2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
import flet as ft
import requests
import base64
import re
import time
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
from datetime import datetime
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
import json
import threading
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
from collections import Counter
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
import os
import pandas as pd
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
import pandas . io . clipboard as cb
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
import platform
from pathlib import Path
2024-09-30 11:25:12 +00:00
import traceback
2024-09-30 07:20:36 +00:00
2024-09-29 05:55:30 +00:00
# 程序版本
version = " 1.0.2 "
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
# 初始化所有消息列表
all_messages = [ ]
# 初始化说说列表
user_says = [ ]
# 初始化好友列表
friends = [ ]
# 初始化转发列表
forward = [ ]
# 初始化留言列表
leaves = [ ]
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
# 初始换其他列表
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
other = [ ]
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
# 初始化交互排行榜
interact_counter = [ ]
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
# 初始化当前登录用户
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
now_login_user = None
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
# 初始化交互排行榜
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
most_interactive_user = None
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
# 初始化保存路径
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
save_path = None
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
# 日志组件引用
log_info_ref = ft . Ref [ ft . Text ] ( )
# 全局page
global_page = ft . Page
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
# 全局header
headers = {
' authority ' : ' user.qzone.qq.com ' ,
' accept ' : ' text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8, '
' application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7 ' ,
' accept-language ' : ' zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6 ' ,
' cache-control ' : ' no-cache ' ,
' pragma ' : ' no-cache ' ,
' sec-ch-ua ' : ' " Not A(Brand " ;v= " 99 " , " Microsoft Edge " ;v= " 121 " , " Chromium " ;v= " 121 " ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-mobile ' : ' ?0 ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-platform ' : ' " Windows " ' ,
' sec-fetch-dest ' : ' document ' ,
' sec-fetch-mode ' : ' navigate ' ,
' sec-fetch-site ' : ' none ' ,
' sec-fetch-user ' : ' ?1 ' ,
' upgrade-insecure-requests ' : ' 1 ' ,
' user-agent ' : ' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ '
' Safari/537.36 Edg/ ' ,
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
def bkn ( pSkey ) :
# 计算bkn
t , n , o = 5381 , 0 , len ( pSkey )
while n < o :
t + = ( t << 5 ) + ord ( pSkey [ n ] )
n + = 1
return t & 2147483647
def ptqrToken ( qrsig ) :
# 计算ptqrtoken
n , i , e = len ( qrsig ) , 0 , 0
while n > i :
e + = ( e << 5 ) + ord ( qrsig [ i ] )
i + = 1
return 2147483647 & e
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
def extract_string_between ( source_string , start_string , end_string ) :
start_index = source_string . find ( start_string ) + len ( start_string )
end_index = source_string . find ( end_string )
extracted_string = source_string [ start_index : - 37 ]
return extracted_string
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
def replace_multiple_spaces ( string ) :
pattern = r ' \ s+ '
replaced_string = re . sub ( pattern , ' ' , string )
return replaced_string
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
def process_old_html ( message ) :
def replace_hex ( match ) :
hex_value = match . group ( 0 )
byte_value = bytes ( hex_value , ' utf-8 ' ) . decode ( ' unicode_escape ' )
return byte_value
new_text = re . sub ( r ' \\ x[0-9a-fA-F] {2} ' , replace_hex , message )
start_string = " html: ' "
end_string = " ' ,opuin "
new_text = extract_string_between ( new_text , start_string , end_string )
new_text = replace_multiple_spaces ( new_text ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' ' )
return new_text
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
def parse_time_strings ( time_str ) :
today = datetime . today ( ) . date ( ) # 获取今天的日期
2024-09-30 11:25:12 +00:00
try :
if len ( time_str ) == 5 : # 格式为 HH:MM
return datetime . combine ( today , datetime . strptime ( time_str , " % H: % M " ) . time ( ) )
elif " 年 " in time_str : # 包含“年”的格式
return datetime . strptime ( time_str , " % Y年 % m月 %d 日 % H: % M " )
elif " 月 " in time_str : # 包含“月”的格式
return datetime . strptime ( time_str , " % m月 %d 日 % H: % M " ) . replace ( year = today . year )
else :
return datetime . now ( ) # 不符合任何格式时返回最早的时间
except ValueError :
return datetime . now ( ) # 如果解析失败,返回最早的时间
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
def get_big_img_dlg ( img_url ) :
return ft . AlertDialog (
modal = False ,
title = ft . Text ( " 查看大图 " ) ,
content = ft . Column (
controls = [
ft . Image ( src = img_url , height = 500 , fit = ft . ImageFit . FIT_HEIGHT ) ,
) ,
def log ( message , type = " info " ) :
now = time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " )
log_info_ref . current . value = f " [ { now } ] - { message } "
2024-10-11 12:04:50 +00:00
# 写入日志到文件
2024-10-13 07:31:38 +00:00
with open ( f " log.txt " , " a " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
2024-10-11 12:04:50 +00:00
f . write ( f " [ { now } ] - { message } \n " )
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
if type == " success " :
log_info_ref . current . color = " green "
elif type == " error " :
log_info_ref . current . color = " red "
else :
log_info_ref . current . color = " blue "
global_page . update ( )
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
def clean_content ( ) :
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
global all_messages , user_says , forward , leaves , other , friends , now_login_user , most_interactive_user
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
try :
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
# 统计互动次数最多的用户
user_counter = Counter ( ( message . user . username , message . user . uin ) for message in all_messages if message . user )
most_interactive_user = user_counter . most_common ( 10 )
# 好友去重,使用字典确保唯一性
friends = list ( { friend . uin : friend for friend in friends if friend } . values ( ) )
# 消息去重,使用消息内容作为键
all_messages = list ( { message . content : message for message in all_messages if message . content } . values ( ) )
# 按时间排序,确保消息有时间字段
2024-09-30 11:25:12 +00:00
all_messages . sort ( key = lambda x : x . time if x . time else datetime . min , reverse = True )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
# 清理并分类消息
for message in all_messages :
if not message or not message . content :
continue # 忽略无效消息
content = message . content
# 处理留言
if ' 留言 ' in content :
content = content . replace ( now_login_user . username , ' ' )
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
leaves . append ( message )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
# 处理转发
elif ' 转发 ' in content :
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
forward . append ( message )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
# 处理当前用户发送的消息
elif now_login_user . username in content :
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
message . user = now_login_user
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
content = content . replace ( now_login_user . username + ' : ' , ' ' )
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
user_says . append ( message )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
# 处理其他类型的消息
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
else :
other . append ( message )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
content = content . replace ( now_login_user . username + ' : ' , ' ' )
# 移除当前登录用户的名字
message . content = content . replace ( now_login_user . username , ' ' )
except Exception as e :
2024-09-30 11:25:12 +00:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
log ( f " 清理内容时发生错误: { e } " , " error " )
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
def save_image ( url , file_name ) :
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
global save_path
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
valid_file_name = re . sub ( r ' [<>: " / \\ |?*] ' , ' _ ' , file_name )
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
try :
response = requests . get ( url )
if response . status_code == 200 :
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
with open ( f ' { save_path } / { valid_file_name } .jpg ' , ' wb ' ) as f :
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
f . write ( response . content )
2024-09-26 13:52:40 +00:00
log ( f " 图片保存成功: { save_path } / { valid_file_name } .jpg " )
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
except Exception as e :
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
log ( e , " error " )
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
class PaginatedContainer ( ft . Column ) :
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
def __init__ ( self , data , items_per_page = 5 , title = " Title " ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . data = data
self . items_per_page = items_per_page
self . title = title
self . current_page = 1
self . total_pages = ( len ( data ) - 1 ) / / items_per_page + 1
# 页面内容显示区域
self . content_area = ft . Column ( spacing = 10 , expand = True )
# 页码显示区域
self . page_info = ft . Text ( )
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
# 输入框用于输入目标页码
self . page_input = ft . TextField ( label = " 跳转到页数 " , width = 120 )
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
# 上一页按钮
self . prev_button = ft . ElevatedButton ( " < " , on_click = self . previous_page )
# 下一页按钮
self . next_button = ft . ElevatedButton ( " > " , on_click = self . next_page )
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
# 跳转按钮
self . jump_button = ft . ElevatedButton ( " 跳转 " , on_click = self . jump_to_page )
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
def build ( self ) :
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
# 导出组件
export_control = ft . PopupMenuButton (
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
icon = ft . icons . SEND_AND_ARCHIVE ,
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
items = [
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 导出为JSON " , on_click = self . export_json ) ,
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 导出为Excel " , on_click = self . export_excel ) ,
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 导出为Markdown " , on_click = self . export_markdown ) ,
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
] ,
tooltip = " 导出为 " ,
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
2024-09-26 16:01:05 +00:00
if self . data and isinstance ( self . data [ 0 ] , Message ) :
2024-09-26 13:52:40 +00:00
export_control . items . append (
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 导出为HTML " , on_click = self . export_html )
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
return ft . Column (
ft . Row (
controls = [
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
ft . Text ( self . title , size = 20 , weight = " bold " ) ,
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
ft . Row (
controls = [
ft . Text ( " 导出为 " ) ,
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
] ,
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . SPACE_BETWEEN
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
) ,
# 主要内容区域
ft . Container (
content = self . content_area ,
expand = True ,
padding = ft . padding . all ( 10 ) ,
alignment = ft . alignment . center ,
) ,
# 底部分页栏
ft . Container (
content = ft . Row (
self . prev_button ,
self . page_info ,
self . next_button ,
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
self . page_input ,
self . jump_button ,
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
] ,
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
spacing = 10 ,
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
) ,
alignment = ft . alignment . center ,
) ,
] ,
expand = True ,
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
# 新增的跳转到指定页数的逻辑
def jump_to_page ( self , e ) :
try :
target_page = int ( self . page_input . value )
if 1 < = target_page < = self . total_pages :
self . current_page = target_page
self . update_page_info ( )
else :
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
log ( " 请输入有效的页码。 " , " error " )
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
except ValueError :
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
log ( " 请输入有效的页码。 " , " error " )
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
def export_json ( self , e ) :
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
json_data = [ ]
for item in self . data :
if isinstance ( item , User ) :
json_data . append ( {
" username " : item . username ,
" uin " : item . uin ,
" link " : item . link ,
" avatar_url " : item . avatar_url
} )
elif isinstance ( item , Message ) :
json_data . append ( {
" username " : item . user . username ,
" time " : str ( item . time ) ,
" content " : item . content ,
" images " : item . images ,
" comment " : item . comment . content if item . comment else None ,
" avatar_url " : item . user . avatar_url
} )
# 将数据转换为 JSON 字符串
json_string = json . dumps ( json_data , ensure_ascii = False , indent = 4 )
# 写入到文件
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
try :
with open ( f " { save_path } / { now_login_user . uin } _ { self . title } _data.json " , " w " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( json_string )
2024-09-28 16:52:51 +00:00
log ( f " 导出成功 请查看 { save_path } / { now_login_user . uin } _ { self . title } _data.json " , " success " )
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
except Exception as e :
log ( e , " error " )
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
def export_excel ( self , e ) :
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
export_data = [ ]
for item in self . data :
if isinstance ( item , User ) :
export_data . append ( {
' Type ' : ' User ' ,
' Username ' : item . username ,
' QQ ' : item . uin ,
' Avatar URL ' : item . avatar_url
} )
elif isinstance ( item , Message ) :
export_data . append ( {
' Type ' : ' Message ' ,
' Username ' : item . user . username ,
' Avatar URL ' : item . user . avatar_url ,
' Time ' : str ( item . time ) ,
' Content ' : item . content ,
' Images ' : item . images if item . images else ' ' ,
' Comment ' : item . comment . content if item . comment else ' ' ,
} )
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
try :
# 将数据转换为 DataFrame
df = pd . DataFrame ( export_data )
# 保存为 Excel 文件
df . to_excel ( f " { save_path } / { now_login_user . uin } _ { self . title } _data.xlsx " , index = False )
2024-09-28 16:52:51 +00:00
log ( f " 导出成功 请查看 { save_path } / { now_login_user . uin } _ { self . title } _data.xlsx " , " success " )
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
except Exception as e :
log ( e , " error " )
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
2024-09-26 13:52:40 +00:00
def export_html ( self , e ) :
# HTML 头部和样式
html_start = '''
< ! DOCTYPE html >
< html lang = " en " >
< head >
< meta charset = " UTF-8 " >
< meta name = " viewport " content = " width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 " >
< title > Exported Data < / title >
< style >
body {
font - family : ' Arial ' , sans - serif ;
background - color : #f4f4f4;
display : flex ;
justify - content : center ;
align - items : flex - start ;
height : 100 vh ;
margin : 0 ;
padding : 20 px ;
. card - container {
display : flex ;
flex - direction : column ;
gap : 20 px ;
width : 50 % ;
. card {
background - color : #fff;
border - radius : 10 px ;
box - shadow : 0 4 px 10 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ) ;
overflow : hidden ;
. card - header {
display : flex ;
align - items : center ;
padding : 15 px ;
. avatar {
width : 50 px ;
height : 50 px ;
border - radius : 50 % ;
margin - right : 15 px ;
. user - info {
display : flex ;
flex - direction : column ;
. nickname {
font - weight : bold ;
color : #333;
. time {
font - size : 12 px ;
color : #777;
. card - content {
padding : 0 15 px 15 px ;
. text {
color : #555;
margin - bottom : 15 px ;
. card - image {
width : 100 % ;
height : auto ;
. card - footer {
border - top : 1 px solid #eee;
padding : 15 px ;
display : flex ;
justify - content : space - between ;
align - items : center ;
. comments {
color : #777;
font - size : 14 px ;
. comments : hover {
text - decoration : underline ;
cursor : pointer ;
. card : hover {
transform : translateY ( - 5 px ) ;
transition : transform 0.2 s ease ;
< / style >
< / head >
< body >
< div class = " card-container " >
# HTML 中间部分,动态生成每个数据项的卡片
html_middle = ' '
for item in self . data :
# 处理每个数据项的内容,包括用户头像、用户名、发布时间、内容等
html_middle + = f '''
< div class = " card " >
< div class = " card-header " >
< img src = " { item.user.avatar_url or ' https://via.placeholder.com/50 ' } " alt = " avatar " class = " avatar " >
< div class = " user-info " >
< span class = " nickname " > { item . user . username } < / span >
< span class = " time " > { item . time } < / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = " card-content " >
< p class = " text " > { item . content } < / p >
{ f ' <img src= " { item . images } " alt= " post-image " class= " card-image " > ' if item . images and ' http ' in item . images else ' ' }
< / div >
< div class = " card-footer " >
{ f ' <span class= " comments " > { item . comment . content } </span> ' if item . comment else ' ' }
< / div >
< / div >
# HTML 尾部
html_end = '''
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >
# 生成最终的 HTML 文件
html_content = html_start + html_middle + html_end
# 保存 HTML 文件
file_name = f " { now_login_user . uin } _ { self . title } _data.html "
file_path = f " { save_path } / { file_name } "
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
try :
with open ( file_path , ' w ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as f :
f . write ( html_content )
# 日志记录
2024-09-28 16:52:51 +00:00
log ( f " 导出成功 请查看 { save_path } / { file_name } " , " success " )
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
except Exception as e :
log ( f " 导出失败 { e } " , " error " )
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
2024-09-26 13:52:40 +00:00
2024-09-25 09:33:00 +00:00
def export_markdown ( self , e ) :
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
# 创建 Markdown 内容的列表
markdown_lines = [ ]
# 添加标题
markdown_lines . append ( f " # { self . title } \n " )
# 填充数据
for item in self . data :
if isinstance ( item , User ) :
markdown_lines . append ( f " ## 用户: { item . username } \n " )
markdown_lines . append ( f " **QQ**: { item . uin } \n " )
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
markdown_lines . append ( f " **头像 URL**: ![ { item . uin } ]( { item . avatar_url } ) \n " )
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
markdown_lines . append ( " \n " )
elif isinstance ( item , Message ) :
# 处理时间格式
time_str = item . time . strftime ( ' % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S ' ) if isinstance ( item . time , datetime ) else item . time
markdown_lines . append ( f " ## 消息来自: { item . user . username } \n " )
markdown_lines . append ( f " **时间**: { time_str } \n " )
markdown_lines . append ( f " **内容**: { item . content } \n " )
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
if item . images :
markdown_lines . append ( f " **图片**: ![]( { item . images } ) \n " )
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
if item . comment :
markdown_lines . append ( f " **评论**: { item . comment . content } \n " )
markdown_lines . append ( f " **头像 URL**: ![ { item . user . uin } ]( { item . user . avatar_url } ) \n " )
markdown_lines . append ( " \n " ) # 添加空行以分隔消息
# 生成 Markdown 内容
markdown_content = " \n " . join ( markdown_lines )
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
try :
with open ( f " { save_path } / { now_login_user . uin } _ { self . title } _data.md " , ' w ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as f :
f . write ( markdown_content )
2024-09-28 16:52:51 +00:00
log ( f " 导出成功 请查看 { save_path } / { now_login_user . uin } _ { self . title } _data.md " , " success " )
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
except Exception as e :
2024-10-09 11:26:42 +00:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
log ( e , " error " )
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
def did_mount ( self ) :
""" This method is called when the control is added to the page. """
self . update_page_info ( )
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
def update_page_info ( self ) :
# 更新当前页的内容
self . load_page_data ( )
# 更新页码信息
self . page_info . value = f " Page { self . current_page } of { self . total_pages } "
# 更新按钮状态
self . prev_button . disabled = self . current_page == 1
self . next_button . disabled = self . current_page == self . total_pages
self . update ( )
def load_page_data ( self ) :
# 获取当前页的数据
start = ( self . current_page - 1 ) * self . items_per_page
end = start + self . items_per_page
current_data = self . data [ start : end ]
# 清空当前内容并重新加载卡片
self . content_area . controls . clear ( )
# 定义一个容器来存放所有的卡片,使用 Column 容器来纵向排列三行
rows = ft . Column ( spacing = 10 , expand = True )
# 每一行是一个 Row, 包含两个 Card
current_row = ft . Row ( spacing = 10 , expand = True )
row_count = 0
for index , item in enumerate ( current_data ) :
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
if isinstance ( item , User ) :
# 创建 User Card
card = ft . Card (
content = ft . Row (
controls = [
ft . Image ( src = item . avatar_url , fit = ft . ImageFit . COVER , border_radius = 100 ) ,
ft . Column (
controls = [
ft . Text ( item . username , size = 18 , weight = " bold " ) ,
ft . Text ( f ' QQ: { item . uin } ' , size = 14 ) ,
ft . Text ( item . link , size = 12 , color = ft . colors . BLUE_500 ) ,
] ,
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
spacing = 4 ,
] ,
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
spacing = 10 ,
expand = True
) ,
expand = True ,
elif isinstance ( item , Message ) :
# 创建 Message Card
controls = [
ft . Image ( src = item . user . avatar_url , fit = ft . ImageFit . COVER , border_radius = 100 ) ,
ft . Column (
controls = [
ft . Text ( item . user . username , size = 18 , weight = " bold " ) ,
ft . Text ( f ' { item . time } ' , size = 14 ) ,
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
ft . Text ( item . content , size = 16 , width = 300 ) ,
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
] ,
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
spacing = 4 ,
# 如果存在图片,添加到 controls 中
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
if item . images and ' http ' in item . images :
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
image_control = ft . PopupMenuButton (
content = ft . Image ( src = item . images , fit = ft . ImageFit . FIT_WIDTH , height = 300 , width = 300 , border_radius = 10 ) ,
items = [
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 复制图片链接 " , on_click = lambda e , current_item = item : cb . copy ( current_item . images ) ) ,
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 保存图片 " , on_click = lambda e , current_item = item : save_image ( current_item . images , str ( current_item . time ) ) ) ,
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 查看大图 " , on_click = lambda e , current_item = item : self . page . open ( get_big_img_dlg ( current_item . images ) ) ) ,
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
] ,
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
tooltip = " 显示操作 " ,
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
controls [ 1 ] . controls . append ( image_control )
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
# 如果存在评论,添加到 controls 中
if item . comment :
controls [ 1 ] . controls . append ( ft . Text ( f ' { item . comment . content } ' , size = 12 , color = ft . colors . BLUE_700 , width = 300 ) )
card = ft . Card (
content = ft . Row (
controls = controls ,
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
spacing = 10 ,
) ,
expand = True ,
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
# 将 Card 添加到当前行
current_row . controls . append ( card )
# 检查当前行是否已达到两列
if len ( current_row . controls ) == 2 :
# 将当前行添加到容器中
rows . controls . append ( current_row )
# 创建新的一行
current_row = ft . Row ( spacing = 10 , expand = True )
row_count + = 1
# 如果达到了三行,就结束布局(可选,控制最多显示三行)
if row_count == 3 :
# 检查最后一行是否有剩余卡片且未添加
if current_row . controls :
rows . controls . append ( current_row )
2024-09-23 11:14:30 +00:00
# 如果传入的数据为空
if not current_data :
rows . controls . append ( ft . Text ( " 没有更多数据了 " ) )
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
# 最终将所有卡片的布局添加到 content_area
self . content_area . controls . append ( rows )
def next_page ( self , e ) :
if self . current_page < self . total_pages :
self . current_page + = 1
self . update_page_info ( )
def previous_page ( self , e ) :
if self . current_page > 1 :
self . current_page - = 1
self . update_page_info ( )
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
class User :
def __init__ ( self , uin , username ) :
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
self . uin = str ( uin ) # 将 uin 转换为字符串
self . avatar_url = f ' http://q1.qlogo.cn/g?b=qq&nk= { self . uin } &s=100 ' # 使用 self.uin
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
self . username = username
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
self . link = f ' https://user.qzone.qq.com/ { self . uin } / ' # 使用 self.uin
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
class Comment :
def __init__ ( self , user , time , content ) :
self . user = user
self . time = time
self . content = content
class Message :
def __init__ ( self , user , type , time , content , images = None , comment = None ) :
self . user = user
self . type = type
self . time = time
self . content = content
self . images = images
self . comment = comment
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
2024-09-23 11:14:30 +00:00
def reset_save_content ( ) :
global all_messages , user_says , forward , leaves , other , friends
all_messages = [ ]
user_says = [ ]
forward = [ ]
leaves = [ ]
other = [ ]
friends = [ ]
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
def main ( page : ft . Page ) :
page . window . center ( )
2024-09-29 05:55:30 +00:00
page . title = f " QQ空间历史内容获取 v { version } Powered by LibraHp "
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
page . horizontal_alignment = " start "
page . vertical_alignment = " center "
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
# page.window.resizable = False
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
page . padding = ft . padding . only ( 20 , 20 , 20 , 5 )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
page . window . min_height = 700
page . window . min_width = 1200
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
# page.bgcolor = "#f0f0f0"
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
# page.window.icon = "https://picsum.photos/200"
# 字体使用系统默认字体
page . theme = ft . Theme ( font_family = " Microsoft YaHei " )
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
global global_page
global_page = page
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
def logout ( ) :
page . session . clear ( )
2024-10-11 12:04:50 +00:00
user_info . content . controls [ 0 ] . src = " https://raw.gitmirror.com/LibraHp/GetQzonehistory/refs/heads/gui/assets/logo.jpg "
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
user_info . content . controls [ 1 ] . value = " LibraHp "
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
global now_login_user
now_login_user = None
2024-09-23 11:14:30 +00:00
reset_save_content ( )
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
content_area . content = create_get_content_page ( )
for tab in tabs . controls :
if tab . data != " GetContent " and tab . data != " Logout " and tab . data != " Github " :
tab . disabled = True
page . update ( )
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
def handle_close ( e ) :
page . close ( dlg_modal )
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
if e . control . text == " Yes " :
logout ( )
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
dlg_modal = ft . AlertDialog (
modal = True ,
title = ft . Text ( " TIPS " ) ,
content = ft . Text ( " 确定要退出登录吗? " ) ,
actions = [
ft . TextButton ( " Yes " , on_click = handle_close ) ,
ft . TextButton ( " No " , on_click = handle_close ) ,
] ,
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
actions_alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . END
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
def QR ( ) :
# 获取 qq空间 二维码
url = ' https://ssl.ptlogin2.qq.com/ptqrshow?appid=549000912&e=2&l=M&s=3&d=72&v=4&t=0.8692955245720428&daid=5&pt_3rd_aid=0 '
try :
response = requests . get ( url )
response . raise_for_status ( ) # 确保请求成功
# 获取二维码图片的二进制内容
image_data = response . content
# 将二进制内容转换为 Base64 编码
base64_image = base64 . b64encode ( image_data ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
# 获取 qrsig (可选)
qrsig = requests . utils . dict_from_cookiejar ( response . cookies ) . get ( ' qrsig ' )
page . session . set ( " qrsig " , qrsig )
return base64_image
except Exception as e :
2024-10-09 11:26:42 +00:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
log ( " 二维码获取问题: " + e , " error " )
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
return None
def get_login_user_info ( ) :
cookies = page . session . get ( " user_cookies " )
g_tk = bkn ( cookies [ ' p_skey ' ] )
uin = re . sub ( r ' o0* ' , ' ' , cookies . get ( ' uin ' ) )
response = requests . get ( ' https://r.qzone.qq.com/fcg-bin/cgi_get_portrait.fcg?g_tk= ' + str ( g_tk ) + ' &uins= ' + uin ,
headers = headers , cookies = cookies )
info = response . content . decode ( ' GBK ' )
info = info . strip ( ) . lstrip ( ' portraitCallBack( ' ) . rstrip ( ' ); ' )
info = json . loads ( info )
user_info . content . controls [ 0 ] . src = f ' http://q1.qlogo.cn/g?b=qq&nk= { uin } &s=100 '
user_info . content . controls [ 1 ] . value = info [ uin ] [ 6 ]
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
global now_login_user
now_login_user = User ( uin , info [ uin ] [ 6 ] )
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
page . update ( )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
# 路由改变函数
def change_route ( e ) :
selected_tab = e . control . data
if selected_tab == " GetContent " :
content_area . content = create_get_content_page ( )
elif selected_tab == " User " :
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
content_area . content = PaginatedContainer ( user_says , items_per_page = 2 , title = " 说说列表 " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
elif selected_tab == " Leave " :
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
content_area . content = PaginatedContainer ( leaves , items_per_page = 1 , title = " 留言列表 " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
elif selected_tab == " Friends " :
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
content_area . content = PaginatedContainer ( friends , items_per_page = 4 , title = " 好友列表 " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
elif selected_tab == " Forward " :
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
content_area . content = PaginatedContainer ( forward , items_per_page = 2 , title = " 转发列表 " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
elif selected_tab == " Other " :
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
content_area . content = PaginatedContainer ( other , items_per_page = 2 , title = " 其他列表 " )
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
elif selected_tab == " Pictures " :
content_area . content = create_pictures_page ( )
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
elif selected_tab == " Logout " :
page . open ( dlg_modal )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
page . update ( )
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
def create_pictures_page ( ) :
pictures_page = ft . GridView (
expand = 1 ,
runs_count = 5 ,
max_extent = 300 ,
child_aspect_ratio = 1.0 ,
spacing = 5 ,
run_spacing = 5 ,
for item in all_messages :
# 如果存在图片,添加到 controls 中
if item . images and ' http ' in item . images :
image_control = ft . PopupMenuButton (
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
content = ft . Image ( src = item . images , fit = ft . ImageFit . FIT_WIDTH , height = 300 , width = 300 , border_radius = 10 ) ,
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
items = [
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 复制图片链接 " , on_click = lambda e , current_item = item : cb . copy ( current_item . images ) ) ,
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 保存图片 " , on_click = lambda e , current_item = item : save_image ( current_item . images , str ( current_item . time ) ) ) ,
ft . PopupMenuItem ( text = " 查看大图 " , on_click = lambda e , current_item = item : page . open ( get_big_img_dlg ( current_item . images ) ) ) ,
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
] ,
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
tooltip = " 显示操作 " ,
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
pictures_page . controls . append ( image_control )
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
page . update ( )
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
if len ( pictures_page . controls ) == 0 :
pictures_page . controls . append ( ft . Text ( " 暂无图片 " ) )
return pictures_page
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
def unlock_tabs ( ) :
for tab in tabs . controls :
tab . disabled = False
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
def show_login_content ( ) :
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
progress_bar = None
login_text = None
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
for content in content_area . content . controls :
if content . data == ' not_login ' :
content . visible = False
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
elif content . data == ' login_progress ' :
content . visible = True
progress_bar = content
elif content . data == ' login_text ' :
login_text = content
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
content . visible = True
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
elif content . data == ' login_pic ' :
content . visible = True
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
return progress_bar , login_text
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
def create_user_dir ( ) :
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
global save_path
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
try :
# 获取当前系统
system = platform . system ( )
if system == " Darwin " : # 如果是 macOS 系统
# 将文件保存到用户的 ~/Documents/app_data 目录
2024-09-29 05:49:05 +00:00
base_path = os . path . join ( str ( Path . home ( ) ) , " Documents " , " QzoneExport " )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
elif system == " Windows " : # 如果是 Windows 系统
# 将文件保存到程序的当前运行目录
base_path = os . getcwd ( )
else : # 其他系统
# 将文件保存到程序的当前运行目录
base_path = os . getcwd ( )
2024-09-28 16:52:51 +00:00
# 如果 base_path 不存在,则创建它 (确保 app_data 文件夹存在)
if not os . path . exists ( base_path ) :
os . makedirs ( base_path , exist_ok = True )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
# 构建用户特定的目录路径
user_path = os . path . join ( base_path , now_login_user . uin )
# 检查是否有写权限
if not os . access ( base_path , os . W_OK ) :
raise PermissionError ( f " 无法写入路径: { base_path } 。请检查权限或以管理员身份运行。 " )
# 创建用户目录
if not os . path . exists ( user_path ) :
2024-09-28 16:52:51 +00:00
os . makedirs ( user_path , exist_ok = True )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
save_path = user_path # 更新全局保存路径
log ( f " 用户目录创建成功: { save_path } " , " success " )
except PermissionError as e :
log ( f " 文件权限不足: { e } . 请尝试选择不同的目录或以管理员身份运行。 " , " error " )
except Exception as e :
2024-10-09 11:26:42 +00:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
log ( f " 创建用户目录时发生错误: { e } " , " error " )
2024-09-28 16:52:51 +00:00
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
# 获取内容页面
def create_get_content_page ( ) :
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
if page . session . contains_key ( " user_cookies " ) :
return get_message_result ( )
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
base64_image = QR ( )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
# 更新二维码状态的函数(模拟,需实际实现逻辑)
def update_qr_code_status ( e ) :
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
ptqrtoken = ptqrToken ( page . session . get ( " qrsig " ) )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
url = ' https://ssl.ptlogin2.qq.com/ptqrlogin?u1=https % 3A %2F %2F qzs.qq.com %2F qzone %2F v5 %2F loginsucc.html %3F para ' \
' % 3Dizone&ptqrtoken= ' + str ( ptqrtoken ) + ' &ptredirect=0&h=1&t=1&g=1&from_ui=1&ptlang=2052&action=0-0- ' \
+ str ( time . time ( ) ) + ' &js_ver=20032614&js_type=1&login_sig=&pt_uistyle=40&aid=549000912&daid=5& '
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
cookies = { ' qrsig ' : page . session . get ( " qrsig " ) }
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
try :
r = requests . get ( url , cookies = cookies )
2024-10-09 11:26:42 +00:00
r . encoding = ' utf-8 '
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
if ' 二维码未失效 ' in r . text :
qr_status . value = " 二维码状态:未失效 "
elif ' 二维码认证中 ' in r . text :
qr_status . value = " 二维码状态:认证中 "
elif ' 二维码已失效 ' in r . text :
qr_status . value = " 二维码状态:已失效 "
elif ' 本次登录已被拒绝 ' in r . text :
qr_status . value = " 二维码状态:已拒绝 "
elif ' 登录成功 ' in r . text :
qr_status . value = " 二维码状态:已登录 "
cookies = requests . utils . dict_from_cookiejar ( r . cookies )
uin = requests . utils . dict_from_cookiejar ( r . cookies ) . get ( ' uin ' )
regex = re . compile ( r ' ptsigx=(.*?)& ' )
sigx = re . findall ( regex , r . text ) [ 0 ]
url = ' https://ptlogin2.qzone.qq.com/check_sig?pttype=1&uin= ' + uin + ' &service=ptqrlogin&nodirect=0 ' \
' &ptsigx= ' + sigx + \
' &s_url=https % 3A %2F %2F qzs.qq.com %2F qzone %2F v5 %2F loginsucc.html %3F para % 3Dizone&f_url=&ptlang ' \
' =2052&ptredirect=100&aid=549000912&daid=5&j_later=0&low_login_hour=0®master=0&pt_login_type ' \
' =3&pt_aid=0&pt_aaid=16&pt_light=0&pt_3rd_aid=0 '
try :
r = requests . get ( url , cookies = cookies , allow_redirects = False )
target_cookies = requests . utils . dict_from_cookiejar ( r . cookies )
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
page . session . set ( " user_cookies " , target_cookies )
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
log ( f " 登录成功,欢迎您, { page . session . get ( ' user_cookies ' ) [ ' uin ' ] } " , " success " )
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
get_login_user_info ( )
2024-09-25 14:41:49 +00:00
create_user_dir ( )
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
progress_bar , login_text = show_login_content ( )
create_card_list_view ( progress_bar , login_text )
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
# p_skey = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(r.cookies).get('p_skey')
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
except Exception as e :
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
log ( " 登录过程问题: " + e , " error " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
except Exception as e :
2024-10-09 11:26:42 +00:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
log ( " 二维码状态问题: " + e , " error " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
page . update ( )
# 获取新的二维码的函数(模拟,需实际实现逻辑)
def refresh_qr_code ( e ) :
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
base64_image = QR ( )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
# 刷新已渲染的图片
qr_image . src_base64 = base64_image
qr_status . value = " 二维码状态:等待扫描 " # 重置状态为等待扫描
page . update ( )
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
qr_image = ft . Image ( src_base64 = base64_image , width = 200 , height = 200 , fit = ft . ImageFit . CONTAIN , data = ' not_login ' )
qr_status = ft . Text ( " 二维码状态:等待扫描 " , size = 16 , color = " green " , data = ' not_login ' )
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
def task ( ) :
while True :
# 使用 in 分别检查多个条件
if any ( status in qr_status . value for status in [ ' 已登录 ' , ' 已拒绝 ' , ' 已失效 ' ] ) :
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
log ( qr_status . value )
2024-09-19 15:31:30 +00:00
update_qr_code_status ( None )
time . sleep ( 2 )
thread = threading . Thread ( target = task )
thread . start ( )
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
# 返回一个包含二维码和状态更新的布局
return ft . Column (
controls = [
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
ft . Text ( " 请使用手机QQ扫码登录 " , size = 24 , weight = " bold " , data = ' not_login ' ) ,
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
qr_image , # 展示二维码
qr_status , # 展示二维码状态
ft . Row (
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 刷新二维码 " , on_click = refresh_qr_code ) ,
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 更新状态 " , on_click = update_qr_code_status ) ,
] ,
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
data = ' not_login '
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
) ,
2024-10-11 12:04:50 +00:00
ft . Image ( src = " https://raw.gitmirror.com/LibraHp/GetQzonehistory/refs/heads/gui/assets/loading.gif " , expand = True , data = ' login_pic ' , visible = False ) ,
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
ft . Text ( " 获取空间消息中... " , size = 24 , weight = " bold " , data = ' login_text ' , visible = False ) ,
2024-09-22 07:30:42 +00:00
ft . ProgressBar ( data = ' login_progress ' , visible = False , bar_height = 10 , border_radius = 10 ) ,
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
] ,
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
horizontal_alignment = " center " ,
expand = True ,
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
def get_message ( start , count ) :
cookies = page . session . get ( " user_cookies " )
g_tk = bkn ( cookies [ ' p_skey ' ] )
uin = re . sub ( r ' o0* ' , ' ' , cookies . get ( ' uin ' ) )
params = {
' uin ' : uin ,
' begin_time ' : ' 0 ' ,
' end_time ' : ' 0 ' ,
' getappnotification ' : ' 1 ' ,
' getnotifi ' : ' 1 ' ,
' has_get_key ' : ' 0 ' ,
' offset ' : start ,
' set ' : ' 0 ' ,
' count ' : count ,
' useutf8 ' : ' 1 ' ,
' outputhtmlfeed ' : ' 1 ' ,
' scope ' : ' 1 ' ,
' format ' : ' jsonp ' ,
' g_tk ' : [
g_tk ,
g_tk ,
] ,
try :
response = requests . get (
' https://user.qzone.qq.com/proxy/domain/ic2.qzone.qq.com/cgi-bin/feeds/feeds2_html_pav_all ' ,
params = params ,
cookies = cookies ,
headers = headers ,
timeout = ( 5 , 10 ) # 设置连接超时为5秒, 读取超时为10秒
except requests . Timeout :
return None
return response
def get_message_count ( ) :
2024-09-28 03:22:09 +00:00
try :
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
if page . client_storage . contains_key ( f " { now_login_user . uin } _message_count " ) :
return page . client_storage . get ( f " { now_login_user . uin } _message_count " )
2024-09-28 03:22:09 +00:00
# 初始的总量范围
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 10000000 # 假设最大总量为1000000
total = upper_bound / / 2 # 初始的总量为上下界的中间值
while lower_bound < = upper_bound :
response = get_message ( total , 100 )
if " li " in response . text :
# 请求成功,总量应该在当前总量的右侧
lower_bound = total + 1
else :
# 请求失败,总量应该在当前总量的左侧
upper_bound = total - 1
total = ( lower_bound + upper_bound ) / / 2 # 更新总量为新的中间值
log ( f " 获取消息列表数量中... 当前 - Total: { total } " )
return total
except Exception as e :
2024-10-09 11:26:42 +00:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2024-09-28 03:22:09 +00:00
log ( e , " error " )
return 0
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
def get_hitokoto ( ) :
url = " https://v1.hitokoto.cn/ "
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
response = requests . get ( url , headers = headers )
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
if response . status_code == 200 :
data = response . json ( )
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
return data [ ' hitokoto ' ] , data [ ' from ' ]
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
else :
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
return ' 匿名 ' , ' 匿名 '
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
def create_card_list_view ( progress_bar , login_text ) :
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
try :
# 创建一个空的卡片列表,用于存放所有卡片
login_text . value = " 获取空间消息数量中... "
page . update ( )
count = get_message_count ( )
page . client_storage . set ( f " { now_login_user . uin } _message_count " , count )
login_text . value = " 获取空间消息列表中... "
page . update ( )
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
for i in range ( int ( count / 100 ) + 1 ) :
try :
# 获取消息并解码
message_content = get_message ( i * 100 , 100 ) . content
message = message_content . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) if message_content else None
# 确保消息内容存在
if not message :
# 处理消息
html = process_old_html ( message )
# 确保 HTML 中包含有效信息
if " li " not in html :
soup = BeautifulSoup ( html , ' html.parser ' )
# 遍历所有的列表项
for element in soup . find_all ( ' li ' , class_ = ' f-single f-s-s ' ) :
# 初始化
res_message = Message ( user = None , type = None , time = None , content = None , images = None , comment = None )
comment = Comment ( user = None , time = None , content = None )
# 处理好友信息
friend_element = element . find ( ' a ' , class_ = ' f-name q_namecard ' )
if friend_element :
friend_name = friend_element . get_text ( )
2024-09-29 05:49:05 +00:00
friend_qq = friend_element . get ( ' link ' , ' ' ) [ 9 : ] if friend_element . get ( ' link ' , ' ' ) else ' 123456 ' # 使用默认空值
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
friend = User ( uin = friend_qq , username = friend_name )
comment . user = friend
res_message . user = friend
friends . append ( friend )
# 处理时间、文本、图片等信息
time_element = element . find ( ' div ' , class_ = ' info-detail ' )
text_element = element . find ( ' p ' , class_ = ' txt-box-title ellipsis-one ' )
img_element = element . find ( ' a ' , class_ = ' img-item ' )
message_type_element = element . find ( ' span ' , class_ = ' ui-mr10 state ' )
comment_element = element . find ( ' div ' , class_ = ' comments-content font-b ' )
# 消息类型
if message_type_element :
res_message . type = message_type_element . get_text ( )
# 评论
if comment_element :
comment_time_element = comment_element . find ( ' span ' , class_ = ' ui-mr10 state ' )
comment . time = parse_time_strings ( comment_time_element . get_text ( ) ) if comment_time_element else None
comment . content = comment_element . get_text ( )
res_message . comment = comment
# 发送时间和内容
if time_element and text_element :
put_time = time_element . get_text ( ) . replace ( ' \xa0 ' , ' ' )
res_message . time = parse_time_strings ( put_time )
res_message . content = text_element . get_text ( ) . replace ( ' \xa0 ' , ' ' )
# 图片处理
if img_element :
img_src = img_element . find ( ' img ' ) . get ( ' src ' )
if img_src :
img_src = img_src . replace ( " /m&ek=1&kp=1 " , " /s&ek=1&kp=1 " ) . replace ( r " !/m/ " , " !/s/ " )
res_message . images = img_src
# 添加消息到列表
all_messages . append ( res_message )
# 更新进度条
progress_value = i / int ( count / 100 )
progress_bar . value = progress_value
page . window . progress_bar = progress_value
2024-10-11 12:04:50 +00:00
log ( f ' 当前进度: { round ( progress_value , 3 ) * 100 } % 第 { i } 页/共 { round ( count / 100 ) } 页 ' )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
page . update ( )
except Exception as e :
2024-10-09 11:26:42 +00:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
log ( f " 处理消息时发生错误: { e } " , " error " )
2024-09-23 02:59:01 +00:00
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
# 完成消息获取
content_area . content . clean ( )
log ( " 获取成功! " , " success " )
clean_content ( )
unlock_tabs ( )
content_area . content . controls . append ( get_message_result ( ) )
page . update ( )
except Exception as e :
2024-10-09 11:26:42 +00:00
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
log ( f " 获取消息时发生错误: { e } " , " error " )
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
def get_message_result ( ) :
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
# 用户信息栏
user_info = ft . Card (
content = ft . Container (
content = ft . Row ( [
ft . CircleAvatar (
foreground_image_src = now_login_user . avatar_url ,
content = ft . Text ( f " { now_login_user . username } " ) ,
radius = 40
) , # 圆形头像
ft . Column (
ft . Text ( " 你好! " , size = 16 ) ,
ft . Text ( f " { now_login_user . username } " , size = 20 , weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD ) ,
] ,
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
) ,
] ) ,
padding = 20
) ,
height = 300 ,
col = 4
# 交互信息栏
interaction_info = ft . Card (
content = ft . Container (
content = ft . Column (
ft . Text ( " 自空间交互以来: " , size = 24 , weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD ) ,
2024-09-25 11:53:20 +00:00
ft . Text ( f " 你发布了 " , size = 20 , spans = [ ft . TextSpan ( f " { user_says . __len__ ( ) } " , ft . TextStyle ( weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD , color = ft . colors . BLUE_300 ) ) , ft . TextSpan ( " 条说说 " , ft . TextStyle ( size = 20 ) ) ] ) ,
ft . Text ( f " 有 " , size = 20 , spans = [ ft . TextSpan ( f " { leaves . __len__ ( ) } " , ft . TextStyle ( weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD , color = ft . colors . BLUE_300 ) ) , ft . TextSpan ( " 条留言 " , ft . TextStyle ( size = 20 ) ) ] ) ,
ft . Text ( f " 有 " , size = 20 , spans = [ ft . TextSpan ( f " { friends . __len__ ( ) } " , ft . TextStyle ( weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD , color = ft . colors . BLUE_300 ) ) , ft . TextSpan ( " 个人与你空间有过交互 " , ft . TextStyle ( size = 20 ) ) ] ) ,
2024-09-29 05:49:05 +00:00
ft . Text ( f " 最早的说说发布在 " , size = 20 , spans = [ ft . TextSpan ( f " { user_says [ user_says . __len__ ( ) - 1 ] . time if user_says . __len__ ( ) > 0 else ' 无 ' } " , ft . TextStyle ( weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD , color = ft . colors . BLUE_300 ) ) , ft . TextSpan ( " ,那个时候的你有这么多烦恼嘛 " , ft . TextStyle ( size = 20 ) ) ] ) ,
2024-09-30 07:20:36 +00:00
ft . Text ( f " 和你交互最多的人是 " , size = 20 , spans = [ ft . TextSpan ( f " @ { most_interactive_user [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] if most_interactive_user . __len__ ( ) > 0 else ' 无 ' } " , ft . TextStyle ( weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD , color = ft . colors . BLUE_300 ) ) , ft . TextSpan ( " 现在的她/他怎么样了呢 " , ft . TextStyle ( size = 20 ) ) ] ) ,
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
] ,
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
spacing = 10 ,
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
) ,
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
padding = 20 ,
) ,
height = 300 ,
col = 8
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
hitokoto , source = get_hitokoto ( )
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
# 发布的第一条说说
first_post = ft . Container (
content = ft . Column (
ft . Text ( " 你发布的第一条说说是: " , size = 16 , weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD ) ,
ft . Container (
content = ft . ResponsiveRow (
controls = [
2024-09-30 07:20:36 +00:00
ft . Text ( f " { user_says [ user_says . __len__ ( ) - 1 ] . time if user_says . __len__ ( ) > 0 else ' 无 ' } " , size = 14 ) ,
ft . Text ( f " { user_says [ user_says . __len__ ( ) - 1 ] . content if user_says . __len__ ( ) > 0 else ' 无 ' } " , size = 20 )
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
) ,
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
padding = 10 ,
border_radius = ft . border_radius . all ( 5 ) ,
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
# bgcolor=ft.colors.GREY_100,
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
expand = True ,
) ,
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
ft . Text ( f " 一言: { hitokoto } \n 出自: { source } " , size = 14 )
] ,
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
) ,
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
col = 8 ,
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
expand = True ,
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
# 好友交互排行榜
friend_action_info = ft . Card (
content = ft . Container (
content = ft . Column (
controls = [
ft . Text ( " 好友交互排行榜 " , size = 18 , weight = ft . FontWeight . BOLD ) ,
] ,
scroll = ft . ScrollMode . AUTO ,
) ,
padding = 10 ,
alignment = ft . alignment . center
) ,
col = 4 ,
expand = True
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
for index , item in enumerate ( most_interactive_user ) :
friend_action_info . content . content . controls . append (
ft . Row (
controls = [
ft . Text ( f " { index + 1 } . " , size = 14 ) ,
ft . Image ( src = f ' http://q1.qlogo.cn/g?b=qq&nk= { item [ 0 ] [ 1 ] } &s=100 ' , width = 40 , height = 40 , border_radius = 100 ) ,
ft . Text ( f " @ { item [ 0 ] [ 0 ] } 交互 { item [ 1 ] } 次 " , size = 14 )
page . update ( )
2024-09-24 07:31:39 +00:00
# 布局排列
return ft . Column (
ft . ResponsiveRow (
controls = [
user_info ,
interaction_info ,
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
) ,
2024-09-24 15:55:46 +00:00
ft . ResponsiveRow (
controls = [
first_post ,
] ,
expand = True
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
] ,
spacing = 20 ,
expand = True ,
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
# 用户信息
user_info = ft . Container (
content = ft . Column (
controls = [
2024-10-11 12:04:50 +00:00
ft . Image ( src = " https://raw.gitmirror.com/LibraHp/GetQzonehistory/refs/heads/gui/assets/logo.jpg " , width = 80 , height = 80 , border_radius = 100 ) , # Replace with actual avatar URL
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
ft . Text ( " LibraHp " , size = 20 , weight = " bold " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
] ,
2024-09-26 03:36:41 +00:00
alignment = ft . MainAxisAlignment . CENTER ,
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
horizontal_alignment = " center "
) ,
width = 200 ,
padding = 20
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
# 左侧标签页
tabs = ft . Column (
controls = [
2024-09-28 16:22:42 +00:00
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 获取内容 " , on_click = change_route , data = " GetContent " , width = page . width ) ,
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 说说列表 " , on_click = change_route , data = " User " , width = page . width , disabled = True ) ,
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 留言列表 " , on_click = change_route , data = " Leave " , width = page . width , disabled = True ) ,
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 好友列表 " , on_click = change_route , data = " Friends " , width = page . width , disabled = True ) ,
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 转发列表 " , on_click = change_route , data = " Forward " , width = page . width , disabled = True ) ,
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 其他列表 " , on_click = change_route , data = " Other " , width = page . width , disabled = True ) ,
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 照片墙 " , on_click = change_route , data = " Pictures " , width = page . width , disabled = True ) ,
ft . ElevatedButton ( " 退出当前账号登录 " , on_click = change_route , data = " Logout " , width = page . width ) ,
ft . TextButton ( " Powered by LibraHp " , url = " https://github.com/LibraHp " , data = " Github " , width = page . width )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
] ,
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
alignment = " center " ,
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
spacing = 10
# 左侧标签容器
left_panel = ft . Container (
content = ft . Column (
controls = [ user_info , tabs ] ,
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
spacing = 20 ,
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
horizontal_alignment = " center " ,
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
scroll = ft . ScrollMode . HIDDEN ,
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
) ,
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
alignment = ft . alignment . center ,
col = 2 ,
# bgcolor="#ffffff",
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
border_radius = 10 ,
padding = 10
try :
2024-10-11 12:04:50 +00:00
home_content_md = requests . get ( " https://raw.gitmirror.com/LibraHp/GetQzonehistory/gui/README.md " ) . text
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
except :
home_content_md = " 获取失败 "
# 路由容器
content_area = ft . Container (
content = ft . Column (
controls = [
ft . Markdown (
value = home_content_md ,
selectable = True ,
extension_set = ft . MarkdownExtensionSet . GITHUB_WEB ,
on_tap_link = lambda e : page . launch_url ( e . data )
) ,
] ,
expand = True ,
2024-09-20 16:25:18 +00:00
scroll = ft . ScrollMode . HIDDEN
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
) ,
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
# bgcolor="#ffffff",
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
expand = True ,
padding = 20 ,
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
border_radius = 10 ,
col = 10
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
# 主布局
2024-09-28 03:09:08 +00:00
main_layout = ft . ResponsiveRow (
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
controls = [ left_panel , content_area ] ,
expand = True ,
alignment = " start "
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
2024-09-26 12:56:12 +00:00
log_list = ft . Text ( ref = log_info_ref , size = 12 , color = " blue " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
page . add ( main_layout )
2024-09-21 16:38:56 +00:00
page . add ( log_list )
2024-09-22 07:54:37 +00:00
log ( " 开始运行... " , " success " )
2024-09-19 09:36:17 +00:00
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
ft . app ( target = main )