362 lines
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362 lines
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// Copyright 2015 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "collection_notifications.hpp"
#include "impl/collection_notifier.hpp"
#include "list.hpp"
#include "object.hpp"
#include "object_schema.hpp"
#include "property.hpp"
#include "shared_realm.hpp"
#include <realm/table_view.hpp>
#include <realm/util/optional.hpp>
namespace realm {
class Mixed;
class ObjectSchema;
namespace _impl {
class ResultsNotifier;
class Results {
// Results can be either be backed by nothing, a thin wrapper around a table,
// or a wrapper around a query and a sort order which creates and updates
// the tableview as needed
Results(std::shared_ptr<Realm> r, Table& table);
Results(std::shared_ptr<Realm> r, Query q, DescriptorOrdering o = {});
Results(std::shared_ptr<Realm> r, TableView tv, DescriptorOrdering o = {});
Results(std::shared_ptr<Realm> r, LinkViewRef lv, util::Optional<Query> q = {}, SortDescriptor s = {});
// Results is copyable and moveable
Results& operator=(Results&&);
Results(const Results&);
Results& operator=(const Results&);
// Get the Realm
std::shared_ptr<Realm> get_realm() const { return m_realm; }
// Object schema describing the vendored object type
const ObjectSchema &get_object_schema() const;
// Get a query which will match the same rows as is contained in this Results
// Returned query will not be valid if the current mode is Empty
Query get_query() const;
// Get the list of sort and distinct operations applied for this Results.
DescriptorOrdering const& get_descriptor_ordering() const noexcept { return m_descriptor_ordering; }
// Get a tableview containing the same rows as this Results
TableView get_tableview();
// Get the object type which will be returned by get()
StringData get_object_type() const noexcept;
PropertyType get_type() const;
// Get the LinkView this Results is derived from, if any
LinkViewRef get_linkview() const { return m_link_view; }
// Get the size of this results
// Can be either O(1) or O(N) depending on the state of things
size_t size();
// Get the row accessor for the given index
// Throws OutOfBoundsIndexException if index >= size()
template<typename T = RowExpr>
T get(size_t index);
// Get the boxed row accessor for the given index
// Throws OutOfBoundsIndexException if index >= size()
template<typename Context>
auto get(Context&, size_t index);
// Get a row accessor for the first/last row, or none if the results are empty
// More efficient than calling size()+get()
template<typename T = RowExpr>
util::Optional<T> first();
template<typename T = RowExpr>
util::Optional<T> last();
// Get the index of the first row matching the query in this table
size_t index_of(Query&& q);
// Get the first index of the given value in this results, or not_found
// Throws DetachedAccessorException if row is not attached
// Throws IncorrectTableException if row belongs to a different table
template<typename T>
size_t index_of(T const& value);
// Delete all of the rows in this Results from the Realm
// size() will always be zero afterwards
// Throws InvalidTransactionException if not in a write transaction
void clear();
// Create a new Results by further filtering or sorting this Results
Results filter(Query&& q) const;
Results sort(SortDescriptor&& sort) const;
Results sort(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> const& keypaths) const;
// Create a new Results by removing duplicates
Results distinct(DistinctDescriptor&& uniqueness) const;
Results distinct(std::vector<std::string> const& keypaths) const;
// Create a new Results with only the first `max_count` entries
Results limit(size_t max_count) const;
// Create a new Results by adding sort and distinct combinations
Results apply_ordering(DescriptorOrdering&& ordering);
// Return a snapshot of this Results that never updates to reflect changes in the underlying data.
Results snapshot() const &;
Results snapshot() &&;
// Get the min/max/average/sum of the given column
// All but sum() returns none when there are zero matching rows
// sum() returns 0, except for when it returns none
// Throws UnsupportedColumnTypeException for sum/average on timestamp or non-numeric column
// Throws OutOfBoundsIndexException for an out-of-bounds column
util::Optional<Mixed> max(size_t column=0);
util::Optional<Mixed> min(size_t column=0);
util::Optional<double> average(size_t column=0);
util::Optional<Mixed> sum(size_t column=0);
enum class Mode {
Empty, // Backed by nothing (for missing tables)
Table, // Backed directly by a Table
Query, // Backed by a query that has not yet been turned into a TableView
LinkView, // Backed directly by a LinkView
TableView, // Backed by a TableView created from a Query
// Get the currrent mode of the Results
// Ideally this would not be public but it's needed for some KVO stuff
Mode get_mode() const { return m_mode; }
// Is this Results associated with a Realm that has not been invalidated?
bool is_valid() const;
// The Results object has been invalidated (due to the Realm being invalidated)
// All non-noexcept functions can throw this
struct InvalidatedException : public std::logic_error {
InvalidatedException() : std::logic_error("Access to invalidated Results objects") {}
// The input index parameter was out of bounds
struct OutOfBoundsIndexException : public std::out_of_range {
OutOfBoundsIndexException(size_t r, size_t c);
const size_t requested;
const size_t valid_count;
// The input Row object is not attached
struct DetatchedAccessorException : public std::logic_error {
DetatchedAccessorException() : std::logic_error("Atempting to access an invalid object") {}
// The input Row object belongs to a different table
struct IncorrectTableException : public std::logic_error {
IncorrectTableException(StringData e, StringData a, const std::string &error) :
std::logic_error(error), expected(e), actual(a) {}
const StringData expected;
const StringData actual;
// The requested aggregate operation is not supported for the column type
struct UnsupportedColumnTypeException : public std::logic_error {
size_t column_index;
StringData column_name;
PropertyType property_type;
UnsupportedColumnTypeException(size_t column, const Table* table, const char* operation);
// The property request does not exist in the schema
struct InvalidPropertyException : public std::logic_error {
InvalidPropertyException(const std::string& object_type, const std::string& property_name);
const std::string object_type;
const std::string property_name;
// The requested operation is valid, but has not yet been implemented
struct UnimplementedOperationException : public std::logic_error {
UnimplementedOperationException(const char *message);
// Create an async query from this Results
// The query will be run on a background thread and delivered to the callback,
// and then rerun after each commit (if needed) and redelivered if it changed
template<typename Func>
NotificationToken async(Func&& target);
NotificationToken add_notification_callback(CollectionChangeCallback cb) &;
bool wants_background_updates() const { return m_wants_background_updates; }
// Returns whether the rows are guaranteed to be in table order.
bool is_in_table_order() const;
// Helper type to let ResultsNotifier update the tableview without giving access
// to any other privates or letting anyone else do so
class Internal {
friend class _impl::ResultsNotifier;
static void set_table_view(Results& results, TableView&& tv);
template<typename Context> auto first(Context&);
template<typename Context> auto last(Context&);
template<typename Context, typename T>
size_t index_of(Context&, T value);
// Batch updates all items in this collection with the provided value
// Must be called inside a transaction
// Throws an exception if the value does not match the type for given prop_name
template<typename ValueType, typename ContextType>
void set_property_value(ContextType& ctx, StringData prop_name, ValueType value);
// Execute the query immediately if needed. When the relevant query is slow, size()
// may cost similar time compared with creating the tableview. Use this function to
// avoid running the query twice for size() and other accessors.
void evaluate_query_if_needed(bool wants_notifications = true);
enum class UpdatePolicy {
Auto, // Update automatically to reflect changes in the underlying data.
Never, // Never update.
std::shared_ptr<Realm> m_realm;
mutable const ObjectSchema *m_object_schema = nullptr;
Query m_query;
TableView m_table_view;
LinkViewRef m_link_view;
TableRef m_table;
DescriptorOrdering m_descriptor_ordering;
_impl::CollectionNotifier::Handle<_impl::ResultsNotifier> m_notifier;
Mode m_mode = Mode::Empty;
UpdatePolicy m_update_policy = UpdatePolicy::Auto;
bool m_has_used_table_view = false;
bool m_wants_background_updates = true;
bool update_linkview();
void validate_read() const;
void validate_write() const;
using ForCallback = util::TaggedBool<class ForCallback>;
void prepare_async(ForCallback);
template<typename T>
util::Optional<T> try_get(size_t);
template<typename Int, typename Float, typename Double, typename Timestamp>
util::Optional<Mixed> aggregate(size_t column,
const char* name,
Int agg_int, Float agg_float,
Double agg_double, Timestamp agg_timestamp);
void prepare_for_aggregate(size_t column, const char* name);
void set_table_view(TableView&& tv);
template<typename Fn>
auto dispatch(Fn&&) const;
template<typename Func>
NotificationToken Results::async(Func&& target)
return this->add_notification_callback([target = std::forward<Func>(target)](CollectionChangeSet const&, std::exception_ptr e) {
template<typename Fn>
auto Results::dispatch(Fn&& fn) const
return switch_on_type(get_type(), std::forward<Fn>(fn));
template<typename Context>
auto Results::get(Context& ctx, size_t row_ndx)
return dispatch([&](auto t) { return ctx.box(this->get<std::decay_t<decltype(*t)>>(row_ndx)); });
template<typename Context>
auto Results::first(Context& ctx)
// GCC 4.9 complains about `ctx` not being defined within the lambda without this goofy capture
return dispatch([this, ctx = &ctx](auto t) {
auto value = this->first<std::decay_t<decltype(*t)>>();
return value ? static_cast<decltype(ctx->no_value())>(ctx->box(*value)) : ctx->no_value();
template<typename Context>
auto Results::last(Context& ctx)
return dispatch([&](auto t) {
auto value = this->last<std::decay_t<decltype(*t)>>();
return value ? static_cast<decltype(ctx.no_value())>(ctx.box(*value)) : ctx.no_value();
template<typename Context, typename T>
size_t Results::index_of(Context& ctx, T value)
return dispatch([&](auto t) { return this->index_of(ctx.template unbox<std::decay_t<decltype(*t)>>(value)); });
template <typename ValueType, typename ContextType>
void Results::set_property_value(ContextType& ctx, StringData prop_name, ValueType value)
// Check invariants for calling this method
const ObjectSchema& object_schema = get_object_schema();
const Property* prop = object_schema.property_for_name(prop_name);
if (!prop) {
throw InvalidPropertyException(object_schema.name, prop_name);
if (prop->is_primary && !m_realm->is_in_migration()) {
throw ModifyPrimaryKeyException(m_object_schema->name, prop->name);
// Update all objects in this ResultSets. Use snapshot to avoid correctness problems if the
// object is removed from the TableView after the property update as well as avoiding to
// re-evaluating the query too many times.
auto snapshot = this->snapshot();
size_t size = snapshot.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
Object obj(m_realm, *m_object_schema, snapshot.get(i));
obj.set_property_value_impl(ctx, *prop, value, true, false, false);
} // namespace realm