html head title='Moe Counter!' meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1') link(rel='icon', type='image/png', href='favicon.png') link(rel='stylesheet', href='') link(rel='stylesheet', href='') link(rel='stylesheet', href='style.css') script(async, src='') script. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() {dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-2RLWN5JXRL'); function _evt_push(type, category, label) { gtag('event', type, { 'event_category' : category, 'event_label' : label }); } script. var __global_data = { site: "#{site}" }; body h1#main_title(style='margin-top: 0.5em;') i Moe Counter! h3 How to use p Set a unique id for your counter, replace code :name | in the url, That's it! h5 SVG address code #{site}/@:name h5 Img tag code <img src="#{site}/@:name" alt=":name" /> h5 Markdown code ![:name](#{site}/@:name) h5 e.g. img(src=`${site}/@index` alt="Moe Counter!") details#themes(style='margin-top: 2em;') summary#more_theme(onclick='_evt_push("click", "normal", "more_theme")') h3(style='display: inline-block; margin: 0; cursor: pointer;') More theme✨ p(style='margin: 0;') Just use the query parameters theme, like this: #{site}/@:name?theme=moebooru each theme in Object.keys(themeList) div.item(data-theme=theme) h5 #{theme} img(data-src=`${site}/@demo?theme=${theme}` alt=theme) h3 Credits ul li: a(href='', target='_blank', rel='nofollow') Glitch li: a(href='', target='_blank', title='A-SOUL_Official') A-SOUL li: a(href='', target='_blank', rel='nofollow') moebooru li a(href='javascript:alert("!!! NSFW LINK !!!\\nPlease enter the url manually")') | NSFW li: a(href='', target='_blank', rel='nofollow') Icons8 span: i And all booru site... h3 Tool .tool table thead tr th Param th Description th Value tbody tr td: code name td Unique counter name td: input#name(type='text', placeholder=':name') tr td: code theme td Select a counter image theme, default is code moebooru td select#theme option(value="random", selected) * random each theme in Object.keys(themeList) option(value=theme) #{theme} tr td: code padding td Set the minimum length, between 1-32, default is code 7 td: input#padding(type='number', value='7', min='1', max='32', step='1', oninput='this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")') tr td: code offset td Set the offset pixel value, between -500-500, default is code 0 td: input#offset(type='number', value='0', min='-500', max='500', step='1', oninput='this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9|\-]/g, "")') tr td: code scale td Set the image scale, between 0.1-2, default is code 1 td: input#scale(type='number', value='1', min='0.1', max='2', step='0.1', oninput='this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9|\.]/g, "")') tr td: code pixelated td Enable pixelated mode, Enum 0/1, default is code 1 td: input#pixelated(type='checkbox', checked, style='margin: .5rem .75rem;') tr td: code darkmode td Enable dark mode, Enum 0/1/auto, default is code auto td: select#darkmode(name="darkmode") option(value="auto", selected) auto option(value="1") yes option(value="0") no button#get(style='margin-bottom: 1em;', onclick='_evt_push("click", "normal", "get_counter")') Generate div code#code(style='visibility: hidden; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 1em;') img#result(style='display: block;') p(style='margin-top: 2em;') a(href='', target='_blank', onclick='_evt_push("click", "normal", "go_github")') source code div.back-to-top script(async, src='') script(async, src='script.js')