diff --git a/assets/script.js b/assets/script.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e939766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+(function () {
+ const btn = document.getElementById('get');
+ const img = document.getElementById('result');
+ const code = document.getElementById('code');
+ btn.addEventListener('click', throttle(() => {
+ const $name = document.getElementById('name'),
+ $theme = document.getElementById('theme'),
+ $padding = document.getElementById('padding'),
+ $offset = document.getElementById('offset'),
+ $scale = document.getElementById('scale'),
+ $pixelated = document.getElementById('pixelated'),
+ $darkmode = document.getElementById('darkmode')
+ const name = $name.value.trim();
+ if (!name) {
+ alert('Please input counter name.');
+ return;
+ }
+ party.confetti(btn, { count: party.variation.range(20, 40) });
+ const params = {
+ name,
+ theme: $theme.value || 'moebooru',
+ padding: $padding.value || '7',
+ offset: $offset.value || '0',
+ scale: $scale.value || '1',
+ pixelated: $pixelated.checked ? '1' : '0',
+ darkmode: $darkmode.value || 'auto',
+ }
+ const query = new URLSearchParams(params).toString();
+ img.src = `${__global_data.site}/@${name}?${query}`;
+ code.textContent = img.src;
+ code.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ img.onload = () => img.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' });
+ }, 500));
+ code.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
+ e.preventDefault()
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ const target = e.target;
+ if (document.body.createTextRange) {
+ const range = document.body.createTextRange();
+ range.moveToElementText(target);
+ range.select();
+ } else if (window.getSelection) {
+ const selection = window.getSelection();
+ const range = document.createRange();
+ range.selectNodeContents(target);
+ selection.removeAllRanges();
+ selection.addRange(range);
+ }
+ })
+ const mainTitle = document.querySelector('#main_title i');
+ const themes = document.querySelector('#themes');
+ const moreTheme = document.querySelector('#more_theme');
+ mainTitle.addEventListener('click', throttle(() => {
+ party.sparkles(document.documentElement, { count: party.variation.range(40, 100) });
+ }, 1000));
+ moreTheme.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ if (!themes.hasAttribute('open')) {
+ party.sparkles(moreTheme.querySelector('h3'), { count: party.variation.range(20, 40) });
+ themes.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', behavior: 'smooth' });
+ }
+ });
+ function throttle(fn, threshold = 250) {
+ let last;
+ let deferTimer;
+ return function (...args) {
+ const context = this;
+ const now = Date.now();
+ if (last && now < last + threshold) {
+ clearTimeout(deferTimer);
+ deferTimer = setTimeout(() => {
+ last = now;
+ fn.apply(context, args);
+ }, threshold);
+ } else {
+ last = now;
+ fn.apply(context, args);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+(() => {
+ let isShow = false;
+ let lock = false;
+ const btn = document.querySelector('.back-to-top');
+ const handleScroll = () => {
+ if (lock) return;
+ if (document.body.scrollTop >= 1000) {
+ if (!isShow) {
+ btn.classList.add('load');
+ isShow = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (isShow) {
+ btn.classList.remove('load');
+ isShow = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const handleClick = () => {
+ lock = true;
+ btn.classList.add('ani-leave');
+ window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' });
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ btn.classList.remove('ani-leave');
+ btn.classList.add('leaved');
+ }, 390);
+ setTimeout(() => btn.classList.add('ending'), 120);
+ setTimeout(() => btn.classList.remove('load'), 1500);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ lock = false;
+ isShow = false;
+ btn.classList.remove('leaved', 'ending');
+ }, 2000);
+ };
+ window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll);
+ btn.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
diff --git a/views/index.pug b/views/index.pug
index 9b85f3f..9deef33 100644
--- a/views/index.pug
+++ b/views/index.pug
@@ -10,18 +10,22 @@ html
script(async, src='https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-2RLWN5JXRL')
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
- function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
+ function gtag() {dataLayer.push(arguments); }
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-2RLWN5JXRL');
- function _evt_push(type, category, label){
+ function _evt_push(type, category, label) {
gtag('event', type, {
'event_category' : category,
'event_label' : label
- script(async, src='https://unpkg.com/party-js@2/bundle/party.min.js')
+ script.
+ var __global_data = {
+ site: "#{site}"
+ };
html {
@@ -47,15 +51,16 @@ html
h5 e.g.
+ img(src=`${site}/@index` alt="Moe Counter!")
details#themes(style='margin-top: 2em;')
summary#more_theme(onclick='_evt_push("click", "normal", "more_theme")')
h3(style='display: inline-block; margin: 0; cursor: pointer;') More theme✨
p(style='margin: 0;') Just use the query parameters theme
, like this: #{site}/@:name?theme=moebooru
each theme in Object.keys(themeList)
- h5 #{theme}
+ div.item(data-theme=theme)
+ h5 #{theme}
+ img(src=`${site}/@demo?theme=${theme}` alt=theme)
h3 Credits
@@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ html
option(value="random", selected) * random
each theme in Object.keys(themeList)
+ option(value=theme) #{theme}
code padding
@@ -148,149 +153,5 @@ html
- script.
- (function () {
- var btn = document.getElementById('get'),
- img = document.getElementById('result'),
- code = document.getElementById('code')
- btn.addEventListener('click', throttle(function() {
- var $name = document.getElementById('name'),
- $theme = document.getElementById('theme'),
- $padding = document.getElementById('padding'),
- $offset = document.getElementById('offset'),
- $scale = document.getElementById('scale'),
- $pixelated = document.getElementById('pixelated'),
- $darkmode = document.getElementById('darkmode')
- var name = $name.value ? $name.value.trim() : ''
- if(!name) {
- alert('Please input counter name.')
- return
- }
- party.confetti(this, { count: party.variation.range(20, 40) });
- var params = {
- name: $name.value ? $name.value.trim() : '',
- theme: $theme.value || 'moebooru',
- padding: $padding.value || '7',
- offset: $offset.value || '0',
- scale: $scale.value || '1',
- pixelated: $pixelated.checked ? '1' : '0',
- darkmode: $darkmode.value || 'auto',
- }
- var query = new URLSearchParams(params).toString()
- img.src = `#{site}/@${name}?${query}`
- code.textContent = img.src
- code.style.visibility = 'visible'
- img.onload = function() {
- img.scrollIntoView({block:'start', behavior: 'smooth'})
- }
- }, 500))
- code.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- var target = e.target
- var range, selection
- if (document.body.createTextRange) {
- range = document.body.createTextRange()
- range.moveToElementText(target)
- range.select()
- } else if (window.getSelection) {
- selection = window.getSelection()
- range = document.createRange()
- range.selectNodeContents(target)
- selection.removeAllRanges()
- selection.addRange(range)
- }
- })
- var $main_title = document.querySelector('#main_title i'),
- $themes = document.querySelector('#themes'),
- $more_theme = document.querySelector('#more_theme')
- $main_title.addEventListener('click', throttle(function() {
- party.sparkles(document.documentElement, { count: party.variation.range(40, 100) });
- }, 1000))
- $more_theme.addEventListener('click', function() {
- if (!$themes.hasAttribute('open')) {
- party.sparkles($more_theme.querySelector('h3'), { count: party.variation.range(20, 40) });
- $themes.scrollIntoView({block:'start', behavior: 'smooth'})
- }
- })
- function throttle(fn, threshhold, scope) {
- threshhold || (threshhold = 250)
- var last
- var deferTimer
- return function () {
- var context = scope || this
- var now = +new Date
- var args = arguments
- if (last && now < last + threshhold) {
- // hold on to it
- clearTimeout(deferTimer)
- deferTimer = setTimeout(function () {
- last = now
- fn.apply(context, args)
- }, threshhold)
- } else {
- last = now
- fn.apply(context, args)
- }
- }
- }
- })();
- script.
- (function () {
- var isShow = false, lock = false;
- var btn = document.querySelector('.back-to-top');
- window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
- if (lock) return;
- if (document.body.scrollTop >= 1000) {
- if (!isShow) btn.classList.add('load');
- isShow = true;
- } else {
- if (isShow) {
- btn.classList.remove('load');
- isShow = false;
- }
- }
- });
- btn.addEventListener('click', function () {
- lock = true;
- btn.classList.add('ani-leave');
- window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' });
- setTimeout(function () {
- btn.classList.remove('ani-leave');
- btn.classList.add('leaved');
- }, 390);
- setTimeout(function () {
- btn.classList.add('ending');
- }, 120);
- setTimeout(function () {
- btn.classList.remove('load');
- }, 1500);
- setTimeout(function () {
- lock = false;
- isShow = false;
- btn.classList.remove('leaved', 'ending');
- }, 2000);
- });
- })();
+ script(async, src='https://unpkg.com/party-js@2/bundle/party.min.js')
+ script(async, src='script.js')