentialsForHost:(NSString *)host port:(int)port protocol:(NSString *)protocol realm:(NSString *)realm;
+ (NSURLCredential *)savedCredentialsForProxy:(NSString *)host port:(int)port protocol:(NSString *)protocol realm:(NSString *)realm;
// Remove credentials from the keychain
+ (void)removeCredentialsForHost:(NSString *)host port:(int)port protocol:(NSString *)protocol realm:(NSString *)realm;
+ (void)removeCredentialsForProxy:(NSString *)host port:(int)port realm:(NSString *)realm;
// We keep track of any cookies we accept, so that we can remove them from the persistent store later
+ (void)setSessionCookies:(NSMutableArray *)newSessionCookies;
+ (NSMutableArray *)sessionCookies;
// Adds a cookie to our list of cookies we've accepted, checking first for an old version of the same cookie and removing that
+ (void)addSessionCookie:(NSHTTPCookie *)newCookie;
// Dump all session data (authentication and cookies)
+ (void)clearSession;
#pragma mark get user agent
// Will be used as a user agent if requests do not specify a custom user agent
// Is only used when you have specified a Bundle Display Name (CFDisplayBundleName) or Bundle Name (CFBundleName) in your plist
+ (NSString *)defaultUserAgentString;
+ (void)setDefaultUserAgentString:(NSString *)agent;
#pragma mark mime-type detection
// Return the mime type for a file
+ (NSString *)mimeTypeForFileAtPath:(NSString *)path;
#pragma mark bandwidth measurement / throttling
// The maximum number of bytes ALL requests can send / receive in a second
// This is a rough figure. The actual amount used will be slightly more, this does not include HTTP headers
+ (unsigned long)maxBandwidthPerSecond;
+ (void)setMaxBandwidthPerSecond:(unsigned long)bytes;
// Get a rough average (for the last 5 seconds) of how much bandwidth is being used, in bytes
+ (unsigned long)averageBandwidthUsedPerSecond;
- (void)performThrottling;
// Will return YES is bandwidth throttling is currently in use
+ (BOOL)isBandwidthThrottled;
// Used internally to record bandwidth use, and by ASIInputStreams when uploading. It's probably best if you don't mess with this.
+ (void)incrementBandwidthUsedInLastSecond:(unsigned long)bytes;
// On iPhone, ASIHTTPRequest can automatically turn throttling on and off as the connection type changes between WWAN and WiFi
// Set to YES to automatically turn on throttling when WWAN is connected, and automatically turn it off when it isn't
+ (void)setShouldThrottleBandwidthForWWAN:(BOOL)throttle;
// Turns on throttling automatically when WWAN is connected using a custom limit, and turns it off automatically when it isn't
+ (void)throttleBandwidthForWWANUsingLimit:(unsigned long)limit;
#pragma mark reachability
// Returns YES when an iPhone OS device is connected via WWAN, false when connected via WIFI or not connected
+ (BOOL)isNetworkReachableViaWWAN;
#pragma mark queue
// Returns the shared queue
+ (NSOperationQueue *)sharedQueue;
#pragma mark cache
+ (void)setDefaultCache:(id <ASICacheDelegate>)cache;
+ (id <ASICacheDelegate>)defaultCache;
// Returns the maximum amount of data we can read as part of the current measurement period, and sleeps this thread if our allowance is used up
+ (unsigned long)maxUploadReadLength;
#pragma mark network activity
+ (BOOL)isNetworkInUse;
+ (void)setShouldUpdateNetworkActivityIndicator:(BOOL)shouldUpdate;
// Shows the network activity spinner thing on iOS. You may wish to override this to do something else in Mac projects
+ (void)showNetworkActivityIndicator;
// Hides the network activity spinner thing on iOS
+ (void)hideNetworkActivityIndicator;
#pragma mark miscellany
// Used for generating Authorization header when using basic authentication when shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge is true
// And also by ASIS3Request
+ (NSString *)base64forData:(NSData *)theData;
// Returns the expiration date for the request.
// Calculated from the Expires response header property, unless maxAge is non-zero or
// there exists a non-zero max-age property in the Cache-Control response header.
+ (NSDate *)expiryDateForRequest:(ASIHTTPRequest *)request maxAge:(NSTimeInterval)maxAge;
// Returns a date from a string in RFC1123 format
+ (NSDate *)dateFromRFC1123String:(NSString *)string;
// Used for detecting multitasking support at runtime (for backgrounding requests)
+ (BOOL)isMultitaskingSupported;
#pragma mark threading behaviour
// In the default implementation, all requests run in a single background thread
// Advanced users only: Override this method in a subclass for a different threading behaviour
// Eg: return [NSThread mainThread] to run all requests in the main thread
// Alternatively, you can create a thread on demand, or manage a pool of threads
// Threads returned by this method will need to run the runloop in default mode (eg CFRunLoopRun())
// Requests will stop the runloop when they complete
// If you have multiple requests sharing the thread you'll need to restart the runloop when this happens
+ (NSThread *)threadForRequest:(ASIHTTPRequest *)request;
#pragma mark ===
@property (retain) NSString *username;
@property (retain) NSString *password;
@property (retain) NSString *userAgentString;
@property (retain) NSString *domain;
@property (retain) NSString *proxyUsername;
@property (retain) NSString *proxyPassword;
@property (retain) NSString *proxyDomain;
@property (retain) NSString *proxyHost;
@property (assign) int proxyPort;
@property (retain) NSString *proxyType;
@property (retain,setter=setURL:, nonatomic) NSURL *url;
@property (retain) NSURL *originalURL;
@property (assign, nonatomic) id delegate;
@property (retain, nonatomic) id queue;
@property (assign, nonatomic) id uploadProgressDelegate;
@property (assign, nonatomic) id downloadProgressDelegate;
@property (assign) BOOL useKeychainPersistence;
@property (assign) BOOL useSessionPersistence;
@property (retain) NSString *downloadDestinationPath;
@property (retain) NSString *temporaryFileDownloadPath;
@property (retain) NSString *temporaryUncompressedDataDownloadPath;
@property (assign) SEL didStartSelector;
@property (assign) SEL didReceiveResponseHeadersSelector;
@property (assign) SEL willRedirectSelector;
@property (assign) SEL didFinishSelector;
@property (assign) SEL didFailSelector;
@property (assign) SEL didReceiveDataSelector;
@property (retain,readonly) NSString *authenticationRealm;
@property (retain,readonly) NSString *proxyAuthenticationRealm;
@property (retain) NSError *error;
@property (assign,readonly) BOOL complete;
@property (retain) NSDictionary *responseHeaders;
@property (retain) NSMutableDictionary *requestHeaders;
@property (retain) NSMutableArray *requestCookies;
@property (retain,readonly) NSArray *responseCookies;
@property (assign) BOOL useCookiePersistence;
@property (retain) NSDictionary *requestCredentials;
@property (retain) NSDictionary *proxyCredentials;
@property (assign,readonly) int responseStatusCode;
@property (retain,readonly) NSString *responseStatusMessage;
@property (retain) NSMutableData *rawResponseData;
@property (assign) NSTimeInterval timeOutSeconds;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *requestMethod;
@property (retain) NSMutableData *postBody;
@property (assign) unsigned long long contentLength;
@property (assign) unsigned long long postLength;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldResetDownloadProgress;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldResetUploadProgress;
@property (assign) ASIHTTPRequest *mainRequest;
@property (assign) BOOL showAccurateProgress;
@property (assign) unsigned long long totalBytesRead;
@property (assign) unsigned long long totalBytesSent;
@property (assign) NSStringEncoding defaultResponseEncoding;
@property (assign) NSStringEncoding responseEncoding;
@property (assign) BOOL allowCompressedResponse;
@property (assign) BOOL allowResumeForFileDownloads;
@property (retain) NSDictionary *userInfo;
@property (assign) NSInteger tag;
@property (retain) NSString *postBodyFilePath;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldStreamPostDataFromDisk;
@property (assign) BOOL didCreateTemporaryPostDataFile;
@property (assign) BOOL useHTTPVersionOne;
@property (assign, readonly) unsigned long long partialDownloadSize;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldRedirect;
@property (assign) BOOL validatesSecureCertificate;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldCompressRequestBody;
@property (retain) NSURL *PACurl;
@property (retain) NSString *authenticationScheme;
@property (retain) NSString *proxyAuthenticationScheme;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldPresentAuthenticationDialog;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldPresentProxyAuthenticationDialog;
@property (assign, readonly) ASIAuthenticationState authenticationNeeded;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldPresentCredentialsBeforeChallenge;
@property (assign, readonly) int authenticationRetryCount;
@property (assign, readonly) int proxyAuthenticationRetryCount;
@property (assign) BOOL haveBuiltRequestHeaders;
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL haveBuiltPostBody;
@property (assign, readonly) BOOL inProgress;
@property (assign) int numberOfTimesToRetryOnTimeout;
@property (assign, readonly) int retryCount;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldAttemptPersistentConnection;
@property (assign) NSTimeInterval persistentConnectionTimeoutSeconds;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldUseRFC2616RedirectBehaviour;
@property (assign, readonly) BOOL connectionCanBeReused;
@property (retain, readonly) NSNumber *requestID;
@property (assign) id <ASICacheDelegate> downloadCache;
@property (assign) ASICachePolicy cachePolicy;
@property (assign) ASICacheStoragePolicy cacheStoragePolicy;
@property (assign, readonly) BOOL didUseCachedResponse;
@property (assign) NSTimeInterval secondsToCache;
@property (retain) NSArray *clientCertificates;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground;
@property (retain) ASIDataDecompressor *dataDecompressor;
@property (assign) BOOL shouldWaitToInflateCompressedResponses;