141 lines
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141 lines
3.5 KiB
#import "SVGKLayeredImageView.h"
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import "SVGKSourceString.h"
#import "SVGKInlineResource.h"
#import "SVGKDefine_Private.h"
@interface SVGKLayeredImageView()
@property(nonatomic,strong) CAShapeLayer* internalBorderLayer;
@implementation SVGKLayeredImageView
@synthesize internalBorderLayer = _internalBorderLayer;
/** uses the custom SVGKLayer instead of a default CALayer */
return NSClassFromString(@"SVGKLayer");
- (id)init
NSAssert(false, @"init not supported, use initWithSVGKImage:");
return nil;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
if( aDecoder == nil )
self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,100,100)]; // coincides with the inline SVG in populateFromImage!
self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
if( self )
[self populateFromImage:nil];
return self;
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if( self )
[self populateFromImage:nil];
return self;
- (id)initWithSVGKImage:(SVGKImage*) im
if( im == nil )
self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,100,100)]; // coincides with the inline SVG in populateFromImage!
self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake( 0,0, im.CALayerTree.frame.size.width, im.CALayerTree.frame.size.height )]; // default: 0,0 to width x height of original image];
if (self)
[self populateFromImage:im];
return self;
- (void)populateFromImage:(SVGKImage*) im
// setup layer-hosting view
self.layer = [[SVGKLayer alloc] init];
self.wantsLayer = YES;
if( im == nil )
SVGKitLogWarn(@"[%@] WARNING: you have initialized an [%@] with a blank image (nil). Possibly because you're using Storyboards or NIBs which Apple won't allow us to decorate. Make sure you assign an SVGKImage to the .image property!", [self class], [self class]);
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.layer.backgroundColor = [NSColor clearColor].CGColor;
NSString* svgStringDefaultContents = SVGKGetDefaultContentString();
SVGKitLogInfo(@"About to make a blank image using the inlined SVG = %@", svgStringDefaultContents);
SVGKImage* defaultBlankImage = [SVGKImage imageWithSource:[SVGKSourceString sourceFromContentsOfString:svgStringDefaultContents]];
((SVGKLayer*) self.layer).SVGImage = defaultBlankImage;
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.layer.backgroundColor = [NSColor clearColor].CGColor;
((SVGKLayer*) self.layer).SVGImage = im;
/** Delegate the call to the internal layer that's coded to handle this stuff automatically */
-(SVGKImage *)image
return ((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).SVGImage;
/** Delegate the call to the internal layer that's coded to handle this stuff automatically */
-(void)setImage:(SVGKImage *)image
((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).SVGImage = image;
/** Delegate the call to the internal layer that's coded to handle this stuff automatically */
return ((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).showBorder;
/** Delegate the call to the internal layer that's coded to handle this stuff automatically */
((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).showBorder = showBorder;
return[((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).endRenderTime timeIntervalSinceDate:((SVGKLayer*)self.layer).startRenderTime];