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Or, you can change the input by specifying the `-s` and `-d` arguments: ```bash # source input is an image python inference.py -s assets/examples/source/s9.jpg -d assets/examples/driving/d0.mp4 # source input is a video ✨ python inference.py -s assets/examples/source/s13.mp4 -d assets/examples/driving/d0.mp4 # more options to see python inference.py -h ``` #### Fast hands-on (animals) 🐱🐶 Animals mode is ONLY tested on Linux and Windows with NVIDIA GPU. You need to build an OP named `MultiScaleDeformableAttention` first, which is used by [X-Pose](https://github.com/IDEA-Research/X-Pose), a general keypoint detection framework. ```bash cd src/utils/dependencies/XPose/models/UniPose/ops python setup.py build install cd - # equal to cd ../../../../../../../ ``` Then ```bash python inference_animals.py -s assets/examples/source/s39.jpg -d assets/examples/driving/wink.pkl --driving_multiplier 1.75 --no_flag_stitching ``` If the script runs successfully, you will get an output mp4 file named `animations/s39--wink_concat.mp4`.
#### Driving video auto-cropping 📢📢📢 > [!IMPORTANT] > To use your own driving video, we **recommend**: ⬇️ > - Crop it to a **1:1** aspect ratio (e.g., 512x512 or 256x256 pixels), or enable auto-cropping by `--flag_crop_driving_video`. > - Focus on the head area, similar to the example videos. > - Minimize shoulder movement. > - Make sure the first frame of driving video is a frontal face with **neutral expression**. Below is an auto-cropping case by `--flag_crop_driving_video`: ```bash python inference.py -s assets/examples/source/s9.jpg -d assets/examples/driving/d13.mp4 --flag_crop_driving_video ``` If you find the results of auto-cropping is not well, you can modify the `--scale_crop_driving_video`, `--vy_ratio_crop_driving_video` options to adjust the scale and offset, or do it manually. #### Motion template making You can also use the auto-generated motion template files ending with `.pkl` to speed up inference, and **protect privacy**, such as: ```bash python inference.py -s assets/examples/source/s9.jpg -d assets/examples/driving/d5.pkl # portrait animation python inference.py -s assets/examples/source/s13.mp4 -d assets/examples/driving/d5.pkl # portrait video editing ``` ### 4. Gradio interface 🤗 We also provide a Gradio interface for a better experience, just run by: ```bash # For Linux and Windows users (and macOS with Intel??) python app.py # humans mode # For macOS with Apple Silicon users, Intel not supported, this maybe 20x slower than RTX 4090 PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK=1 python app.py # humans mode ``` We also provide a Gradio interface of animals mode, which is only tested on Linux with NVIDIA GPU: ```bash python app_animals.py # animals mode 🐱🐶 ``` You can specify the `--server_port`, `--share`, `--server_name` arguments to satisfy your needs! 🚀 We also provide an acceleration option `--flag_do_torch_compile`. The first-time inference triggers an optimization process (about one minute), making subsequent inferences 20-30% faster. Performance gains may vary with different CUDA versions. ```bash # enable torch.compile for faster inference python app.py --flag_do_torch_compile ``` **Note**: This method is not supported on Windows and macOS. **Or, try it out effortlessly on [HuggingFace](https://huggingface.co/spaces/KwaiVGI/LivePortrait) 🤗** ### 5. Inference speed evaluation 🚀🚀🚀 We have also provided a script to evaluate the inference speed of each module: ```bash # For NVIDIA GPU python speed.py ``` The results are [**here**](./assets/docs/speed.md). ## Community Resources 🤗 Discover the invaluable resources contributed by our community to enhance your LivePortrait experience. ### Community-developed Projects | Repo (sorted by created timestamp) | Description | Author | |------|------|--------| | [**AdvancedLivePortrait-WebUI**](https://github.com/jhj0517/AdvancedLivePortrait-WebUI) | Dedicated gradio based WebUI started from [ComfyUI-AdvancedLivePortrait](https://github.com/PowerHouseMan/ComfyUI-AdvancedLivePortrait) | [@jhj0517](https://github.com/jhj0517) | | [**FacePoke**](https://github.com/jbilcke-hf/FacePoke) | A real-time head transformation app, controlled by your mouse! | [@jbilcke-hf](https://github.com/jbilcke-hf) | | [**FaceFusion**](https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion) | FaceFusion 3.0 integregates LivePortrait as `expression_restorer` and `face_editor` processors. | [@henryruhs](https://github.com/henryruhs) | | [**sd-webui-live-portrait**](https://github.com/dimitribarbot/sd-webui-live-portrait) | WebUI extension of LivePortrait, adding atab to the original Stable Diffusion WebUI to benefit from LivePortrait features. | [@dimitribarbot](https://github.com/dimitribarbot) | | [**ComfyUI-LivePortraitKJ**](https://github.com/kijai/ComfyUI-LivePortraitKJ) | A ComfyUI node to use LivePortrait, with MediaPipe as as an alternative to Insightface. | [@kijai](https://github.com/kijai) | | [**ComfyUI-AdvancedLivePortrait**](https://github.com/PowerHouseMan/ComfyUI-AdvancedLivePortrait) | A faster ComfyUI node with real-time preview that has inspired many other community-developed tools and projects. | [@PowerHouseMan](https://github.com/PowerHouseMan) | | [**comfyui-liveportrait**](https://github.com/shadowcz007/comfyui-liveportrait) | A ComfyUI node to use LivePortrait, supporting multi-faces, expression interpolation etc, with a [tutorial](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1JW421R7sP). | [@shadowcz007](https://github.com/shadowcz007) | ### Playgrounds, 🤗 HuggingFace Spaces and Others - [FacePoke Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/jbilcke-hf/FacePoke) - [Expression Editor Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/fffiloni/expression-editor) - [Expression Editor Replicate](https://replicate.com/fofr/expression-editor) - [Face Control Realtime Demo](https://fal.ai/demos/face-control) on FAL - [Replicate Playground](https://replicate.com/fofr/live-portrait) - Nuke can use LivePortrait through CompyUI node, details [here](https://x.com/bilawalsidhu/status/1837349806475276338) - LivePortrait lives on [Poe](https://poe.com/LivePortrait) ### Video Tutorials - [Workflow of LivePortrait Video to Video](https://youtu.be/xfzK_6cTs58?si=aYjgypeJBkhc46VL) by [@curiousrefuge](https://www.youtube.com/@curiousrefuge) - [Google Colab tutorial](https://youtu.be/59Y9ePAXTp0?si=KzEWhklBlporW7D8) by [@Planet Ai](https://www.youtube.com/@planetai217) - [Paper reading](https://youtu.be/fD0P6UWSu8I?si=Vn5wxUa8qSu1jv4l) by [@TwoMinutePapers](https://www.youtube.com/@TwoMinutePapers) - [ComfyUI Advanced LivePortrait](https://youtu.be/q0Vf-ZZsbzI?si=nbs3npleH-dVCt28) by [TutoView](https://www.youtube.com/@TutoView) - [LivePortarit exploration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsvlbTEqgXQ) and [A deep dive into LivePortrait](https://youtu.be/cucaEEDYmsw?si=AtPaDWc5G-a4E8dD) by [TheoreticallyMedia](https://www.youtube.com/@TheoreticallyMedia) - [LivePortrait hands-on tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyjSTAOY7yI) by [@AI Search](https://www.youtube.com/@theAIsearch) - [ComfyUI tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-IcDDmiUMM) by [@Sebastian Kamph](https://www.youtube.com/@sebastiankamph) - A [tutorial](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cf421i7Ly) on BiliBili And so MANY amazing contributions from our community, too many to list them all 💖 ## Acknowledgements 💐 We would like to thank the contributors of [FOMM](https://github.com/AliaksandrSiarohin/first-order-model), [Open Facevid2vid](https://github.com/zhanglonghao1992/One-Shot_Free-View_Neural_Talking_Head_Synthesis), [SPADE](https://github.com/NVlabs/SPADE), [InsightFace](https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface) and [X-Pose](https://github.com/IDEA-Research/X-Pose) repositories, for their open research and contributions. ## Ethics Considerations 🛡️ Portrait animation technologies come with social risks, particularly the potential for misuse in creating deepfakes. To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial to follow ethical guidelines and adopt responsible usage practices. At present, the synthesized results contain visual artifacts that may help in detecting deepfakes. Please note that we do not assume any legal responsibility for the use of the results generated by this project. ## Citation 💖 If you find LivePortrait useful for your research, welcome to 🌟 this repo and cite our work using the following BibTeX: ```bibtex @article{guo2024liveportrait, title = {LivePortrait: Efficient Portrait Animation with Stitching and Retargeting Control}, author = {Guo, Jianzhu and Zhang, Dingyun and Liu, Xiaoqiang and Zhong, Zhizhou and Zhang, Yuan and Wan, Pengfei and Zhang, Di}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.03168}, year = {2024} } ``` ## Contact 📧 [**Jianzhu Guo (郭建珠)**](https://guojianzhu.com); **guojianzhu1994@gmail.com**