# coding: utf-8 """ The entrance of animal """ import os import os.path as osp import tyro import subprocess from src.config.argument_config import ArgumentConfig from src.config.inference_config import InferenceConfig from src.config.crop_config import CropConfig from src.live_portrait_pipeline_animal import LivePortraitPipelineAnimal def partial_fields(target_class, kwargs): return target_class(**{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if hasattr(target_class, k)}) def fast_check_ffmpeg(): try: subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-version"], capture_output=True, check=True) return True except: return False def fast_check_args(args: ArgumentConfig): if not osp.exists(args.source): raise FileNotFoundError(f"source info not found: {args.source}") if not osp.exists(args.driving): raise FileNotFoundError(f"driving info not found: {args.driving}") def main(): # set tyro theme tyro.extras.set_accent_color("bright_cyan") args = tyro.cli(ArgumentConfig) ffmpeg_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "ffmpeg") if osp.exists(ffmpeg_dir): os.environ["PATH"] += (os.pathsep + ffmpeg_dir) if not fast_check_ffmpeg(): raise ImportError( "FFmpeg is not installed. Please install FFmpeg (including ffmpeg and ffprobe) before running this script. https://ffmpeg.org/download.html" ) fast_check_args(args) # specify configs for inference inference_cfg = partial_fields(InferenceConfig, args.__dict__) crop_cfg = partial_fields(CropConfig, args.__dict__) live_portrait_pipeline_animal = LivePortraitPipelineAnimal( inference_cfg=inference_cfg, crop_cfg=crop_cfg ) # run live_portrait_pipeline_animal.execute(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()