diff --git a/db/ddl.sql b/db/ddl.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 647fd84..0000000 --- a/db/ddl.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,301 +0,0 @@ --- 2023-04-07 -create table `visit_count_record` -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED auto_increment comment '主键id', - visitCount BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '用户访问次数', - deviceType TINYINT default null comment '设备类型 1 pc , 2 h5, 3 安卓app, 4 ios-app, 5 小程序, 6 电脑app, 7 其他', - visitDay DATE DEFAULT NULL comment '访问的日期', - modifyTime BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '最后修改时间', - createTime BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '创建时间', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) -) ENGINE = InnoDB - DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 COMMENT ='访问次数记录表'; - --- 2023-04-11 io_source 添加 文件类型 fileType -ALTER TABLE io_source - ADD COLUMN `type` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED default null comment '文档类型 1 文档 2 图片 3 音乐 4 视频 5 压缩包 6 其他' AFTER sourceHash; - --- 2023-04-11 根据 fileType 设置文件类型 type -UPDATE io_source -SET `type` = ( - CASE - WHEN find_in_set(fileType, - 'txt,md,pdf,ofd,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,xps,pps,ppsx,ods,odt,odp,docm,dot,dotm,xlsb,xlsm,mht,djvu,wps,dpt,csv,et,ett,pages,numbers,key,dotx,vsd,vsdx,mpp') - THEN 1 - WHEN find_in_set(fileType, 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif,bmp,ico,svg,webp,tif,tiff,cdr,svgz,xbm,eps,pjepg,heic,raw,psd,ai') - THEN 2 - WHEN find_in_set(fileType, 'mp3,wav,wma,m4a,ogg,omf,amr,aa3,flac,aac,cda,aif,aiff,mid,ra,ape,mpa') THEN 3 - WHEN find_in_set(fileType, - 'mp4,flv,rm,rmvb,avi,mkv,mov,f4v,mpeg,mpg,vob,wmv,ogv,webm,3gp,mts,m2ts,m4v,mpe,3g2,asf,dat,asx,wvx') - THEN 4 - WHEN find_in_set(fileType, 'zip,gz,rar,iso,tar,7z,ar,bz,bz2,xz,arj') THEN 5 - ELSE 6 - END - ) -WHERE isFolder = 0 - AND `type` IS NULL; - --- 2023-04-11 设置文件夹 type 类型为 NULL -UPDATE io_source -SET `type` = 0 -WHERE isFolder = 1; - --- 2023-04-12 -ALTER TABLE `visit_count_record` - ADD COLUMN osName VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作系统' AFTER deviceType; -ALTER TABLE `visit_count_record` - ADD COLUMN `type` TINYINT(3) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '1 客户端访问 2 用户访问 3 操作系统访问 4 各操作系统总访问' AFTER osName; - --- 2023-04-20 -ALTER TABLE `user` - ADD COLUMN dingOpenId VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '钉钉 openId' AFTER `status`; -ALTER TABLE `user` - ADD COLUMN wechatOpenId VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '微信 openId' AFTER wechatOpenId; -ALTER TABLE `user` - ADD COLUMN alipayOpenId VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '支付宝 openId' AFTER alipayOpenId; - --- 2023-05-10 -ALTER TABLE `user` - ADD COLUMN enWechatOpenId VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '企业微信 openId' AFTER wechatOpenId; - --- 2023-05-16 -drop table if exists notice; -create table notice -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED auto_increment comment '通知id' primary key, - title VARCHAR(128) not null comment '标题', - level TINYINT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '0 弱提示:左下角通知栏显示红点;1 强提示:用户登录后直接弹出通知。', - status TINYINT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '状态,0暂存,1已发送,2已删除', - enable TINYINT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '是否启用,0未启用,1启用', - send_time BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '通知发送时间', - sender_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '通知发送者id', - sender_ip VARCHAR(64) not null comment '发送通知的IP地址,json(,杭州)', - notice_type TINYINT UNSIGNED default 1 comment '消息类型,1通知2消息3私信', - create_time DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间' NOT NULL, - modify_time DATETIME DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间' NULL -); -ALTER TABLE notice - COMMENT = '消息表'; - -drop table if exists notice_detail_copy2; -create table notice_detail -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '主键id' primary key, - notice_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '通知id', - content TEXT not null comment '消息内容', - is_all TINYINT UNSIGNED default 1 comment '是否为所有用户 1 是 0 否', - target_ids JSON not null comment '接收者', - `status` TINYINT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '状态,0未读,1已读', - create_time DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间' NOT NULL, - modify_time DATETIME DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间' NULL -); -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - COMMENT = '消息详情表'; - -CREATE TABLE notice_user -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED auto_increment comment '主键' primary key, - notice_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '通知id', - user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '用户id', - is_read tinyint default 0 comment '是否已读 0 未读 1 已读', - `year` year not null comment '年份', - create_time DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间' NOT NULL, - modify_time DATETIME DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间' NULL -); -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - COMMENT = '消息用户表'; - --- target_ids --- {"u": [12312312,52345234,32342345],"g": [2341324,123123,345345],"r": [3252345,346134,132646345,6756354]} - --- 2023-05-17 -ALTER TABLE notice_user - ADD COLUMN last_notice_time DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后一条通知的时间' AFTER is_read; -ALTER TABLE notice_user - DROP COLUMN notice_id; -ALTER TABLE notice_user - ADD COLUMN notice_id JSON DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '通知id集合' AFTER user_id; -ALTER TABLE notice - ADD COLUMN send_type TINYINT DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '推送方式 1 立即推送 2 计划推送' AFTER `enable`; -ALTER TABLE notice - DROP COLUMN send_time; -ALTER TABLE notice - ADD COLUMN send_time DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '通知发送时间' AFTER send_type; -ALTER TABLE notice - ADD COLUMN sort BIGINT DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '排序 越大越靠前' AFTER send_time; -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - DROP COLUMN `status`; -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - DROP COLUMN target_ids; -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - ADD COLUMN target_user_ids JSON DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '目标用户id集合' AFTER is_all; -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - ADD COLUMN target_dept_ids JSON DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '目标部门id集合' AFTER target_user_ids; -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - ADD COLUMN target_role_ids JSON DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '目标角色id集合' AFTER target_dept_ids; -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - ADD COLUMN notice_detail_id BIGINT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '通知详情表id' AFTER target_role_ids; - --- 2023-05-19 -alter table notice - modify sender_ip VARCHAR(64) null comment '发送通知的IP地址,json(,杭州)'; -alter table notice - modify create_time DATETIME(19) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment '创建时间'; -alter table notice_detail - modify create_time DATETIME default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment '创建时间'; - --- 2023-05-22 -ALTER TABLE notice_user - ADD COLUMN total BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '总数' AFTER is_read; - --- 2023-05-23 -drop table if exists notice; -drop table if exists notice_detail_copy; -drop table if exists notice_detail; - -create table notice -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED auto_increment comment '通知id' - primary key, - title VARCHAR(128) not null comment '标题', - level TINYINT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '0 弱提示:左下角通知栏显示红点;1 强提示:用户登录后直接弹出通知。', - status TINYINT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '状态,0暂存,1已发送,2已删除', - enable TINYINT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '是否启用,0未启用,1启用', - send_type TINYINT default 1 comment '推送方式 1 立即推送 2 计划推送', - send_time DATETIME null comment '通知发送时间', - sort BIGINT default 0 comment '排序 越大越靠前', - sender_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '通知发送者id', - sender_ip VARCHAR(64) default null comment '发送通知的IP地址,json(,杭州)', - notice_type TINYINT UNSIGNED default 1 comment '消息类型,1通知2消息3私信', - create_time DATETIME not null comment '创建时间', - modify_time DATETIME default null comment '更新时间' -); - -create table notice_detail -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED auto_increment comment '主键id' - primary key, - notice_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '通知id', - content TEXT not null comment '消息内容', - is_all TINYINT UNSIGNED default 1 comment '是否为所有用户 1 是 0 否', - target_user_ids JSON null comment '目标用户id集合', - target_dept_ids JSON null comment '目标部门id集合', - target_role_ids JSON null comment '目标角色id集合', - notice_detail_id BIGINT null comment '通知详情表id', - create_time DATETIME not null comment '创建时间', - modify_time DATETIME default null comment '更新时间' -); - -drop table if exists notice_user; -create table notice_user -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED auto_increment comment '主键' - primary key, - user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '用户id', - notice_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '通知id集合', - is_read TINYINT default 0 comment '是否已读 0 未读 1 已读', - create_time DATETIME not null comment '创建时间', - modify_time DATETIME default null comment '更新时间' -); - -ALTER TABLE notice - COMMENT = '通知'; -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - COMMENT = '通知详情'; -ALTER TABLE notice_user - COMMENT = '通知用户关联'; - --- 2023-05-25 -ALTER TABLE notice_user - ADD UNIQUE INDEX user_notice_key (user_id, notice_id); -ALTER TABLE notice_detail - ADD COLUMN dr TINYINT DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '逻辑删除 0 未删除 1 已删除' AFTER modify_time; - --- 2023-05-26 -DROP TABLE IF EXISTS share_report; -create table share_report_copy -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED auto_increment comment '自增id' - primary key, - share_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '分享id', - title VARCHAR(255) not null comment '分享标题', - source_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '举报资源id', - file_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '举报文件id,文件夹则该处为0', - user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '举报用户id', - report_type TINYINT UNSIGNED not null comment '举报类型 (1-侵权,2-色情,3-暴力,4-政治,5-其他)', - reason VARCHAR(255) not null comment '举报原因(其他)描述', - status TINYINT UNSIGNED not null comment '处理状态(0-未处理,1-已处理,2-允许分享,3-禁止分享)', - create_time DATETIME not null comment '创建时间', - modify_time DATETIME DEFAULT null comment '最后修改时间' -); -ALTER TABLE share_report_copy - COMMENT = '分享链接举报'; -ALTER TABLE share_report - ADD INDEX create_time_index (user_id); - --- 2023-05-30 -ALTER TABLE share - ADD COLUMN `status` TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '状态 1 正常 2 取消分享 3 禁止分享' AFTER isLink; -ALTER TABLE io_source - ADD COLUMN canShare TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '是否可以分享 1 正常 0 禁止分享' AFTER `sort`; -ALTER TABLE share_report - MODIFY status TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '处理状态(0-未处理,1-已处理)'; --- 2023-05-31 -alter table share_report - modify reason VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT null comment '举报原因(其他)描述'; -alter table share - modify status TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED default 1 null comment '状态 1 正常 3 禁止分享 4 取消分享'; - --- 2023-06-08 -INSERT INTO system_option (`type`, `key`, `value`, createTime, modifyTime) -values ('Storage', 'LOCAL', '{"name":"local1","size":"1024","location":"/uploads","storageKey":"LOCAL"}', 1682386870, - 1682386870); - --- 2023-06-13 -ALTER TABLE common_info - ADD COLUMN likeCount INT(10) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '点赞数' AFTER actualViewCount; -ALTER TABLE common_info - ADD COLUMN isLogin TINYINT DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否需要登录 0 否 1 是' AFTER isHide; - -create table user_common_info -( - id BIGINT UNSIGNED auto_increment - primary key, - user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '用户id', - info_id BIGINT UNSIGNED not null comment '资讯id', - view_count INT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '阅读数', - is_like TINYINT UNSIGNED default 0 comment '是否点赞 0 否 1 是', - create_time DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '创建时间', - modify_time DATETIME DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '最后修改时间', - constraint userId_infoId_unique - unique (user_id, info_id) -)ENGINE = InnoDB CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_bin COMMENT '用户资讯表'; - - -ALTER TABLE user_common_info DROP INDEX userId_infoId_unique; -ALTER TABLE user_common_info ADD UNIQUE INDEX infoId_userId_unique(info_id, user_id); -ALTER TABLE user_common_info ADD COLUMN ip VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户ip' AFTER info_id; -ALTER TABLE user_common_info ADD UNIQUE INDEX infoId_ip_unique(info_id, ip); -ALTER TABLE user_common_info MODIFY user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL comment '用户id'; - --- 2023-08-09 -create index file_name_index on io_file (fileName(8)); -drop index path on io_file; - --- 2023-08-23 -create table t_tenant -( - id BIGINT auto_increment primary key, - tenant_name VARCHAR(64) not null comment '名称', - second_level_domain VARCHAR(64) not null comment '二级域名', - user_id BIGINT not null comment '超级管理员,用户id', - status TINYINT(3) default 0 not null comment '状态,0停用,1启用,2删除', - start_time DATETIME not null comment '生效时间', - expire_time DATETIME not null comment '失效时间', - size_use BIGINT default 0 not null comment '已使用大小(byte)', - group_count BIGINT default 0 not null comment '组织数', - user_count BIGINT default 0 not null comment '用户数', - remark VARCHAR(255) null comment '备注', - create_time DATETIME not null comment '创建时间', - modify_time DATETIME not null comment '最后修改' -) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_bin COMMENT '用户租户表'; \ No newline at end of file