(self.webpackChunkant_design_pro=self.webpackChunkant_design_pro||[]).push([[6338],{6338:function(n,i,p){n=p.nmd(n),ace.define("ace/snippets/wollok.snippets",["require","exports","module"],function(t,e,s){s.exports=`## ## Basic Java packages and import snippet im import snippet w.l wollok.lang snippet w.i wollok.lib ## Class and object snippet cl class \${1:\`Filename("", "untitled")\`} \${2} snippet obj object \${1:\`Filename("", "untitled")\`} \${2:inherits Parent}\${3} snippet te test \${1:\`Filename("", "untitled")\`} ## ## Enhancements snippet inh inherits ## ## Comments snippet /* /* * \${1} */ ## ## Control Statements snippet el else snippet if if (\${1}) \${2} ## ## Create a Method snippet m method \${1:method}(\${2}) \${5} ## ## Tests snippet as assert.equals(\${1:expected}, \${2:actual}) ## ## Exceptions snippet ca catch \${1:e} : (\${2:Exception} ) \${3} snippet thr throw snippet try try { \${3} } catch \${1:e} : \${2:Exception} { } ## ## Javadocs snippet /** /** * \${1} */ ## ## Print Methods snippet print console.println("\${1:Message}") ## ## Setter and Getter Methods snippet set method set\${1:}(\${2:}) { $1 = $2 } snippet get method get\${1:}() { return \${1:}; } ## ## Terminate Methods or Loops snippet re return`}),ace.define("ace/snippets/wollok",["require","exports","module","ace/snippets/wollok.snippets"],function(t,e,s){"use strict";e.snippetText=t("./wollok.snippets"),e.scope="wollok"}),function(){ace.require(["ace/snippets/wollok"],function(t){n&&(n.exports=t)})}()}}]);