2024-07-03 20:32:47 +00:00
# coding: utf-8
Pipeline of LivePortrait
2024-07-10 15:39:49 +00:00
import torch
torch . backends . cudnn . benchmark = True # disable CUDNN_BACKEND_EXECUTION_PLAN_DESCRIPTOR warning
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2024-07-10 15:39:49 +00:00
import cv2 ; cv2 . setNumThreads ( 0 ) ; cv2 . ocl . setUseOpenCL ( False )
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import numpy as np
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import os
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import os . path as osp
from rich . progress import track
from . config . argument_config import ArgumentConfig
from . config . inference_config import InferenceConfig
from . config . crop_config import CropConfig
from . utils . cropper import Cropper
from . utils . camera import get_rotation_matrix
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from . utils . video import images2video , concat_frames , get_fps , add_audio_to_video , has_audio_stream
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from . utils . crop import _transform_img , prepare_paste_back , paste_back
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from . utils . io import load_image_rgb , load_driving_info , resize_to_limit , dump , load
from . utils . helper import mkdir , basename , dct2device , is_video , is_template , remove_suffix
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from . utils . rprint import rlog as log
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# from .utils.viz import viz_lmk
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from . live_portrait_wrapper import LivePortraitWrapper
def make_abs_path ( fn ) :
return osp . join ( osp . dirname ( osp . realpath ( __file__ ) ) , fn )
class LivePortraitPipeline ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , inference_cfg : InferenceConfig , crop_cfg : CropConfig ) :
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self . live_portrait_wrapper : LivePortraitWrapper = LivePortraitWrapper ( inference_cfg = inference_cfg )
self . cropper : Cropper = Cropper ( crop_cfg = crop_cfg )
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def execute ( self , args : ArgumentConfig ) :
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# for convenience
inf_cfg = self . live_portrait_wrapper . inference_cfg
device = self . live_portrait_wrapper . device
crop_cfg = self . cropper . crop_cfg
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######## process source portrait ########
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img_rgb = load_image_rgb ( args . source_image )
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img_rgb = resize_to_limit ( img_rgb , inf_cfg . source_max_dim , inf_cfg . source_division )
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log ( f " Load source image from { args . source_image } " )
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crop_info = self . cropper . crop_source_image ( img_rgb , crop_cfg )
if crop_info is None :
raise Exception ( " No face detected in the source image! " )
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source_lmk = crop_info [ ' lmk_crop ' ]
img_crop , img_crop_256x256 = crop_info [ ' img_crop ' ] , crop_info [ ' img_crop_256x256 ' ]
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if inf_cfg . flag_do_crop :
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I_s = self . live_portrait_wrapper . prepare_source ( img_crop_256x256 )
else :
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img_crop_256x256 = cv2 . resize ( img_rgb , ( 256 , 256 ) ) # force to resize to 256x256
I_s = self . live_portrait_wrapper . prepare_source ( img_crop_256x256 )
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x_s_info = self . live_portrait_wrapper . get_kp_info ( I_s )
x_c_s = x_s_info [ ' kp ' ]
R_s = get_rotation_matrix ( x_s_info [ ' pitch ' ] , x_s_info [ ' yaw ' ] , x_s_info [ ' roll ' ] )
f_s = self . live_portrait_wrapper . extract_feature_3d ( I_s )
x_s = self . live_portrait_wrapper . transform_keypoint ( x_s_info )
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flag_lip_zero = inf_cfg . flag_lip_zero # not overwrite
if flag_lip_zero :
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# let lip-open scalar to be 0 at first
c_d_lip_before_animation = [ 0. ]
combined_lip_ratio_tensor_before_animation = self . live_portrait_wrapper . calc_combined_lip_ratio ( c_d_lip_before_animation , source_lmk )
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if combined_lip_ratio_tensor_before_animation [ 0 ] [ 0 ] < inf_cfg . lip_zero_threshold :
flag_lip_zero = False
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else :
lip_delta_before_animation = self . live_portrait_wrapper . retarget_lip ( x_s , combined_lip_ratio_tensor_before_animation )
######## process driving info ########
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flag_load_from_template = is_template ( args . driving_info )
driving_rgb_crop_256x256_lst = None
wfp_template = None
if flag_load_from_template :
# NOTE: load from template, it is fast, but the cropping video is None
log ( f " Load from template: { args . driving_info } , NOT the video, so the cropping video and audio are both NULL. " , style = ' bold green ' )
template_dct = load ( args . driving_info )
n_frames = template_dct [ ' n_frames ' ]
# set output_fps
output_fps = template_dct . get ( ' output_fps ' , inf_cfg . output_fps )
log ( f ' The FPS of template: { output_fps } ' )
if args . flag_crop_driving_video :
log ( " Warning: flag_crop_driving_video is True, but the driving info is a template, so it is ignored. " )
elif osp . exists ( args . driving_info ) and is_video ( args . driving_info ) :
# load from video file, AND make motion template
log ( f " Load video: { args . driving_info } " )
if osp . isdir ( args . driving_info ) :
output_fps = inf_cfg . output_fps
else :
output_fps = int ( get_fps ( args . driving_info ) )
log ( f ' The FPS of { args . driving_info } is: { output_fps } ' )
log ( f " Load video file (mp4 mov avi etc...): { args . driving_info } " )
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driving_rgb_lst = load_driving_info ( args . driving_info )
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######## make motion template ########
log ( " Start making motion template... " )
if inf_cfg . flag_crop_driving_video :
ret = self . cropper . crop_driving_video ( driving_rgb_lst )
log ( f ' Driving video is cropped, { len ( ret [ " frame_crop_lst " ] ) } frames are processed. ' )
driving_rgb_crop_lst , driving_lmk_crop_lst = ret [ ' frame_crop_lst ' ] , ret [ ' lmk_crop_lst ' ]
driving_rgb_crop_256x256_lst = [ cv2 . resize ( _ , ( 256 , 256 ) ) for _ in driving_rgb_crop_lst ]
else :
driving_lmk_crop_lst = self . cropper . calc_lmks_from_cropped_video ( driving_rgb_lst )
driving_rgb_crop_256x256_lst = [ cv2 . resize ( _ , ( 256 , 256 ) ) for _ in driving_rgb_lst ] # force to resize to 256x256
c_d_eyes_lst , c_d_lip_lst = self . live_portrait_wrapper . calc_driving_ratio ( driving_lmk_crop_lst )
# save the motion template
I_d_lst = self . live_portrait_wrapper . prepare_driving_videos ( driving_rgb_crop_256x256_lst )
template_dct = self . make_motion_template ( I_d_lst , c_d_eyes_lst , c_d_lip_lst , output_fps = output_fps )
wfp_template = remove_suffix ( args . driving_info ) + ' .pkl '
dump ( wfp_template , template_dct )
log ( f " Dump motion template to { wfp_template } " )
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n_frames = I_d_lst . shape [ 0 ]
else :
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raise Exception ( f " { args . driving_info } not exists or unsupported driving info types! " )
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######## prepare for pasteback ########
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I_p_pstbk_lst = None
if inf_cfg . flag_pasteback and inf_cfg . flag_do_crop and inf_cfg . flag_stitching :
mask_ori_float = prepare_paste_back ( inf_cfg . mask_crop , crop_info [ ' M_c2o ' ] , dsize = ( img_rgb . shape [ 1 ] , img_rgb . shape [ 0 ] ) )
I_p_pstbk_lst = [ ]
log ( " Prepared pasteback mask done. " )
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I_p_lst = [ ]
R_d_0 , x_d_0_info = None , None
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for i in track ( range ( n_frames ) , description = ' 🚀Animating... ' , total = n_frames ) :
x_d_i_info = template_dct [ ' motion ' ] [ i ]
x_d_i_info = dct2device ( x_d_i_info , device )
R_d_i = x_d_i_info [ ' R_d ' ]
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if i == 0 :
R_d_0 = R_d_i
x_d_0_info = x_d_i_info
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if inf_cfg . flag_relative_motion :
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R_new = ( R_d_i @ R_d_0 . permute ( 0 , 2 , 1 ) ) @ R_s
delta_new = x_s_info [ ' exp ' ] + ( x_d_i_info [ ' exp ' ] - x_d_0_info [ ' exp ' ] )
scale_new = x_s_info [ ' scale ' ] * ( x_d_i_info [ ' scale ' ] / x_d_0_info [ ' scale ' ] )
t_new = x_s_info [ ' t ' ] + ( x_d_i_info [ ' t ' ] - x_d_0_info [ ' t ' ] )
else :
R_new = R_d_i
delta_new = x_d_i_info [ ' exp ' ]
scale_new = x_s_info [ ' scale ' ]
t_new = x_d_i_info [ ' t ' ]
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t_new [ . . . , 2 ] . fill_ ( 0 ) # zero tz
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x_d_i_new = scale_new * ( x_c_s @ R_new + delta_new ) + t_new
# Algorithm 1:
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if not inf_cfg . flag_stitching and not inf_cfg . flag_eye_retargeting and not inf_cfg . flag_lip_retargeting :
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# without stitching or retargeting
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if flag_lip_zero :
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x_d_i_new + = lip_delta_before_animation . reshape ( - 1 , x_s . shape [ 1 ] , 3 )
else :
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elif inf_cfg . flag_stitching and not inf_cfg . flag_eye_retargeting and not inf_cfg . flag_lip_retargeting :
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# with stitching and without retargeting
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if flag_lip_zero :
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x_d_i_new = self . live_portrait_wrapper . stitching ( x_s , x_d_i_new ) + lip_delta_before_animation . reshape ( - 1 , x_s . shape [ 1 ] , 3 )
else :
x_d_i_new = self . live_portrait_wrapper . stitching ( x_s , x_d_i_new )
else :
eyes_delta , lip_delta = None , None
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if inf_cfg . flag_eye_retargeting :
c_d_eyes_i = c_d_eyes_lst [ i ]
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combined_eye_ratio_tensor = self . live_portrait_wrapper . calc_combined_eye_ratio ( c_d_eyes_i , source_lmk )
# ∆_eyes,i = R_eyes(x_s; c_s,eyes, c_d,eyes,i)
eyes_delta = self . live_portrait_wrapper . retarget_eye ( x_s , combined_eye_ratio_tensor )
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if inf_cfg . flag_lip_retargeting :
c_d_lip_i = c_d_lip_lst [ i ]
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combined_lip_ratio_tensor = self . live_portrait_wrapper . calc_combined_lip_ratio ( c_d_lip_i , source_lmk )
# ∆_lip,i = R_lip(x_s; c_s,lip, c_d,lip,i)
lip_delta = self . live_portrait_wrapper . retarget_lip ( x_s , combined_lip_ratio_tensor )
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if inf_cfg . flag_relative_motion : # use x_s
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x_d_i_new = x_s + \
( eyes_delta . reshape ( - 1 , x_s . shape [ 1 ] , 3 ) if eyes_delta is not None else 0 ) + \
( lip_delta . reshape ( - 1 , x_s . shape [ 1 ] , 3 ) if lip_delta is not None else 0 )
else : # use x_d,i
x_d_i_new = x_d_i_new + \
( eyes_delta . reshape ( - 1 , x_s . shape [ 1 ] , 3 ) if eyes_delta is not None else 0 ) + \
( lip_delta . reshape ( - 1 , x_s . shape [ 1 ] , 3 ) if lip_delta is not None else 0 )
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if inf_cfg . flag_stitching :
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x_d_i_new = self . live_portrait_wrapper . stitching ( x_s , x_d_i_new )
out = self . live_portrait_wrapper . warp_decode ( f_s , x_s , x_d_i_new )
I_p_i = self . live_portrait_wrapper . parse_output ( out [ ' out ' ] ) [ 0 ]
I_p_lst . append ( I_p_i )
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if inf_cfg . flag_pasteback and inf_cfg . flag_do_crop and inf_cfg . flag_stitching :
# TODO: pasteback is slow, considering optimize it using multi-threading or GPU
I_p_pstbk = paste_back ( I_p_i , crop_info [ ' M_c2o ' ] , img_rgb , mask_ori_float )
I_p_pstbk_lst . append ( I_p_pstbk )
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mkdir ( args . output_dir )
wfp_concat = None
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flag_has_audio = ( not flag_load_from_template ) and has_audio_stream ( args . driving_info )
######### build final concact result #########
# driving frame | source image | generation, or source image | generation
frames_concatenated = concat_frames ( driving_rgb_crop_256x256_lst , img_crop_256x256 , I_p_lst )
wfp_concat = osp . join ( args . output_dir , f ' { basename ( args . source_image ) } -- { basename ( args . driving_info ) } _concat.mp4 ' )
images2video ( frames_concatenated , wfp = wfp_concat , fps = output_fps )
if flag_has_audio :
# final result with concact
wfp_concat_with_audio = osp . join ( args . output_dir , f ' { basename ( args . source_image ) } -- { basename ( args . driving_info ) } _concat_with_audio.mp4 ' )
add_audio_to_video ( wfp_concat , args . driving_info , wfp_concat_with_audio )
os . replace ( wfp_concat_with_audio , wfp_concat )
log ( f " Replace { wfp_concat } with { wfp_concat_with_audio } " )
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# save drived result
wfp = osp . join ( args . output_dir , f ' { basename ( args . source_image ) } -- { basename ( args . driving_info ) } .mp4 ' )
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if I_p_pstbk_lst is not None and len ( I_p_pstbk_lst ) > 0 :
images2video ( I_p_pstbk_lst , wfp = wfp , fps = output_fps )
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else :
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images2video ( I_p_lst , wfp = wfp , fps = output_fps )
######### build final result #########
if flag_has_audio :
wfp_with_audio = osp . join ( args . output_dir , f ' { basename ( args . source_image ) } -- { basename ( args . driving_info ) } _with_audio.mp4 ' )
add_audio_to_video ( wfp , args . driving_info , wfp_with_audio )
os . replace ( wfp_with_audio , wfp )
log ( f " Replace { wfp } with { wfp_with_audio } " )
# final log
if wfp_template not in ( None , ' ' ) :
log ( f ' Animated template: { wfp_template } , you can specify `-d` argument with this template path next time to avoid cropping video, motion making and protecting privacy. ' , style = ' bold green ' )
log ( f ' Animated video: { wfp } ' )
log ( f ' Animated video with concact: { wfp_concat } ' )
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return wfp , wfp_concat
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def make_motion_template ( self , I_d_lst , c_d_eyes_lst , c_d_lip_lst , * * kwargs ) :
n_frames = I_d_lst . shape [ 0 ]
template_dct = {
' n_frames ' : n_frames ,
' output_fps ' : kwargs . get ( ' output_fps ' , 25 ) ,
' motion ' : [ ] ,
' c_d_eyes_lst ' : [ ] ,
' c_d_lip_lst ' : [ ] ,
for i in track ( range ( n_frames ) , description = ' Making motion templates... ' , total = n_frames ) :
# collect s_d, R_d, δ_d and t_d for inference
I_d_i = I_d_lst [ i ]
x_d_i_info = self . live_portrait_wrapper . get_kp_info ( I_d_i )
R_d_i = get_rotation_matrix ( x_d_i_info [ ' pitch ' ] , x_d_i_info [ ' yaw ' ] , x_d_i_info [ ' roll ' ] )
item_dct = {
' scale ' : x_d_i_info [ ' scale ' ] . cpu ( ) . numpy ( ) . astype ( np . float32 ) ,
' R_d ' : R_d_i . cpu ( ) . numpy ( ) . astype ( np . float32 ) ,
' exp ' : x_d_i_info [ ' exp ' ] . cpu ( ) . numpy ( ) . astype ( np . float32 ) ,
' t ' : x_d_i_info [ ' t ' ] . cpu ( ) . numpy ( ) . astype ( np . float32 ) ,
template_dct [ ' motion ' ] . append ( item_dct )
c_d_eyes = c_d_eyes_lst [ i ] . astype ( np . float32 )
template_dct [ ' c_d_eyes_lst ' ] . append ( c_d_eyes )
c_d_lip = c_d_lip_lst [ i ] . astype ( np . float32 )
template_dct [ ' c_d_lip_lst ' ] . append ( c_d_lip )
return template_dct